Hacking ktemkin drama


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
United States
Why cant people just stop worrying, and learn to love scene?

Relating to the loud screechings I am reading about the disclosures concerning Deja Vu, I cannot help but be reminded of the trite addage: "Security through obscurity is no security at all." What do I mean by that? Keeping DV a secret does not really protect it, any more than keeping dirty laundry in a commercial package keep it safe from exploitation by hackers in the wild. Security is, has been, and always will be a moving target. Tomorrows exploits are based on what comes out tomorrow. Today's exploits are based on what is available today. Jealously holding a CVE in one's miserly fist does not keep it safe from being found independently and patched. It does not keep it your personal treasure. It does not make it safe. All it does, is make it less available to more hands that would like to use it, or would like to better understand the current status of the console.

Bolded text in which I reiterate this ->

There is no such thing as an open source exploit. I think you are mistaking it for the cfw atmosphere. Exploits are discovered privately. Exploits are often kept private for the benefit of the homebrew community for future use. She was trusted with the information but she sold it? did you get it now?

You must not be a gambling man Wierd_w... If you truly would like for more people's hands to be able to use exploit to gain control of their systems, then keeping it private for as long as possible makes it stay vulnerable for as many firmware and hardware revisions as possible! Yes we understand other groups can independently find and release it, but when you are withholding one you are BETTING against that, and if it happens so what... Only if you're after the cred, rather than it being usable for as many people as possible with a variety of different firmware versions, would you release it immediately!

Why do you think things like the iOS scene suck so badly? Because appl patches the publicly made vulnerabilities so damn quick and they have a wierd system of forcing you to upgrade to the latest version when they stop signing the vulnerable version almost immediately. So there's only a very short window of time iOS'rs have to be able to take root of their device... However if a vulnerability is kept private for longer and effects more versions of the software, there will in turn be more people that are able to use it by just happening to be on the right firmware versions that they may not have even realized (nor did appl) were ownable!

So seriously holding back privileged information is not being against the community but actually you're doing it for their benefit! As long as you intend to release it at some point, at the right time, when enough firmware /and/or hardware revisions (if they're not too different) are effected to make it worth it!

I'm with you though, now that this has been made known about by the companies in question due to a leaker, it should be made public too! Why do the companies get to know about it, but we don't? Yea it's shitty circumstances that led to them knowing about it, but now since they do, it only makes sense to throw it out their for the public to know about as well!

Too many assumptions here.

This bug was discovered independently by many. It is not discovered only by Scires. So it's not his.
It is indeed inside many open source projects.
It's not a big bootrom bug but it has some very useful uses, which I will not name.
Also, this exploit was kept secret by everyone, for future use.
Hell, even hekate will use it at some point in the future.

Scires pointed this exploit to Kate. And Kate, assuming that it's OK (because it's everywhere), used it as a PoC to a completely different bug about Pixel C to google.
So, Kate is at fault (even though many discovered this) because she basically breached Scrire's trust (she pointed this out to Google without asking him).
(Scires was entitled to this exploit as far as RS is concerned. Because no-one pointed or communicated about this exploit. So every individual thought that this was their exploit. )

It could also provide a lot of money to anyone that wanted to report it (which now can't be done because it is burnt by accident). Of course not 200K$. Come on... max 10K$ (maybe waaay less).
But as I said, no-one wanted to burn it without the need.

Even though Kate is at fault, Scires reacting like this is not mature and he basically loses his right to be offended. This is what happens in the real world. You are the offended but you end up the offender.
So for me, they are both at fault here.
And that's why Re-switch is tearing apart. Because both behaviors were not right for a community and a team.

Well it might become or it already became (^^) an important bug for the future of Switch hacking scene.
Unfortunately, I can't get into details.

First I'd disagree that reswitched is tearing apart. If you cure the body of the cancer, you're saving it not tearing it apart. You have to expel the bad to keep what's left being good. I also don't agree that both behaviors were bad. One party is the bad actor, and the other called and outed them for it. The backlash was inevitable, but it had to be done. How could it have been handled differently? Seriously I want to know! I don't see how publicly outing a bad actor could of came about any differently, the defenders of the bad actor would still exist to muddy the waters and attempt to shift blame toward the ones in the right. They have failed to muddy the waters for me, but not everyone can see that's what they've attempted to do.

Now to the real meat... If the exploit WAS kept secret, and it has already been burned without need, then what's the point of holding it back from the public? If it's already been burned, and the companies know about it, then there's no secret to keep any longer. Was kept secret is past tense, but you're still trying to keep it secret even though it's not a secret anymore to those capable of patching it. So I don't see the point of withholding it any longer. You say hekate which you're the main developer of now will use it at some point in the future... But why aren't we using it now already?

To be honest, if I were Scires I would have done the same.
Doesn't K do this sort of thing for a living? (hacking-related stuff)
If it does, then take this into perspective of a potential employer...

Would you hire someone who is well known for disclosing information or assets, even if from a person or an industry standpoint?
Even if it was a mistake, it went overboard by assuming it was okay to disclose to a corporate party something that wasn't made by one's self.

Was Scires harsh on his actions? Yes, but the actions as to letting known what happened will alert other parties of such doubtful activities, even if the other parties are hacking groups or even a potential employer, more so if this person does this sort of thing for a living.
I'm sorry, but that it how it is, if I would hire or let someone into a group, I'd like to know what I'm dealing with.

Also, why are people taking Qyriad's post into account?
Who is s/he again?
It wasn't one of the developers of RS for sure, and also most people are forgetting two things:
  • ReSwitch is not every mod in the server, Qyriad wasn't anything more than a mod in Discord, nothing of that scale needed to go through that person. Also, it's odd most of you guys are giving a big oversight to a post in which Plailect does mention he was aware of the situation and Scires discussed with him and other RS members before making the call. Qyriad's post means nothing towards Plailect's words.
  • If the relationship stuff with K, Qyriad and Aurora is real, then no wonder why they left, as they are clearly stickingup for each other, and are biased towards one another in a situation like this. And given they are so vocal and that towards LGBT/trans, and people in that community tend to really defend each other out, it was more than obvious that all the members involved in it would left, their personal bias is more important than moral grounds for them. I wouldn't be amazed if hedgeberg follows as well and leaves RS too, I'm still wondering why he hasn't at this point

Yes I totally agree, it was the only way to let others know who not to trust, who would betray you if you let them into your group or company! That's vital information to have, just like an exploit is, so the people saying it should have been kept private frustrate me to no end... They really wouldn't of wanted to know who to not trust? Or they're just snakes themselves and would want to keep betrayals secret as they would do the same themselves and wouldn't wish to be outed for their betrayals either.

Should read over some of the twitter feeds. According to K, they submitted a bug to Google over the bootrom security in the Pixel-C, which the bug was publicly documented as a feature that was working as intended but in the nitty gritty stuff was a bug that wasn't flagged as a bug. It's also been stated that Google and NVidia knew about the issue, and K was attempting to show how bad it could actually be with the bug. Along with Which said bug was originally found by Scires (if i'm not mistaken). No money has been collected either. K had used the bug as an example for Google as what could potentially happen for something else (what was said was it wasn't switch related but i don't know how true that holds). There was nothing submitted to Nintendo about anything for the switch.

As it stands, no one here is in the right and everyone is in the wrong. K for doing what they did by not discussing it prior with Scires and the rest, and Scires is just in the wrong as the rest for, especially for the he way he publicly disclosed the accusation, which could have been handled a lot better and more privately rather than calling out and trying to shame someone and leaving very little transparency to what happened and why. All he's said is that K had submitted a bug to a bounty and betrayed the internal trust, which seems partially conflicting according to what K and some other people are saying.

It's a feature not a bug... That's what I say too... Fusee-G is also a feature, not a bug :). One company's bug, is another person's feature! Hold up just a second though... If this feature/bug is so publicly documented, then why is no one saying WHERE it is publicly documented... It kind of contradicts itself don't you think? That proves there's some secrecy behind it and she very well the hell knows it, otherwise she'd be pointing us all to where it's publicly documented because it's no big deal to reveal it to all of us right? Had no qualms of revealing it to the companies but is holding back at revealing it to the public who now since it's been disclosed have a right to know! Also you can't say no money has been collected... Are you telling me a person that's a liar, that betrayed trust as even you acknowledge is incapable of lying further? Please just say 'ok google give me the records of everyone you've paid out bug bounty's too' and they'll respond with 'sure, give me a moment, downloading all those records right now to your machine...' I think you know they won't give you that information, so how could you or anyone know that payment wasn't made? Something big like this doesn't get leaked and trust betrayed for no reason, there has to be some motivation behind it, money is a big motivation that fits perfectly with how most traitors betray their own for! People that don't care so much for money though stay genuine and don't betray anyone, because they can't be bought, unlike every politician ever!

Again you say it could've been handled better privately, as if betrayal of trust of a public figure is not something the public should know about. You are wrong, so very wrong, and I'd like you to recant that! You are a prime example of what's wrong with our society, you want to keep things secret that should not be kept secret and disclose things that should be kept secret... Completely opposite. Was the feature kept secret by kate? No!, so why should her betrayal of not keeping under wraps be kept secret? "Oh she leaked the secret, but common guys the fact that she leaked it should be kept secret"... That's what you sound like!

Deleted User

Bolded text in which I reiterate this ->

You must not be a gambling man Wierd_w... If you truly would like for more people's hands to be able to use exploit to gain control of their systems, then keeping it private for as long as possible makes it stay vulnerable for as many firmware and hardware revisions as possible! Yes we understand other groups can independently find and release it, but when you are withholding one you are BETTING against that, and if it happens so what... Only if you're after the cred, rather than it being usable for as many people as possible with a variety of different firmware versions, would you release it immediately!

Why do you think things like the iOS scene suck so badly? Because appl patches the publicly made vulnerabilities so damn quick and they have a wierd system of forcing you to upgrade to the latest version when they stop signing the vulnerable version almost immediately. So there's only a very short window of time iOS'rs have to be able to take root of their device... However if a vulnerability is kept private for longer and effects more versions of the software, there will in turn be more people that are able to use it by just happening to be on the right firmware versions that they may not have even realized (nor did appl) were ownable!

So seriously holding back privileged information is not being against the community but actually you're doing it for their benefit! As long as you intend to release it at some point, at the right time, when enough firmware /and/or hardware revisions (if they're not too different) are effected to make it worth it!

I'm with you though, now that this has been made known about by the companies in question due to a leaker, it should be made public too! Why do the companies get to know about it, but we don't? Yea it's shitty circumstances that led to them knowing about it, but now since they do, it only makes sense to throw it out their for the public to know about as well!

First I'd disagree that reswitched is tearing apart. If you cure the body of the cancer, you're saving it not tearing it apart. You have to expel the bad to keep what's left being good. I also don't agree that both behaviors were bad. One party is the bad actor, and the other called and outed them for it. The backlash was inevitable, but it had to be done. How could it have been handled differently? Seriously I want to know! I don't see how publicly outing a bad actor could of came about any differently, the defenders of the bad actor would still exist to muddy the waters and attempt to shift blame toward the ones in the right. They have failed to muddy the waters for me, but not everyone can see that's what they've attempted to do.

Now to the real meat... If the exploit WAS kept secret, and it has already been burned without need, then what's the point of holding it back from the public? If it's already been burned, and the companies know about it, then there's no secret to keep any longer. Was kept secret is past tense, but you're still trying to keep it secret even though it's not a secret anymore to those capable of patching it. So I don't see the point of withholding it any longer. You say hekate which you're the main developer of now will use it at some point in the future... But why aren't we using it now already?

Yes I totally agree, it was the only way to let others know who not to trust, who would betray you if you let them into your group or company! That's vital information to have, just like an exploit is, so the people saying it should have been kept private frustrate me to no end... They really wouldn't of wanted to know who to not trust? Or they're just snakes themselves and would want to keep betrayals secret as they would do the same themselves and wouldn't wish to be outed for their betrayals either.

It's a feature not a bug... That's what I say too... Fusee-G is also a feature, not a bug :). One company's bug, is another person's feature! Hold up just a second though... If this feature/bug is so publicly documented, then why is no one saying WHERE it is publicly documented... It kind of contradicts itself don't you think? That proves there's some secrecy behind it and she very well the hell knows it, otherwise she'd be pointing us all to where it's publicly documented because it's no big deal to reveal it to all of us right? Had no qualms of revealing it to the companies but is holding back at revealing it to the public who now since it's been disclosed have a right to know! Also you can't say no money has been collected... Are you telling me a person that's a liar, that betrayed trust as even you acknowledge is incapable of lying further? Please just say 'ok google give me the records of everyone you've paid out bug bounty's too' and they'll respond with 'sure, give me a moment, downloading all those records right now to your machine...' I think you know they won't give you that information, so how could you or anyone know that payment wasn't made? Something big like this doesn't get leaked and trust betrayed for no reason, there has to be some motivation behind it, money is a big motivation that fits perfectly with how most traitors betray their own for! People that don't care so much for money though stay genuine and don't betray anyone, because they can't be bought, unlike every politician ever!

Again you say it could've been handled better privately, as if betrayal of trust of a public figure is not something the public should know about. You are wrong, so very wrong, and I'd like you to recant that! You are a prime example of what's wrong with our society, you want to keep things secret that should not be kept secret and disclose things that should be kept secret... Completely opposite. Was the feature kept secret by kate? No!, so why should her betrayal of not keeping under wraps be kept secret? "Oh she leaked the secret, but common guys the fact that she leaked it should be kept secret"... That's what you sound like!
Like if literally nobody will read this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2017
Why is K so butt hurt that he/she always gotta be reporting/submitting bugs? WHY? If he/she isn't after the money, it makes even less sense.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2018
United States
Bolded text in which I reiterate this ->

You must not be a gambling man Wierd_w... If you truly would like for more people's hands to be able to use exploit to gain control of their systems, then keeping it private for as long as possible makes it stay vulnerable for as many firmware and hardware revisions as possible! Yes we understand other groups can independently find and release it, but when you are withholding one you are BETTING against that, and if it happens so what... Only if you're after the cred, rather than it being usable for as many people as possible with a variety of different firmware versions, would you release it immediately!

Why do you think things like the iOS scene suck so badly? Because appl patches the publicly made vulnerabilities so damn quick and they have a wierd system of forcing you to upgrade to the latest version when they stop signing the vulnerable version almost immediately. So there's only a very short window of time iOS'rs have to be able to take root of their device... However if a vulnerability is kept private for longer and effects more versions of the software, there will in turn be more people that are able to use it by just happening to be on the right firmware versions that they may not have even realized (nor did appl) were ownable!

So seriously holding back privileged information is not being against the community but actually you're doing it for their benefit! As long as you intend to release it at some point, at the right time, when enough firmware /and/or hardware revisions (if they're not too different) are effected to make it worth it!

I'm with you though, now that this has been made known about by the companies in question due to a leaker, it should be made public too! Why do the companies get to know about it, but we don't? Yea it's shitty circumstances that led to them knowing about it, but now since they do, it only makes sense to throw it out their for the public to know about as well!

1) Ninty already knows, AND already knew. They removed the major entrypoint in 5.x, BEFORE this supposed disclosure.

2) We will have to respectfully disagree. Obscurity is not security. It never has been, it never will be. This is true in both directions: Both for software products in the wild, and for zero-day vulns that are found. To wit-- Nintendo already knew about DV. That is why it was removed in 5.x

3) No. I do not gamble. The math is more than enough to convince me that it is a fool's past time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
United States
1) Ninty already knows, AND already knew. They removed the major entrypoint in 5.x, BEFORE this supposed disclosure.

2) We will have to respectfully disagree. Obscurity is not security. It never has been, it never will be. This is true in both directions: Both for software products in the wild, and for zero-day vulns that are found. To wit-- Nintendo already knew about DV. That is why it was removed in 5.x

3) No. I do not gamble. The math is more than enough to convince me that it is a fool's past time.

1. Changing the code so it's not vulnerable anymore doesn't mean they knew, it just means they changed the code enough that it stopped being vulnerable maybe without even realizing they patched something. If you change code that you think has vulnerabilities in it even if you don't know what they are, you're replacing those vulnerabilities with a whole new set of different vulnerabilities. Different code, different vulns. lol.

2. It's not security through obscurity, that I actually agree with but I think you're conflating it with this which is something else. It's closer to insecurity by maintaining obscurity. Knowledge is power, and lack of knowledge by companies and their products is also power (for us). Yea you can't keep your console remaining secure by being obscure, but it can be insecure by remaining obscure. You can't tell me everyone knows everything instantly, or that bugs have ever gone unnoticed for more than 5 minutes (they have, sometimes for years). Sometimes due to people not finding them at all, and sometimes due to those that did never disclosed them for a long time, or sometimes ever for truly nefarious actors. You mean you wouldn't hold back something not even for just 1 more version, for one more revision, just to see if it's still viable on the next one? It doesn't matter if many people find it, as long as none of them report it to the patchers, so that it stays viable which is what we want and which is the opposite of what they want. It's kind of an unwritten agreement between like-minded individuals, that have the skills to do so, and knowing there isn't a whole lot of people in the world that have the skills required. In fact I'm not so sure I agree with this 'responsible disclosure' crap either. I think when it's time to drop it, it would be much more fun to drop it to the public first rather than the companies first, and watch them scramble to put a lid on it! :)

3. I'm not talking about slots here, or putting it on red or black, I guess you've never played something like poker. Partly skill, partly gambling, calculated risk with a nice risk/reward ratio! That game you can actually win, compared to what you were thinking of where you're pretty much guaranteed to lose. That's closer to the similarity I was thinking of.

Finally I have an idea, can we start a new thread, and make this into a community effort to re-find this "bug"? Where is it 'publicly documented in several places' including 'in notes in open source code' If it's so publicly documented, why are they not willing to reveal where it's been publicly documented? I mean since it's already burned/revealed/disclosed, might as well tell us! There's tons of open source projects so point us to at least one of them that contains the 'feature'/'bug' that as naehrwert describes it doesn't say //BUG HERE but it's described as a feature, so we should look at whatever projects those are and look for comments that describe features. Which don't say //BUG HERE but that describe a feature and how it's intended to work! Oh and it has to do with how things are configured so we know that too.
This is what I'm talking about where it's discussed as publicly documented ->

Common Wierd_w, I agree that now since it's not obscure anymore then we should eliminate all obscurity and shine the lights on it. Don't get me wrong I appreciate and like the F-G I'm working with, but going truly untethered would be the best. And if this was the phone scene, untethered would be the standard, it would be untethered or no deal! lol. Well for phones that's a lot more important, but still would be the best way even for the switch. I'm on 4.1 so I can use it, once we have it! :) Is it dejavu though, I thought it was something entirely new? Maybe it's related and just the missing piece of that puzzle to make it untethered, that's my thinking.
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Jul 26, 2017
Korea, North
1. Changing the code so it's not vulnerable anymore doesn't mean they knew, it just means they changed the code enough that it stopped being vulnerable maybe without even realizing they patched something. If you change code that you think has vulnerabilities in it even if you don't know what they are, you're replacing those vulnerabilities with a whole new set of different vulnerabilities. Different code, different vulns. lol.

2. It's not security through obscurity, that I actually agree with but I think you're conflating it with this which is something else. It's closer to insecurity by maintaining obscurity. Knowledge is power, and lack of knowledge by companies and their products is also power (for us). Yea you can't keep your console remaining secure by being obscure, but it can be insecure by remaining obscure. You can't tell me everyone knows everything instantly, or that bugs have ever gone unnoticed for more than 5 minutes (they have, sometimes for years). Sometimes due to people not finding them at all, and sometimes due to those that did never disclosed them for a long time, or sometimes ever for truly nefarious actors. You mean you wouldn't hold back something not even for just 1 more version, for one more revision, just to see if it's still viable on the next one? It doesn't matter if many people find it, as long as none of them report it to the patchers, so that it stays viable which is what we want and which is the opposite of what they want. It's kind of an unwritten agreement between like-minded individuals, that have the skills to do so, and knowing there isn't a whole lot of people in the world that have the skills required. In fact I'm not so sure I agree with this 'responsible disclosure' crap either. I think when it's time to drop it, it would be much more fun to drop it to the public first rather than the companies first, and watch them scramble to put a lid on it! :)

3. I'm not talking about slots here, or putting it on red or black, I guess you've never played something like poker. Partly skill, partly gambling, calculated risk with a nice risk/reward ratio! That game you can actually win, compared to what you were thinking of where you're pretty much guaranteed to lose. That's closer to the similarity I was thinking of.

Finally I have an idea, can we start a new thread, and make this into a community effort to re-find this "bug"? Where is it 'publicly documented in several places' including 'in notes in open source code' If it's so publicly documented, why are they not willing to reveal where it's been publicly documented? I mean since it's already burned/revealed/disclosed, might as well tell us! There's tons of open source projects so point us to at least one of them that contains the 'feature'/'bug' that as naehrwert describes it doesn't say //BUG HERE but it's described as a feature, so we should look at whatever projects those are and look for comments that describe features. Which don't say //BUG HERE but that describe a feature and how it's intended to work! Oh and it has to do with how things are configured so we know that too.
This is what I'm talking about where it's discussed as publicly documented ->

Common Wierd_w, I agree that now since it's not obscure anymore then we should eliminate all obscurity and shine the lights on it. Don't get me wrong I appreciate and like the F-G I'm working with, but going truly untethered would be the best. And if this was the phone scene, untethered would be the standard, it would be untethered or no deal! lol. Well for phones that's a lot more important, but still would be the best way even for the switch. I'm on 4.1 so I can use it, once we have it! :) Is it dejavu though, I thought it was something entirely new? Maybe it's related and just the missing piece of that puzzle to make it untethered, that's my thinking.
what were you saying
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New Member
Jul 15, 2018
United States
I'm getting some Deja Vu here (no pun intended)

It's a bit obscure and I don't really remember the specifics (this was roughly 10 years ago) but it'd be cool to see if anyone here knows what I'm talking about.
Back when I was lurking on some PSP hacking forums, someone made a youtube video demonstrating an exploit or something. Sony patched it. Apparently he wasn't supposed to be showing off the exploit. Lots of forum drama. Good times.

Console hacking is fun.
Last edited by IBEGeek,


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2018
United States
The gain isn't always an immediate pay out. So, for example in this case its another addition to her cv, which in turn helps with future prospects

Except she states that it was already a publicly known exploit, that was already well documented, so it does NOT add to her CV.

From what I am reading from her posts, she was discussing with a consulting client about the potential impact of a misconfiguration, and pointed to a well documented misconfiguration in the Pixel C, which does not exist in the Nintendo Switch. In this case, her talking about it would be like discussing heartbleed, or spectre/meltdown. Bugs that are super serious, but not present in other offerings. (Heartbleed was OpenSSL specific, and Spectre/Meltdown only really exists in certain processors from intel, and a smattering from AMD. Most ARM Cpus and pals are not impacted.)
Last edited by Wierd_w,
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GBATemp Analyst
Apr 27, 2018
Are you telling me a person that's a liar, that betrayed trust as even you acknowledge is incapable of lying further? Please just say 'ok google give me the records of everyone you've paid out bug bounty's too' and they'll respond with 'sure, give me a moment, downloading all those records right now to your machine...' I think you know they won't give you that information, so how could you or anyone know that payment wasn't made? Something big like this doesn't get leaked and trust betrayed for no reason, there has to be some motivation behind it, money is a big motivation that fits perfectly with how most traitors betray their own for!

Maybe SciresM didn't mean to say she got paid but how much one could gain to report it?
Edit: Thanks btw for summing the gist of this thread for us:)


This is now a Spiderman thread.........
Nov 19, 2008
United Kingdom
I read it and understood none of it does that count

Me too for most of it.

Also Scene Drama is funny, hackers arguing about shit the regular person doesn't understand and just wants to use in a nicely packaged and easy to use piracy tool :)


GBAtemp Legend
Jun 1, 2013
United States
Imho I fully agree with ScieresM. There was an exploit he shared which had aide aide effecta that got leaked to Google for cash. Then he's trying to act as if nothing happened, please... If he got any money then it should be given to charity or to ScieresM for finding the original bug.n


Dec 24, 2008
United Kingdom
Imho I fully agree with ScieresM. There was an exploit he shared which had aide aide effecta that got leaked to Google for cash. Then he's trying to act as if nothing happened, please... If he got any money then it should be given to charity or to ScieresM for finding the original bug.n
I've figured it out. This thread is the matrix and neo makes it to the source every 15 pages or so and resets the thread.

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