I had Rock Band 2 and like many others filled 2 sd cards 2gb size because of non SDHC compatability
anyway I got Rock Band 3 - and purchased a 16gb card
I put Rock Band 3 in my machine - put in the 16gb card - went to the store and saw that songs I had purchased from RB2 were available for RB3 - so I started re-downloading
then I read that Rock Band 3 automatically picks up the songs from RB2 SD cards
great - but I already started downloading some
no problem I thought - I will just transfer the files from my other 2 sd cards onto my 16gb card save me having to download them all again! - so I thought
but the save files have the same names eg RCP etc - so how do I do it?
I got 2 sd cards with songs on I dont want to spend hours downloading songs again in RB3
anyone got an answer?
anyway I got Rock Band 3 - and purchased a 16gb card
I put Rock Band 3 in my machine - put in the 16gb card - went to the store and saw that songs I had purchased from RB2 were available for RB3 - so I started re-downloading
then I read that Rock Band 3 automatically picks up the songs from RB2 SD cards
great - but I already started downloading some
no problem I thought - I will just transfer the files from my other 2 sd cards onto my 16gb card save me having to download them all again! - so I thought
but the save files have the same names eg RCP etc - so how do I do it?
I got 2 sd cards with songs on I dont want to spend hours downloading songs again in RB3
anyone got an answer?