can any 1 please help or at least give a good reason,there are 5 USA/NTSC UBISOFT games that i cant get working no matter what settings or disc or usb i try,my wii is soft mod uk pal, can play back ups via disc or usb, got all latest wads and all latest games play uk pal or usa/ntsc all except: FAMILY FEUD DECADES, THE PRICE IS RIGHT DECADES,HOLLYWOOD SQUARES, THE AMAZIN RACE AND 1,000000 DOLLAR PYRAMID, all these are USA/NTSC AND ALL BY UBISOFT,if i try using disc, the games will show in disc channel(dark corp 1.1) but when i click start i get black screen, same with neogamma and same with usb,i have had feed back from usa/ntsc players that games work ok but never had any body from uk/pal region saying they work.can any body from uk/pal region give me an answer y or has any body from uk/pal region got these games working,please help. thanks