Hardware Ps4 corrupt hard drive? Or something else?


May 25, 2021
United States
I am pretty sure this has not been asked on here yet, sorry if it has.

A while back in August my friend had let me borrow his PSVR and let me use his account to play it. All was fine up until I played Superhot VR (digitally).

At a certain point in the game, no matter how many times I would reset the save data, it would crash and never load. I of course tried to uninstall the game along with the data, with no luck.
I was not happy about this, but i shrugged it off, whatever. But this occurs again with another game. About a month or so later, I buy Hatsune Miku Project Diva X (digitally).

I was enjoying the game for around 5 hours until.. it happens again. I reach a certain song in the game and, it never loads. Instead I am greeted to a frozen ps4 which after 5 minutes would tell me the game is corrupt.
I tried to uninstall it and delete save data. Nothing would fix this one certain song.

now skip to December, for Christmas I was given Persona 5, physically. I put the game in and was shocked of how fast the game was copied onto the PS4, considering it was a physical ps4 game. I go to play it when, I get an error about some corrupt data within the game file, and to re install the game. I do so and this time it took a few seconds longer, but worked.
After playing the game for a bit, it all took one cutscene and everything went wrong. There was a long silent standing scene, which was pretty obviously not supposed to happen. after this, text boxes would glitch out, voice clips would cut in and out, along with the background music. After I had closed the game, my PS4 essentially froze. One time on the closing software screen, then on the home menu itself. I then force shut it off by holding the power button.

I have not opened Persona 5 again yet as I have been doing other stuff, but this is what has happened so far. Any help or answers? If you need any info from me about these.. errors.. I will do my best to answer them. Thanks in advanced.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
United States
What do I do in order to check this stuff?
Get an ssd, run the backup utility to another hdd and restore it on the ssd. If everything is working it’s a bad hdd. Just remember you will lose all your trophies doing so and will have to offline activate your account if you use any psn stuff. It’s really the only true way to test for bad hdd or not

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