@banzai200 It's come! lol
I Personally think no, this therori is interesting indeed but some references he needed to go so far to get, and other used base of localzied version ... you never should use the localziation of something to make a theory of this thing! (Like flygon and salamence having switched names... wtf the guy that really thought this and spred without researching the names these pokemon originally have xp)
They tell about indu gods... but why would GF reference them so strong on Hawaii, instead of and pokeindia ? XD this is what I mean by too far.
Other thing is the fanbase too sure that " Arceus is the pokémon God" .. ok it have an biblic sound name, but his orign is more for the creation of universe and matery (aka big bang) than the Christian God (well technically they are the same explained in different ways XD), but the games never show it like a divine creature... more than being legendary .. I mean, a god is workshiped, right? where do the humans on the games workship him? Ho-oh is workshiped by humans, is saw as a divinity...
Remeber that pokemon are politheist XD
SO well I don't think it gonna me a end ... they thougth that the serie would never have a sequel, then that would end on GS. MAybe it get a reboot, because the serie would grow how it should with so many regional diference but needing to have a similar base to make it still be compatible between the different regions?
I mean .. localization even want to change the name of the people! I don't know what is stupidier: a guy on a all japan looking place, from a serie you know that come from japan, named Emmanuel xp or when them chage the name of the girl Sakura to Sayo for englsh version ....
One thing I noticed until now on sun moon is that all humans that where presented have the same name between the regions, and this is great! maybe a signal of stupid localziation being set aside? POkemon names I think it's nice to have different names in other languages...
I would like to have Brazilian names for them here :B hahha .Maye because they are mostly hawaii based but well, ehwn was japan absed they chaged it, when was USA based, they changed as well, when I freanch based, they mad eit more french yet :v
So well, I think this gona be an special version and maybe a mark abou that localziation shit being let aside, (I dream about that since DP =3=) . but an end? nah