New: Oshare Princess 2 And Doubutsu Kyaranabi



well here, i have to disagree with mukimuki, sorry..

i live in japan, and my wife happens to japanese.. and she uses the term " jap" herself..

dont forget that there are bands in japan called "jap bastard", "the nips" to mention only 2, and theres even a host bar in susukino called "japmen"

also, tell anyone in the games industry not to say "jap" , even in japan and you`ll be met with dumb stares..

the fact is, the term "jap" lost its racist overtones about 20 odd year ago

no one would say "brit" or "yank" are offensive terms these days...

not that i`m going to go into it here, but both myself and my wife encountered racism in the uk, and that is a serious issue, the term "jap" isnt.

imho of course!



oh, forgot something, and i`m really not flaming you mukimuki, i remember you from the echina forum, you were into rockman for the wsc or something ...

well, i didnt play the race card here, but what should be mentioned here is like 99% of japanese refer to foreigners, even to their face as "gaijin" , which is an offensive term, extremely rude actually, rather than the correct, polite term "gaiko kujin"

you may hit me back and say , well , some foreigners even refer to themselves as "gaijin", what you wouldnt know is, thats a badge of honour, its a statement saying that japanese racism wont get to me, i`m stronger than that, you are ignorant, not me

personally, i could never do that, an offensive term is just that, i doubt i could be strong enough for that

also, in a government poll this year, the vast majority of people in japan stated that foreign residents should not be seen equal to japanese, or expect to have the same rights

i like living here a lot, i really do, just dont expect it to be some kind of anime/game inspired utopia, i cant really blame most japanese people for being racist, its not their fault, it stems from an ignorant government and educational system, its not malicious, its just there..

anyhow i hope u all enjoyed mugs releases!



This is getting ridiculous. No, not the constant stream of japanese ROM releases, but the continual slew of idiocy coming from this topic.I don't see how you can complain that there's an unbroken chain of japanese releases, Clu, because the fact of the matter is there haven't been any new releases in English to be dumped. I suppose you'd rather everyone just suddenly stopped dumping jap roms just because there haven't been enough english releases recently, regardless of the fact that a fair number of people probably do know Japanese and play these games when they do get released? You can't really complain because someone's dumping all the ROMs that come out.

And then we have you, Zerogtz, who thinks anyone who does complain about that is racist. In order to be racist someone would have to be making groundless claims about the inferiority, or superiority for that matter, of someone's original ethnic origins, or genepool. Complaining because a large number of japanese roms have recently been released isn't racist because he isn't insulting the japanese. Additionally, insulting the japanese as a race still wouldn't be racism because Japanese is not a RACE - it's a nationality. The only way you could be racist towards the japanese is to insult their physical features that obviously come as a result of their ethnic origins.

Oh, and MukiMuki, i fail to see why Jap is considered a derogatory remark. I regularly use it as a reference towards anything japanese and i don't actually use it as a descriminative comment - i don't know anyone who takes it or uses it as a racist insult except two or three people i know on the internet who regularly complain about it because they want to make themselves look familiar with japanese culture in an attempt to impress people. And on the subject of racism - kotatsuneko, how can being hostile towards foreigners possibly NOT be their fault? They're the ones doing it, it's not like people force them into being xenophobic - they choose to do it themselves. You can't possibly blame someone's actions exclusively on their education and the society they live in.


Well the way I see it, is that all the people complain because they want games in their own language that they can understand... that and they have very small genitalia!


well, i have studied japanese history and contempory culture for 16 years now, have a large library on the subject back in london

and , well i live in japan

i never said they are hostile

what am i saying? they? there is no "japanese" race or nationality really

"they" differ so widely in the many areas of japan, you cannot and should not try to classify them as a whole..

when i say "they" , i don`t refer to the japanese as a nation as a whole, only those in the island i live in.

and , for the most part, i believe their attitude towards foriegners isn`t malicious, no matter how annoying/dissapointing it is at times.,. its rather an innocent ignorance and if you have studied "their" culture for as long as i do, have lived here then ok i accept your opinion



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Nov 2, 2002
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yup kots, you're probably right, just get peeved with people complaining about the (J) releases (sorry, can't bring myself to use the term, as i was brought up thinking it was a slur just as any other).

and i do/have lived in japan for long enough to know exactly what japanese people are like. but i also know that whereas a lot of people take offence at 'gaijin' being used, for many it is just a too much trouble to say gaiKOKUjin all the time, just as people like to shorten japanese to j@p.

a lot of japanese 'racism' (i agree- more likely ignorance) stems from mis-information or past experiences leading to us all being tarred with the same brush. i don't drink or chash girls here, but a lot of people i meet automatically asume i do because that's the image a lot of people have. i'm also fluent, but not many people (nobody at my work) knows this as they all assume i can't speak a word

and blaming a person's actions soley on education and society may not be possible, it holds true that society is a major problem along with education. i see kids doing/saying things from a young age that if i were to say i would have caught a smack off the old man for. hell, i'm a teacher (there's a surprise!) and some of the things the kids say.... the parents of course just ignore it.

hmm, beginning to ramble
must stop


heh memorys getting to me, i had muku muku in mind who is japanese..! heh so youre an expat too.. funny..

glad spring has finally hit hokkaido! the news reckons we`ll have the sakura front on us in golden week..

i`ll be off to north hokkaido , in the family home by then, imagine a house like that in tenchi muyo, the 1st series, well, its like that, bout 80 years old, and still standing.. actually its more like the house in shenmue 1, but you get the idea..

just have to watch out for bears when i go walking..



heh the worst one is "AMERICAN!"

man, that really irks me..

have you tried the "bob sapp" bento yet? its suprisingly good..



Tha Off Da Hook Pimp
Mar 25, 2003
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I don't know why the line of (J) releases has pissed me off and I'm not going to try to find out why.

This post or game, which ever it is, has raised the topic of racism which is where I'm sure no one ever intended it to reach including myself.

I would just like to apologize to anyone who i may have offended in my comments that included the "JAP" slur.

To all those who are offended because of my comments about the line of Japenese releases, that's my opinion and I can't apologize for that.


Ah, alright, maybe i was a bit harsh. Kotatsuneko, you almost certainly know more about japanese culture than i do because i only take a passing interest while you actually live there. The same thing obviously also goes for mukimuki. obviously an apology is in order in that respect, as i was simply generalizing when i talked of the few people i knew who took "jap" as an insult... The other two i do know hang around in gaming chatrooms trying to show off with their knowledge of japan's history to other people who know nothing about it, i.e, me. So, as i said, sorry to you two, although my point still stands about people complaining about the japanese release chain. Sorry about that, but after hearing so many people complain about a word that is basically used in standard vocabulary around here, i tend to get a bit stressed about it.


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Nov 2, 2002
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actually having thought about it some more and asked all the japanese people i know (quite a few, though by no means a comprehensive survey of a cross section of the population. actually in the most part young people, who in theory should be offended least by the term) and found not one person who found the word unoffensive.
the fact is that, if even only 1/4 of the population found it offensive i think it would be wise not to use the word.

and the point about standard vocabulary- just think, not long back calling black people all names under the sun was standard fare.

no flame kots, but has your wife been abroad (more importantly LIVED abroad) for any length of time. i think the reason people would find it unoffensive is because they have little experience of life outside of japan and thus haven't experienced racism (ignorance) first hand.
tell me what you think

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