NXBoot - Fusée Gelée / ShofEL 2 implementation for iOS
Hi GBAtemp,
After the teaser here and in the iOS payload loader discussion thread I'm releasing my utility to the world. It supports loading any payload by importing it via the GUI, can quickly switch between payloads via 'boot profiles,' and can boot Lakka/Coreboot/Linux.
Thanks to everyone who participated in testing!
Note that a jailbroken device with iOS 10 or later is required.
Project Website: https://mologie.github.io/nxboot/
Attribution and prior work: Fusée Gelée by ktemkin and ShofEL2 by the fail0verflow team served as reference for payload construction. @JustBrandonT worked on a similar app independently of this project.
Let me know how it goes and in case of questions ask away in this thread.
2018-07-20: A macOS and iOS command-line tool is available from the NXBoot homepage
2019-09-02: Source code released at https://github.com/mologie/nxboot
Last edited by mologie,
, Reason: Fixed it up a bit