Haruhi said:
Correct, the scart connector is not used in NTSC regions. Virtually no TVs ever sold here even include a port.
Which connectors do you have?
In europe there a cinch, scart and s-video connectors on sdtvs, while most only have scart. Cinch and s-video cables can be used with a scart connector through an adapter. But you only get s-video image if your tv supports it, or else the video playback is black & white.
The 2cent cables which come with the Wii have a scart adapter included, 1 video + 2 Audio cinch to scart, the image qualtity with that is bad, but it works with NTSC video mode if your tv supports it.
Then there is the rgb cable, which directly has a scart connector, the image quality with this is very good(for a sdtv), but you get red & black video playback on your tv with NTSC video mode, even if your tv supports it. If your tv doesn't support rgb, you get the same result as with the 2 cent cables(i think both signals are enabled on the cables and the tv can select which one to use).
There are component cables too, with connectors for each color too, but i can't say anything about it, i don't have them, and i don't have a hdtv.
I think i read somewhere that NTSC Wiis have s-video instead of rgb, and they use the same ressources for both on the cables. This would explain the issue you get with NTSC playback with rgb cables very good: In rgb the image is splitted in red, green and blue, and with s-video you get only 1 video signal, which results in the complete video signal interpreted as red video signal.
I hope this produces even more confusion when it comes to region free gaming