Know Your Temps: Lacius

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Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Welcome back Tempers! and Lacius!, to...

In this quirky little activity you tempers can get to know eachother a little better.

Know Your Temps rules and information:
One lucky user will be questioned for three days.
Users can ask as many many questions as they want. Just be sure to change 'em up a bit. Question templates some users use get stale very fast.
Feel free to ask questions on multiple topics, from favorite video game genre to favorite book. Remember not to go too far and ask discomforting questions.
Try to keep your questions in one post, but if you think of more later on you can post again.
If you only get a few or no replies you will be given an extra day, for a total of 4.
If your session is getting lots of attention especially towards the end I might give you an extra day, maybe.
If you want your session moved backward or removed, just ask me in a PM, and I may do it. If your name was never on the list just ask me at any time.
Some KYT threads will have polls asking for your opinions on previous sessions and if the rules should be tweaked more or if it went well. Please respond to these polls.
If you're on the KYT list, please, also participate in asking questions to others on the list, this prevents KYT sessions from being empty and generates more interest for your own as well.
Tempers that change their name and are on the list that fail to notify me about their name change will get kicked off the list.
This fun and engaging activity helps us get to know you better, in an exciting, chaotic way! Remember to be kind and have fun!

Upcoming sessions (Post here to sign up) :

In This Session: @Lacius will be on stand for questioning!

Touko White

Jan 12, 2016
United Kingdom
How are you currently feeling?
Why did you originally register to GBATemp?
What do you think of the community here?
Favourite classic meme?
How dank are your memes?
What is the meaning of your life?
What have you done to contribute to the scene?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
How are you currently feeling?
I'm feeling well. I got sick last weekend as I always do after starting school and teaching disease-carrying students. I still have a lingering cough though.

Why did you originally register to GBATemp?
I was a lurker for quite some time, learning everything I could about DS flashcarts and Wii modchips (backup-loading without a modchip wouldn't be a thing for years). I probably joined because I was really bored over the summer break after high school, and I wanted to distract myself from the stresses of going off to college. There might have also been a specific reason, problem, or game that made me join, but there's no way I would remember.

What do you think of the community here?
I think it's a strong community. A lot of other websites' communities aren't as close.

Favourite classic meme?
Is That Makes Me Moist classic? It's both funny, and it's freaking Helen Thomas.

How dank are your memes?
Not so dank, unfortunately. I'm not much of a meme guy, to be honest.

What is the meaning of your life?
I like this question. The meaning of one's life is whatever one chooses. The meaning of my life, for example, is to make myself and others around me maximally happy.

What have you done to contribute to the scene?
Not much, really. There was a problem in the Wii scene that I noted once several years ago. Before I noted it, no one was talking about it. After I noted it, reports of that problem started to snowball, because I guess no one noticed and/or they thought it was normal, and it got fixed. It helps me sleep at night to think it wouldn't have gotten fixed if it hadn't been for me, even though I did absolutely nothing to help fix it. Other than that, I just answer people's questions with what's common knowledge.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Favorite Zelda game?
Usually whichever one I'm currently playing at the time, but consistently it's The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

Best way to kill time?
Video games, of course.

Boobs or Tits?

Favourite TV channe?

Any phobias?
I'm pretty much fearless. No specific fears come to mind.

Will you buy Breath of the Wild?
I will play it.
Last edited by Lacius,
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True Light
Jan 26, 2016
United States
Greninja or Charizard?
Ash or Alan?
-If yes, who?
Pokemon Sun or Moon?
Zelda or Mario?
Link or Toon Link?
Power, Wisdom or Courage?
Master Sword or King's Sword?
Green, Blue, Red, Black, Purple or White tunic?
Fierce Deity or Dark Link?

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Entropy Trap
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Hey! ^_^
How are you?
Would you cuddle with me?
Am I cute?
How do you feel about Glaceon?
Should I be more Glaceon?
Windows, Linux, or Mac?
Me or you?
Favorite superhero?
Favorite villain?
Have you watched The Legend of Korra yet?
Bolin or Sokka?
Favorite Video game?
Favorite Video game console?
Pokemon or Digimon?
EoF or Shoutbox?
Angry Video Game Nerd or Nostalgia Critic?
How many fingers am I not holding up?
Can I ask more questions when I think of them?
What is your favorite Pokemon?
Favorite Digimon?
How many video games do you own?
Favorite flashcard?
Do you think I am Lucario's number one fanboy?
Have you ever watched the movie, The Boondock Saints?
Can I own a pet fox?
If you could fly, would you fly to new places?
What is you favorite song?
What is you favorite TV show?
Do you want to help me finish off my 17 cups of coffee?
Do you like my new avatar/signature?
Did you know all my avatars/signatures mix in several hidden messages that reveal different parts of my personality and life?
Did you know they also all tell a story about my life?
Did you play Pokemon Black and or White?
What about Black and or White 2?
What is your favorite pokemon game?
Should they make better Digimon games?
Do you drink Monster?
Do you EoF?
Have you tried the Wii U yet?
If I suggested a Linux Distro that was like Windows and easy to use, would you try it?
Did you notice I am a huge Linux fanboy?
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Have you ever raised chickens before?
Farm or no farm?
If you could go to space, would you?
If your phone worked in space, would you use it?
What is your favorite smartphone?
What is your favorite Smartphone OS?
Have you used the filetrip personal upload yet?
Are these completely random questions?
Does gravity suck?
What was the most recent TV series that you watched?
What was the last movie you watched?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Why not?

Greninja or Charizard?

Ash or Alan?

I'm not married.

-If yes, who?

Pokemon Sun or Moon?
Probably Pokémon Moon, but I need to see the version exclusives list first, and I need to know which versions my IRL friends pick.

Zelda or Mario?
Zelda the game series and Zelda the person

Link or Toon Link?
Toon Link

Power, Wisdom or Courage?

Master Sword or King's Sword?
Master Sword

Green, Blue, Red, Black, Purple or White tunic?
Red tunic

Fierce Deity or Dark Link?
Fierce Deity

Hey! ^_^
Hey hey hey.

How are you?
I am well. You can see above for my recent health.

Would you cuddle with me?
See below.

Am I cute?
I don't think I've seen a picture of you in years, and I don't remember what you look like. So, maybe?

How do you feel about Glaceon?
It's a good Pokémon.

Should I be more Glaceon?
I don't know what this means. Be more specific.

Windows, Linux, or Mac?
  1. Windows
  2. Linux
  3. Mac
But all three are good.

Me or you?
Generally speaking, me.

Favorite superhero?
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Favorite villain?

Have you watched The Legend of Korra yet?

Bolin or Sokka?

Favorite Video game?
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Favorite Video game console?
Nintendo Wii

Pokemon or Digimon?

EoF or Shoutbox?

Angry Video Game Nerd or Nostalgia Critic?

How many fingers am I not holding up?
I do not know. A good guess would be five.

Can I ask more questions when I think of them?
Please do.

What is your favorite Pokemon?

Favorite Digimon?

How many video games do you own?
I moved recently and left a lot of the ones I didn't care about in storage, so I will only count the ones I brought with me. If I count the legimitely owned video games in my current possession, it's probably around eight. I probably have some more that I didn't think of.

Favorite flashcard?
Classic R4

Do you think I am Lucario's number one fanboy?
Statistically, you probably are not Lucario's number one fanboy, so my guess is no.

Have you ever watched the movie, The Boondock Saints?
I watched some of it. I remember not caring for it, and I didn't stick around to finish it.

Can I own a pet fox?
That depends on where you live.

If you could fly, would you fly to new places?
That depends a lot on how the ability to fly has contributed to my financial standing, how fast I can go, other limitations of the ability, etc. Assuming I have the time, and it's not inconvenient to do so, sure.

What is you favorite song?
I don't know. Lately, "All That She Wants" by Ace of Base.

What is you favorite TV show?
Star Trek

Do you want to help me finish off my 17 cups of coffee?
I don't like coffee, so no.

Do you like my new avatar/signature?
Sure, but I'm not really a fan of signatures in general.

Did you know all my avatars/signatures mix in several hidden messages that reveal different parts of my personality and life?
I believe I did know that, yes.

Did you know they also all tell a story about my life?
I believe I knew that, yes.

Did you play Pokemon Black and or White?
I did, yes.

What about Black and or White 2?

What is your favorite pokemon game?
FireRed and LeafGreen

Should they make better Digimon games?
They shouldn't make any Digimon games.

Do you drink Monster?
I don't drink energy drinks, so no.

Do you EoF?
I do not.

Have you tried the Wii U yet?
I own one, and yes.

If I suggested a Linux Distro that was like Windows and easy to use, would you try it?
No. If I wanted to use a Linux Distro like Windows, I would just use Windows. If I want to use a Linux Distro, I'll use a Linux Distro. My primary laptop is on Windows 10, and my two older desktops that I use from time to time are each on Lubuntu.

Did you notice I am a huge Linux fanboy?
I knew that, yes.

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Immortality for practical reasons. I could have the coolest superpowers in the world, but it's not going to matter 100 years from now if I'm dead. I'd rather be boring but still alive. Time is the one resource I have virtually no control over. If I could have shapeshifting or space-time manipulation that resulted in functional immortality, I would choose one of those instead.

Have you ever raised chickens before?

Farm or no farm?
I have family members on my mother's side who are farmers, but I am not a farmer.

If you could go to space, would you?
If it's safe and the price is practical for me, yes.

If your phone worked in space, would you use it?
If I didn't have something better, why wouldn't I?

What is your favorite smartphone?
I use a Galaxy S5, but that decision was more out of convenience. I don't know which smartphone is the best, but I like Android OS over iOS or anything else. The best smartphone changes every few months, so there's no point in having a favorite.

What is your favorite Smartphone OS?
Android OS

Have you used the filetrip personal upload yet?
I don't think so.

Are these completely random questions?
They seem copy/pasted, so by definition, no.

Does gravity suck?
I like gravity, so no.

What was the most recent TV series that you watched?
Not counting reruns of things I've already seen, the latest series I watched was Stranger Things. Including reruns, I have no idea.

What was the last movie you watched?
I don't watch a lot of movies. Probably X-Men: Apocalypse, but I might be mistaken.
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Listening to a song ad nauseam
Aug 25, 2014
On his bed
United Kingdom
Hey there!
Do you hate me?
Whats your favourite movie?
Whats your favourite game franchise?
Do you wish you werent here right now?
How much are you looking forward to the legend of zelda: Breath of the wild?
Sonic or Mario?
are you black?
If not do you wish you were black?
Whats your favourite movie?
Whats the worst illness you ever had?
Whats your favourite 7th gen console?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Hey there!
Hey hey hey.

Do you hate me?
We may disagree on some fundamental issues, but I don't hate you one bit.

Whats your favourite movie?
My favorite mainstream movie is Jurassic Park. My favorite guilty pleasure movie is a heavily disliked comedy and SNL remake called It's Pat.

Whats your favourite game franchise?
The Legend of Zelda series.

Do you wish you werent here right now?
I have nowhere else I'd rather be at this moment.

How much are you looking forward to the legend of zelda: Breath of the wild?
On a scale of 0-10, about a 9.

Sonic or Mario?

are you black?
I am not black. According to a DNA test, I am 99.8% European with no African ancestry as defined as ancestors who were alive about 500 years ago.

If not do you wish you were black?
I'm very comfortable with who I am, and there's very little I would change. If tomorrow I woke up black, however, I'd be fine with it.

Whats your favourite movie?
Jurassic Park

Whats the worst illness you ever had?
I've never been significantly sick, so probably the stomach flu.

Whats your favourite 7th gen console?
The Nintendo Wii


Listening to a song ad nauseam
Aug 25, 2014
On his bed
United Kingdom
Thanks for not hating me!
(i did a dna test too turns out im 5% japanese even though im brown and from south east asia)
Just to add on:
Pc gaming or console?
What in life were you most disappointed about?
Do you have kids or wish to?
What was the hardest decision youve ever made?
Linux or Windows?
Android or Ios?
What are your thoughts on piracy?
Do you watch anime?
If so whats your favourite series?
How much do you dislike/like the NX rumour designs?
Will you be picking up nintendo's latest console or have you lost all faith?
If there was one thing you want improved from every other zelda what would it be?
Do you hate/love memes?
Whats the one thing you hate most about where you live? (e.g heat etc)


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Thanks for not hating me!
No problem.

(i did a dna test too turns out im 5% japanese even though im brown and from south east asia)
I'm apparently <0.1% Japanese.

Just to add on:
Pc gaming or console?

What in life were you most disappointed about?
I was surprised and disappointed by the overwhelming backlash against health care reform in the United States in 2009-2010, and then the results of the 2010 midterm elections. As for personal disappointments, nothing comes to mind off the top of my head.

Do you have kids or wish to?
I do not have kids, and I am on the fence about having them. I am a teacher, and the emotional fulfillment of having kids is largely being met by my job.

What was the hardest decision youve ever made?
I am very frugal, so picking and buying a house was a very difficult decision for me.

Linux or Windows?

Android or Ios?
Android OS

What are your thoughts on piracy?
I support piracy, but I think people who have the means should buy things they would have otherwise bought if piracy hadn't been an option. In other words, I don't have a problem with people who are low on money committing piracy, and I don't have a problem with piracy if it's something one likely wouldn't have bought anyway.

Do you watch anime?
It has been years since I've watched anime.

If so whats your favourite series?

How much do you dislike/like the NX rumour designs?
I haven't looked at them.

Will you be picking up nintendo's latest console or have you lost all faith?
I'm going to wait and see. It might be months if not years before I pick it up, if I pick it up at all.

If there was one thing you want improved from every other zelda what would it be?
More continuity between games.

Do you hate/love memes?
I generally like memes when they're not overused.

Whats the one thing you hate most about where you live? (e.g heat etc)
Its Republican leanings. For example, my state voted for Romney in 2012 by 9%, and my county voted for Romney in 2012 by 13%. I imagine similar results in 2016.
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