This game is one of the few modern games where you really need romhacking skills to do a translation.
The game uses:
- custom text table with 1 byte (0x00-0xDF), 2 byte (0xE000-0xE3FF) and 3 byte (0xE40000-??) encoded characters
- custom font with symbols
- custom binary script based dialogs
If you just want to do a menu translation, then it will be a bit easier, all the menu text is stored in *.binj files and they are very easy to edit (after making a working text table).
Here my alpha text editor for this game: (only a preview...)
I found ~300 of unknown number of characters from monster names in debug scripts, this is not even enough to do a basic translation and i'm also not planning on translating this game, this is just a test...
The dialog text is hidden in "root/data/Event/Field/*.e" files, they are gz compressed custom binary scripts, but the text uses the same table as the binj files.
Here the binj format:
4 byte = numTables
4 byte * numTables = numEntries;
4 Byte * numEntries[n] = offsets;
There are no sizes, a text always ends with "E31B" ("\e" in my text editor preview).