Hello everyone, new to the forums but have used this site for information for a number of years now.
I have a few questions regarding the Wiiware version of La-Mulana.
I had been anticipating its US/EU release for a while now and the news that the US/EU version has been canceled has made me go on a desperate obsessive hunt for a playable version.
I have a softmodded wii so I decided to try and track down the JP wad version, which I finally found after a bunch of broken links.
I used Freethewads to change its region to NTSC-U so I got the game playing on my wii, but I noticed some text is in English, the opening story summary, and the names of different areas, however nearly all the clues screens/config menus/items/dialogue are understandably in Japanese.
but i've read on certain sites and seen a youtube video of some gameplay footage where the clues were in english, as far as I know it was the JP version only with a lot more english going on than my version.
question is does anyone know if there is a more english version floating around out there? or was that video a demo for the US/EU version? and if so, is it possible to get that wad anywhere?
and also is it possible to do a fan translation of the wiiware JP version? and if so has there been any word that anyone is working on one?
thanks guys/gals
I have a few questions regarding the Wiiware version of La-Mulana.
I had been anticipating its US/EU release for a while now and the news that the US/EU version has been canceled has made me go on a desperate obsessive hunt for a playable version.
I have a softmodded wii so I decided to try and track down the JP wad version, which I finally found after a bunch of broken links.
I used Freethewads to change its region to NTSC-U so I got the game playing on my wii, but I noticed some text is in English, the opening story summary, and the names of different areas, however nearly all the clues screens/config menus/items/dialogue are understandably in Japanese.
but i've read on certain sites and seen a youtube video of some gameplay footage where the clues were in english, as far as I know it was the JP version only with a lot more english going on than my version.
question is does anyone know if there is a more english version floating around out there? or was that video a demo for the US/EU version? and if so, is it possible to get that wad anywhere?
and also is it possible to do a fan translation of the wiiware JP version? and if so has there been any word that anyone is working on one?
thanks guys/gals