PSX Emulator PCSX ReARMed / Emu4Vita Arch 1.08 - Testing


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Emu4Vita Arch v.1.08
Author: yizhigai

Note :
The PCSX ReARMed Emulator is not bad and is a alternate way to get PSX games in great quality to run on PSTV systems.
Anyway not many games work in full speed framerate and there are slow downs here and there. But this emulator can play titles that make a lot of trouble on different other emulators. Example X-Files dont work on Adrenalin, but works perfect with PCSX ReARMed, its a highlight ! Even the Ps2 or Ps3 can not play X-Files ! Alien, Doom, Tenka, Hexen and Mortal Kombat II make also tons of problems, but PCSX ReARMed works mostly fine with this titles. Its bin + cue and chd compatible, but the chd images make trouble. Highly possible that Final Fantasy maybe dont work ? Directly ISO images not working, need bin + cue. Every title that is working has mostly no texture errors.
Extra Note : currently Swap disc is not working ! So X-Files change disc 1 to disc 2 make trouble.

* Testing each title ~1 hour, NO frame skip used.

Working with 90% to 100% framerate, good to very good ->

Alien Trilogy PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue)
Alundra PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue)
Blood Omen Legacy of Kain PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue)
Codename Tenka PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue)
Die Hard Trilogy PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue) - only Die Hard 1 works perfect, DH2 and DH3 works slow
Doom PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - has some slowdowns, otherwise works great easy difficulty
Doom PSX NTSC USA CHD - has texture errors and produce out of map glitches
Final Doom PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - has some slowdowns, otherwise works great easy difficulty
Galerians PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - (Swap Disc ?)
Hellnight PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue)
Hexen PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - getting mostly 60fps in first Map ! insane
Martian Gothic Unification PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue)
Mortal Kombat II PSX JAP ISO (bin + cue) - mostly perfect ! thank YOU
OverBlood PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) - has slowdowns in big areas
Powerslave PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - works decent good, depends on the situation
Resident Evil 2 PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) - works perfect (Swap Disc ?)
Resident Evil DC PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) (german copy is mostly UNCUT) - works perfect
Resident Evil Survivor PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - works mostly perfect
RMJ The Mystery Hospital PSX JAP English Patch ISO (bin + cue) - (Swap Disc ?)
Tenchu Stealth Assassins PSX NTSC USA ISO
Virus It Is Aware PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue)
X Files PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) - Swap Disc not working, otherwise Perfect, Thank You

Working with 80% to 100% framerate, decent to very good ->

B.L.U.E. Legend of Water PSX JAP English Patch ISO (bin + cue) - decent playable, has slowdowns here and there
Broken Helix PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue)
Disruptor PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - decent playable, has slowdowns here and there
Expert PSX JAP ISO (bin + cue) - has mostly good framerate
Hybrid PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue)
Nanatsu No Hikan PSX JAP ISO (bin + cue) - has mostly good framerate (Swap Disc ?)
Medal of Honor PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - decent playable, has slowdowns here and there
Medal of Honor Underground PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue) - decent playable, has slowdowns here and there
Moonlight Syndrome PSX JAP ISO (bin + cue)
Silent Hill PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue) - has some slowdowns, decent playable
Rush PSX NTSC USA CHD - has mostly good framerate
The Note PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue) - has mostly good framerate

Working with 60% to 80% framerate, very slow ->

Blade PSX PAL UK ISO (bin + cue)
Carmageddon PSX PAL UK ISO (bin + cue) - red blood version
Die Hard Trilogy 2 PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) - very slow on first Map
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue)
OverBlood 2 PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) - (Swap Disc ?)
Quake II PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue)
Mortal Kombat Special Forces PSX E3 BETA - works slow
Mortal Kombat Special Forces PSX NTSC USA CHD - works slow
Nightmare Creatures PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue)
Nightmare Creatures II PSX PAL ISO (bin + cue) - decent playable, but to slow
Shadow Man PSX NTSC USA ISO (bin + cue)
Thrill Kill PSX PAL BETA ISO (bin + cue)

Do NOT work ->

Metal Gear Solid PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) - do not start
Metal Gear Solid Special Missions PSX PAL ISO NoSwap-FIX ISO (bin + cue) - do not start
Mortal Kombat Trilogy PSX NTSC USA CHD - error read disc on select fighter screen
Vagrant Story PSX PAL German ISO (bin + cue) - crash on new game
Vagrant Story PSX PAL German CHD - crash on new game

Need more testing ? ->

Alone in the Dark New Nightmare - ?
Area 51 - ?
C&C 1 + 2 - ?
Cold Blood - ?
Crusader - ?
Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX - ?
Chase the Express - ?
Juggernaut - ?
Maximum Force - ?
Mortal Kombat 3, 4, Mythologies - ?
Need For Speed 1, 2, 3, 4 - ?
Parasite Eve 1 + 2 - ?
Project Overkill - ?
Rainbow Six - ?
Test Drive - ?

The emulator is truly usefull for some specific games like X-Files or Hexen !


<= GBAtemp’s Dragon =>
Jun 8, 2021
nowhere in particular
United States
I am curious, why use PCSX when you can use the native emulation in Adrenaline? You said something about "a alternate way to get PSX games in great quality to run on PSTV systems," but how is this so?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
1 - Adrenaline gives only half texture quality on PSTV. Its not the same working as VITA. So its not native.
2 - Adrenaline is not compatible with all games, example X-Files.
3 - PCSX ReARMed has better settings for Video and Filter
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Retroarch need many fixes, otherwise its also great, was testing it a lot the last months. There is something corrupt in the RA config file where all games runs slower after second start for unknown reason. In first start is all fine, its the second boot that make trouble. I am not the only one, other members also reporting the same problem. The most trouble make RA DosBox core, very sad.
A other fact that I do not like is that retroarch is over 400mb big and emu4vita is only 16mb big. Yeah has pros and contras.
Currently emu4vita is more stable compare to Adrenalin or Retroarch, emu4vita was not crash one time.

Truly, I am waiting for the Java Motorola Samsung emulator, its already on Retroarch, but not working.
And emu4vita need some little more performance, otherwise great A stuff !
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
I'm trying to play KLONOA through this emulator and it runs quite slow, except in some sections where there are no enemies.

My reasons for using it? Quite simple: RetroAchievements support and easily appliable widescreen hacks.

Did someone test this game with PCSX ReARMed on a PS Vita? I'm using a PS TV.

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