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LOCG will be the next Axie Infinity, my case for why I think it will 200x


Dec 5, 2021
Hey so I am going to shill you Legends of Crypto, which is an NFT card game that just launched the 30th of November. The average value lately is at about 20 cents.

Some of you who have paid attention to the NFT scene may also know about Axie Infinity, which is a similar NFT card game with play to earn mechanics. For the longest time Axie Infinity remained at 40 cents. When it finally caught on, it went way up and the last time I checked it was about 130 dollars.

The reason Axie Infinity was so successful is that its play to earn mechanics allowed people who played the game to earn tokens, which made it popular in third world countries, as it was sometimes better than what local economies had to offer. You could make ten dollars equivalent from playing Axie Infinity all day. What's more is their "scholarship" program, which allowed new players to lease high value NFT's from large equity stakers in exchange for paying them a fraction of their earnings. So there was also a big incentive for investors to stake and be paid for their holdings, which only drove up the price.

Legends of Crypto is set up the same way. If it even gets half of the attention that Axie Infinity got, if it even pumped to 20 dollars, that would be 200x whatever you put in. If it got all the way to where Axie Infinity is actually valued (I don't actually think it would get this high), that would be 650x.

Axie took about 7 months before it started picking up. LOCG is at the 6 month mark. They just launched their Alpha on the 30th, and the prices doubled. They are lower now because of the recent Elon Musk tweet dissing crypto DAO's, which sent bitcoin down to 45k and caused several other cryptos to dump. It is, at the time of writing, 16 cents per token.

Slurp this dip with me, bros. If you can stake a grand and hold onto it for a year, it'll be bonkers.

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