I've left my brother's PS4 as my account's primary console, since usually I've got a stable enough internet connection that I can play my games when I'd like. However, I'm guessing there's no way to access my library on my own console if I stay on 9.00, even if the games are currently installed? I can't activate this PS4 as primary without accessing PSN, which in turn requires me to update to 9.03. There's no way that I can see to spoof 9.03 and connect to PSN, and most of what I can see from searching around basically says I'll need to install fpkg versions of the locked games, without any simple way to give myself a fake license instead. Just wondering if there's been any sort of progress/breakthrough on that in the last couple years, or if I'm going to have to put up with a bunch of locked games on my console until I decide to update.