1. I extracted my fat16 xorpad using launcher.dat from 3DS_Multi_Decryptor
2. Dumped emuNAND.bin using emuNANDTool
3. Extracted emunand.fat16.bin
4. xor'ed emunand.fat16.bin
5. Mounted emunand.fat16.bin.out with WinImage
6. Browsed to \data\<your unique id>\sysdata\00010038
7. Replaced 00000000 with another one i've extracted the same way that never had nnid
6/7 whatever needs to be done
8. Renamed emunand.fat16.bin.out to test.bin
9. xor'ed test.bin
padxorer test.bin <name_of_fat16 xorpad>
10. Injected test.bin.out into emunand.fat16.bin with HxD
Opened test.bin.out that padxorer created with HxD
Opened emunand.fat16.bin
Switched the tab to test.bin.out and selected ALL by pressing ctrl+a, then ctrl+c to copy it
Switched back to emunand.fat16.bin and pressed ctrl+b to overwrite everything and saved the file
(emunand.fat16.bin is usualy bigger than the decrypted/re-encrypted, thats why i did two steps)
11. Injected emunand.fat16.bin @ offset B930000 with HxD
Opened emuNAND.bin and pressed ctrl+g to jump to offset B930000
Switchet to emunand.fat16.bin and selected ALL by pressing ctrl+a, then ctrl+c to copy it
Switched back to emuNAND.bin and pressed ctrl+b to overwrite everything and saved the file
12. Injected my new emunand.fat16.bin into my SD Card using emuNANDTool