should I play this game now in 2017?, I have the ps classics version for ps3.
Yes you should. I know the graphics are bad by todays standards, but the gameplay, it's worth it!
What Silent Hill game got you into Silent Hill?
The first one. It happened back in 1998 on the good old PlayStation 1. And I'm really happy it did.
Do you love this game?
What about the rest of the series?
Which is your favourite entry?
Especially on 4 (The Room), yay or nay?
How often do you play this game? Which ending do you usually go for?
Favourite enemy?
Best moment (in spoiler tags for those who don't know this game by heart)?
Yes, I LOVE IT, and I love the whole series. I can't say that there is an entry that I don't like.
For the favorite part, i will go with Silent Hill 3, you don't see many female protagonists in games, and Heather is the daughter off Harry, Harry Mason :-)
The Room was a really fun game, and it has my favorite part. The whole idea of being locked up in the apartment, you can check the window, people are living their lives as usual and you crawl through holes.
Since I'm writing my SH blog, I do play the games often. Maybe too often :-(
For the first playthrough I play to get to the end. After that, i go deep. Most of the time I had no idea how to get the best one, so I had to invest a looooot off time researching, writing stuff down, figuring stuff out.
Favorite enemy, Nurses. Creepy, sexy and deadly, just like me.
For the best moment: The first time meeting The Pyramid Head. It's not a spoiler if you ask me. Walking, dragging that big ass cleaver. I had nightmares for like a week and couldn't play it :-P
Do you think the series is dead?
Are you pissed that silent hills was canceled?
Are you as pissed as I am that you can't even get P.T. on psn anymore?
@Issac the room is one of my favorites. Glad you brought it up. That and 2, shattered memories, origins, and homecoming. Those are the best imo.
For me, it's dead. I'm sad that Hills was canceled, Dick Move Konami. I was really excited. Maybe too much. The P.T. was so freaking good. It scared the crap out off me. And I played it for hours. Will play it tonight. Yes, yes I will. That's why we need PS4 exploit, people need P.T.
How scary is this game? I'm usually fine with scary movies, but resident evil 0-4 are too scary for me to play for long bouts. How does it stack up to say RE1?
Silent Hill is going towards the psychological scare, so it leaves it's impact loooong after you stop playing. RE goes for jump scares, SE tries to scarr you for life.
Just joking, or maybe not?
Try and play it. Maybe you will be freaked, maybe you will say Meh
But there are 2 movies, i love them, people say it's crap. I'm a fangirl