Hi there,
A couple months back I installed Homebrew and the DLC WADs for Rock Band 2 which worked perfectly to download store content. I managed to download about 30 songs without any problem, they automatically transfer to the SD card each time and played perfectly.
Yesterday I tried to download more songs from the music store but when I select a song then "Download Again" and "Yes" a message pops up saying:
-There is not enough available space in the Wii system memory to download this content. Either move data to an SD card or delete data in the data management screen-
When I checked in the data management screen it shows I still have 1701 blocks free (Wii system) and 14502 free (SD Card), I dont have any additional channels other then Home Brew and very few game saves.
I tried re-installing the WAD's and deleting my game save data, went back to music store and was able to download 3 songs before getting the same message again.
Has anyone run into this problem and know of any sollution? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Version: 4.2U, using Rock Band 2 Original Disc, 2GB SD Card.
A couple months back I installed Homebrew and the DLC WADs for Rock Band 2 which worked perfectly to download store content. I managed to download about 30 songs without any problem, they automatically transfer to the SD card each time and played perfectly.
Yesterday I tried to download more songs from the music store but when I select a song then "Download Again" and "Yes" a message pops up saying:
-There is not enough available space in the Wii system memory to download this content. Either move data to an SD card or delete data in the data management screen-
When I checked in the data management screen it shows I still have 1701 blocks free (Wii system) and 14502 free (SD Card), I dont have any additional channels other then Home Brew and very few game saves.
I tried re-installing the WAD's and deleting my game save data, went back to music store and was able to download 3 songs before getting the same message again.
Has anyone run into this problem and know of any sollution? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Version: 4.2U, using Rock Band 2 Original Disc, 2GB SD Card.