Very grateful to the masterpost from a few years back of custom missing covers ( felt like sharing some of my own! A lot of this is just inject stuff, but there's also some obscure Wii U games I made covers for.!flAxQQqb!5Sls2Cl8LSCMSI8cMHcYqQ
The list, as of right now, includes...!flAxQQqb!5Sls2Cl8LSCMSI8cMHcYqQ
The list, as of right now, includes...
- A Drawing's Journey
- Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth
- Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth: Prosecutor's Path
- Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
- Big Brain Academy (DS)
- Boing! Docomodake DS
- Bonk's Adventure (PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16)
- Bonk's Revenge (PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16)
- Bonk III: Bonk's Big Adventure (PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16)
- Brain Age
- Brain Age 2
- Chrono Trigger (SNES)
- Chronos Twin DS
- Contact
- Coropata (w/ incomplete English translation by Uzumakijl)
- Cosmos Chaos!
- DK Jungle Climber (DS)
- Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
- Drawn to Life
- Drawn to Life 2
- Elebits
- Electroplankton
- Elliot Quest
- Exit DS
- Feel the Magic XY/XX
- Fire: Ungh's Quest
- forma.8
- Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
- Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
- Giana Sisters DS
- Go! Go! Cosmo Cops!
- Hello, Pocoyo!
- Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure
- Hotel Dusk: Room 215
- Ivy the Kiwi?
- Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past
- Kira Kira Pop Princess
- Kirby Canvas Curse
- Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
- The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
- Letter Quest
- LostMagic
- Lunar Knights
- Lux-Pain
- Maestro: Jump in Music
- Magical Starsign
- Magnetica (DS)
- Mario Party Starstruck
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
- Meteos
- Mind Quiz - Your Brain Coach
- Monster Tale
- Noitu Love Devolution
- Nostalgia
- Ontamarama
- Ouendan
- Moero Ouendan
- Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
- Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 2: Justice for All
- Picross 3D
- Picross DS
- Pirate Pop Plus
- Pokémon HeartGold Version
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (DS)
- Professor Layton & The Curious Village
- Professor Layton & The Diabolical Box
- Puchi Puchi Virus
- Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlords
- Puzzle Quest Galactrix
- Radiant Historia
- Retro Game Challenge
- Retro Game Challenge 2
- Rhythm de Cooking
- Rhythm de Run Run Run
- Rilakkuma Rhythm
- Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love
- Scribble
- Scribblenauts Collection
- Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
- Soma Bringer
- Soul Bubbles
- Steal Princess
- Super Mario 64 DS
- Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll
- Tadpole Treble
- Taiko no Tatsujin DS 1
- Taiko no Tatsujin DS 2
- Taiko no Tatsujin DS 3
- The Legendary Starfy (DS)
- The Rub Rabbits
- Time Hollow
- Tiny Thief
- Touch Detective
- Touch Detective 2 1/2
- Trace Memory
- Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2
- Wario Land 4
- Wario: Master of Disguise
- WarioWare Touched!
- WireWay
- Witch's Wish
- Year Walk
- Yoshi Touch & Go
- Zubo
- Zuma's Revenge
Last edited by HomeStarRunnerTron,