Hello, I have been trying to find the image assets for the effects (hearts, stars, bubbles, etc. that appear on screen) in the Nintendo 3DS camera.
I have decrypted/extracted the romfs from the .cia and have successfully been able to open a few files such as .arc and view the images within them using EveryFileExplorer but the file that the effects are located in is .pack format which cannot be opened.
I opened it in HXD and can see some text such as "BubB.bcptl.LZ" which is what I think I'm looking for but I cannot extract them from this file.
Does anyone know how to view or extract these from a .pack file?
Download to the .pack file.
I opened it in HXD and can see some text such as "BubB.bcptl.LZ" which is what I think I'm looking for but I cannot extract them from this file.
Download to the .pack file.