puppy linux booting problem


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Hey tempers,

The first time I started puppy linux it did his work and booted fine, after shutting down the pc and rebooting it gives me a error and shuts down himself.
The error was something like this: Changing root and there was something with dual layer after that it stated killing something I don't remember.
Sorry about giving such a low amount of information but I still hope one of you guys can help me with my problem.
Thank you in advance,



Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I am not sure I can help with this but some questions-
Did you install it to your hard drive (you worded it like you might have)?
If not or indeed if did one of the more interesting installs did you save the session/information to the hard drive- the NTFS write abilities have corrupted NTFS drives once or twice for me.
This is fairly simple to test- pull the hard drive and see if it boots.

Change root sounds like the switch root to layered filesystem... various things could cause an error here although the usual two are a dodgy CD/install (corrupt sectors or something) and ram with corrupt sectors (I do not know if modern puppy linux has a ram check onboard (I am still using older versions) but most other distributions that are not small size ones like puppy or net installs will) and things like Hiren's and UBCD will). After this we get to try fixes but if you booted once it is more likely to be one of the disc or the ram.

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