I just finished installing a rp2040 based chip in my switch, but I am having some issues. After installing the chip, i got the normal "no sd" message with no error codes or other issue. After I loaded my sd card, the switch booted to hekate with no issues and I started to configure my switch. After partitioning my sd card, I started creating an EMUMMC, and after selecting my partition, I got an error message saying that the EMMC initialization failed. I tried to boot to the OFW, but I immediately go a purple screen. I restarted my switch and hekate loaded back up, but the same error was occuring. I powered off the switch and left it for a little because I wanted to think about what could be causing it and had other stuff to do, and when I came back I tried to boot it back up. When I attempted to boot it, it immediately threw a purple screen and a =* code (dat0 not connected). I thought this was strange because the switch had booted fine before, and the switch was already reassembled, so I couldn't have accidentally disconnected something. I powered off the switch and tried to boot it again, but the same issue occurred and the same code was thrown. I tried this several more times, and it booted into hekate on the third or fourth time, but it still had the same initialization issue. I ended calling it quits for the night and powered off the switch, hoping that maybe letting it sit would magically solve the issues, but (obviously) that didn't work and the switch is still throwing a purple screen when trying to boot.
I looked at some other threads to see if anyone had the same or similar issue, but I found nothing that was helpful to my case. Also, before I booted the switch up with the mod chip installed, I decided to boot it with all of the ribbon cables and dat0 adapter installed just to make sure I hadn't messed anything up or blown any capacitors or resistors during the install process, and it booted to the OFW with no issues.
I am going to open the switch back up today when I get home and recheck my solder points and also make sure that nothing has been shorted. In the meantime, I figured that I would make a post here and see what input I could get. Any and all help/input is appreciated.
I looked at some other threads to see if anyone had the same or similar issue, but I found nothing that was helpful to my case. Also, before I booted the switch up with the mod chip installed, I decided to boot it with all of the ribbon cables and dat0 adapter installed just to make sure I hadn't messed anything up or blown any capacitors or resistors during the install process, and it booted to the OFW with no issues.
I am going to open the switch back up today when I get home and recheck my solder points and also make sure that nothing has been shorted. In the meantime, I figured that I would make a post here and see what input I could get. Any and all help/input is appreciated.