Nine Gang Rapists Escape Jail


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Apr 12, 2007
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NINE men who pleaded guilty last month to gang-raping a 10-year-old girl at the Aurukun Aboriginal community on Cape York have escaped a prison term, with the sentencing judge saying the child victim "probably agreed" to have sex with them.

Cairns-based District Court judge Sarah Bradley ordered that the six teenage juveniles not even have a conviction recorded for the 2005 offence, and that they be placed on a 12-month probation order, The Australian newspaper reported this morning.

Queensland's attorney-general is meeting with the state's prosecutions boss to consider the possibility of lodging an appeal against the sentence. The appeal period has lapsed, however it has been reported that the state could apply for an extension.

Judge Bradley sentenced three men over the age of consent of 16 - aged 17, 18 and 26 - to six months' imprisonment, with the sentence suspended for 12 months.

Judge Bradley said from her Cairns home yesterday that she considered the sentences "appropriate" in the case because they were the penalties asked for by the Crown prosecutor.

"I am not in a position to comment and I refer you to my sentencing remarks," Judge Bradley told The Australian.

Family supporters of the child victim warned that violence and murders could follow the judge's decision not to jail any of the offenders, and they questioned what message the ruling sent to the community.

When sentencing seven co-accused on October 24 at Aurukun, Judge Bradley noted: "The girl involved was not forced and she probably agreed to have sex with all of you."

The four juveniles are aged 14 to 16 years. They and the adults come from some of the most prominent and powerful Aboriginal families on Cape York.

Two more juveniles pleaded guilty on November 6 to raping the child, and were also given probation with no convictions recorded.

The child victim, now aged 12, does not enjoy the elevated family status of her attackers, and has had to be removed from Aurukun and put with foster parents.

News of the non-custodial sentences has added to the violent hatreds that exist in Aurukun between families and tribes and which have played a part in recent brawls involving dozens of assailants, many armed with sticks and spears.

Queensland Attorney-General Kerry Shine said last night he had called for an urgent meeting this morning with state Director of Public Prosecutions Leanne Clare, who, it is understood, was not told of the submissions made by her prosecutor for non-custodial sentences for the rapists.

Mr Shine said he needed to receive a clear picture of the circumstances surrounding the sentencing, including the prosecutor's submissions.

"I have been made aware of this tragic event this afternoon and have had an opportunity to read the sentencing remarks," Mr Shine said.

"I'm truly horrified by the circumstances of these offences. The circumstances of this case have not previously been brought to my attention, and nor has there been any communication with my office with regard to an appeal.

"Rape, particularly of a 10-year-old girl, by numerous offenders, is to my mind horrific in the extreme.

"It therefore appears to me that what I consider to be a particularly lenient sentence needs explanation."

One of the adult rapists is on the Australian National Child Offence Register following a conviction on March 29 last year for unlawful carnal knowledge of a female child - an offence committed after he was charged with the rape of the 10-year-old girl.

Judge Bradley said the man was the oldest and should have known a lot better.

"You cannot have sex with anyone under 16," she said.

"However, as I said before, I am not treating anyone any differently in terms of being a ringleader, and in your case, again, I will impose a sentence of imprisonment but it will be wholly suspended so you do not go to jail today.

"But if you get into more trouble in the next year, you could end up in jail." The man had been arrested on August 7, 2006, and the judge said the 14 days he spent in custody awaiting his sentence was to count as "imprisonment already served".

When sentencing the juveniles, Justice Bradley said: "All of you have pleaded guilty to having sex with a 10-year-old girl and (one of the juveniles) has pleaded guilty to having sex with another young girl as well.

"All of you have to understand that you cannot have sex with a girl under 16.

"If you do, you are breaking the law, and if you are found out, then you will be brought to court and could end up in jail.

"I accept that the girl involved, with respect to all of these matters, was not forced, and that she probably agreed to have sex with all of you.

"But you were taking advantage of a 10-year-old girl and she needs to be protected, and the girls generally in this community need to be protected.

"This is a very serious matter. It is a very shameful matter and I hope that all of you realise that you must not have sex with young girls.

"Anyone under 16 is too young. Some of you are still children yourselves. Others of you are adults but I am treating you all equally in terms of the behaviour.

"I am not treating any of you as the ringleader or anything like that."

She asked each prisoner to stand up and said she hoped they would realise it was wrong to have sex with young girls.

Justice Bradley then offered them probation and when each agreed to accept that, she said she would not record a conviction.

To one of the juveniles, she said: "You are still a child. You have pleaded guilty to one offence of rape.

"You have been in a lot of trouble in the past, though, and you still have some community service to do.

"You have not been doing that well. I am prepared to offer you probation but you have got to stick with the rules of probation."

The juvenile agreed and was then placed on 12 months' probation, with no conviction recorded.

Last thread I asked what is happening to the world. I'd like to take that back. WTF is happening to Australia

Just trying to inform people of the screwed up stuff happening. I don't get off on this kind of thing or anything...

Does anyone think this is fair? The only reason they seemed to get off was because they were Aboriginal. The judge needs to be gang raped.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2007
You would think a female judge would have more sympathy for the victim. One of the perps is a convicted pedophile and she still says that the girl probably consented? Is the world run by morons?


Wii King
Former Staff
Oct 30, 2006


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Aug 2, 2007
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i had no idea things were that badly over there

who in their sane mind would ever rule for the accused its completely unfair to the girl she loses her family her innocence and everything else because some f***heads decide they want to "have fun" or something and all they get is a tawdry slap on the wrist that might maybe if they do something sometime later on in the year eventually kinda sorta possibly end up in a sentenced jail time.


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Apr 12, 2007
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Taken from: The Age
QUOTE said:
AT LEAST two of the nine young males who pleaded guilty to raping a little girl in Aurukun have expressed no remorse, with one of the offenders claiming it was "normal" to have sex with a 10-year-old, while the other didn't feel sorry for his victim.

Another of the offenders raped the girl on two separate occasions, while another pleaded guilty to raping both the 10-year-old and a 14-year-old. The eldest of the rapists, 26-year-old Raymond Woolla, had a previous charge of unlawful carnal knowledge.

Despite all this damning evidence, Judge Sarah Bradley opted not to send any of the nine to jail for the rape, saying the girl "probably agreed to have sex with all of you". Instead she put the six offenders under 16 on 12 months probation. The other three, aged 19, 20 and 26, were given six-month suspended prison sentences.

The lawyer for one youth, who was 17 at the time of the rape, said his client felt a "great sense of shame" about his actions. But the judge said the youth "did not appear to show remorse". "He stated that having sex with a girl that's only 10 years old is normal," she said.


QUOTESergeant Harold also revealed he and other police had insisted that social workers at Aurukun fly the 10-year-old girl to Cairns on June 8 and June 9 last year after she told medical examiners that she had been raped by many men and had contracted gonorrhea.

However, two Child Safety officers did not agree, saying arrangements had been made for the child to spend the weekend with family members on an outstation.

The girl did not go to the outstation and on that weekend was raped again in Aurukun by a 15-year-old youth who pleaded guilty to the offence on October 24 last year.


These sort of rulings don't happen in Australia very often (I don't think) and there's a fair bit of public outrage...understandably.

I'd have no problem with murdering all of these men if they did that to my daughter (if I had one).


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Apr 12, 2007
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This report was just released an hour ago.

QUOTE said:
Girl endured six weeks of sex attacks
By Kevin Meade and Sarah Elks

THE little girl who was gang-raped in the Cape York community of Aurukun was subjected to a six-week reign of sexual abuse by her attackers.

The story of the attacks on the 10-year-old is told in sparse but chilling detail in a police statement presented in court to Sarah Bradley, the District Court judge who failed to jail the attackers.

The document also reveals that apart from the gang rape, the little girl was raped at least six times over a period of six weeks by the nine males who pleaded guilty to attacking her.

Steve Carter, the prosecutor who has been stood aside pending an investigation into the case, did not give details of the gang rape during the sentencing hearing in Cairns District Court, which was sitting in Aurukun.

Instead, Judge Bradley apparently relied on the statement of facts Mr Carter presented to the court, and released to The Australian yesterday.

The statement says the gang rape was committed by Raymond Woolla, 26, Ian Koowarta, 20, Michael Wikmunea, 19, and a number of juveniles at a house in Aurukun on an unknown date between May 1 and June 12 last year.

One of the juvenile offenders told police he went to the house with another boy to see the girl. "The complainant asked this accused if she could have sex with him," the statement says.

"Initially, he said he couldn't because she was just a little kid, but she kept asking him so he put a condon (sic) on and had sex with her."

Another boy who was in the house told police the girl did not want to have sex, but one of the juvenile offenders forced himself on her.

"He had sex with the complainant ... The complainant was telling him to stop."

Koowarta told police Wikmunea had forced him to go to the house. They went there with Woolla. "He said the four of them had sex with the complainant. Michael (Wikmunea) went first, then (a juvenile) then Raymond (Woolla) ..."

One of the boys confessed to police that apart from the gang attack, he raped the girl twice, once at a house after a disco and once behind a bank a few days later.

Another boy told police he raped the girl the night of someone's 21st birthday party.

"They went to her aunty's house on their bike and had sex there," the documents say.

The girl had been living with a foster family in Cairns but against Department of Child Safety advice stayed in Aurukun after being returned to the community for a funeral.

Her family and the department had agreed to return her to Cairns, but failed to act soon enough to prevent further attacks in Aurukun shortly after her return last year.

The victim's aunt told The Australian this week the now 12-year-old was a "little girl who has had the light turned off in her life".

And her mother claimed the girl had been raped in the past by some of the same Aurukun boys who attacked her after her return to the community last year.

In a record of interview last year, obtained by The Australian, a police officer who had questioned the victim told a high-level investigative review team that when he first met the girl, he suspected she had been sexually abused.

"One thing that stood out when she came in, she shaved all her hair off and there's a couple of girls that I've seen and it's always ... been the case that they ... have been the victims of sexual abuse. It's one of the indicators that I've noticed that stands out, the acts of violence in the community, being armed and then out of some sort of shame or whatever they shave their hair."
When asked whether that was to "make themselves less attractive", the officer said: "Yeah, and she had, like, a jumper on her head but wrapped up like a bouffant type of ... which - I knew I wasn't dealing with an ordinary child".

The officer said it was difficult putting the child at ease enough to speak with police. He said it was difficult to even get her into the interviewing room.

Once they did "build rapport", the officer said the girl had "openly volunteered that she had had 'sex with four or five men', the oldest of whom she thought was 18 and the youngest 19". "The child stated that the boys 'like sex a lot' and that she 'little bit liked having sex'," he said.

The officer said the girl was found to be "very talkative in comparison with other children of her own age in that community". "It is understood that this child is intellectually impaired as a result of fetal alcohol syndrome and is known for frequent violent outbursts."

He said the girl had a history with the Department of Child Safety and detailed one outburst when the girl was nine, where she had "gone to the local shop with a stick and wanted to bash the shopkeepers and had done something to a forklift and she'd been in regular trouble in the community".

He said she had committed a series of break-and-enter offences in the community.

The department is now caring for the child.

"She is currently in a safe place with indigenous carers, maintaining cultural links with her community," the department said last night.

"She continues to receive long-distance education, counselling and other therapeutic support, including music and dance lessons. It is hoped she will be able to attend school in 2009."
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I wonder why we're just hearing about this now. It happened a while ago and the information is just coming in. I hope something can be done to punish these disgusting pedophiles

Fair enough if it's happening with boys her own age, although it's still not right. This was happening with people that were old enough to know better...even if she agreed to have sex with them they should at least have some clue as to what it's going to do to her mentally in the long run.


Feb 14, 2007
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some say that race had something to do with the conclusion - that is to say, because they were all aboriginal, that it was their problem. however, had they been white, they would never have got away with what they had. i don't know how true that is though


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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I wouldn't be surprised sekku. The aboriginals have a separate court system for some reason in my city. I don't know the finer details about it but it just seems horribly wrong.


PogoShell it to me ™
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2002
A lot of Aboriginal communities such as the one in the story have problems. There is a big review going on about this case at the moment along with over 60 other cape york cases, trying to find out how the justice system could fail these victims and communities.

I hope our new government shows some initiative on these matters.


Dec 2, 2007
aborginines are those guys who live in the forest right ? they look like cavemen ?

Australians have different aboriginals, I believe they are the Tasmanians. United States and Canada both have Indians in common, and Canadians have Inuits too.

tasmanians aren't aboriginals they are - Joke - the inbred people

aboriginals are the natives of australia who invented things like the boomerang, the didgeridoo and the woomerang

see pic


Wii King
Former Staff
Oct 30, 2006
and there seems to be a lot of alcohol and drug abuse in these aboriginal communities. although i don't really know much about it.

it's probably a result of their crappy or non-existent education

they are killing themselves with the drugs and alcohol.

these child abuse stories are sad. these people don't seem to understand their wrongdoings, yet they aren't even taught or reprimanded by the justice system.

QUOTE said:
My submission in relation to this particular offence is the same that I make in relation to children of that age ... they're very naughty for doing what they're doing but it's really - in this case, it was a form of childish experimentation, rather than one child being prevailed upon by another," he said.

snakes on a motherfucking plane?

nice "experimentation" ... oh yeah ... a 10 year old who has mental problems ....

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