Hacking iTouch 2 issues...


New Member
Nov 20, 2009
i recently bought a DS lite (US), so i got this iTouch 2 flashcard along with a 4gb sandisk microSDHC. i'm new to flashcards and stuff... but i think i pretty much did everything as it should. proof is a bit further.

i started by checking if the itouch2 worked without the microSD. it didn't show up on my DS lite, i though that was normal.
as required, i downloaded the latest software from www.simplepluseasy.com and copied the "iTouch" folder along with the 3 "boot.xxx" files.

i struggled for over half an hour trying to boot the thing... but it wouldn't show on the DS lite's menu...
i tried only have one boot.eng file and in the end, i managed to run the damn thing... but it would keep giving me "sf system fail, sf read fail" or "system error 1" error messages.

i got tired of it and said, what the heck, let's give it a shot with the DS fat. so i put it in my old DS fat (JAP) and surprise! it ran just perfectly! at that point i only had the "boot.eng" file in the microSD card.

i played for a while, tested the RTS option to soft reboot it to the iTouch menu and all. it ran just fine.

when i put it back on my DS lite it would keep failing everytime, freezing weirdly not only during/before/after "loading...", but even also during the intial DS warning boot screen and right in the DS firmware menu...

i thought it must be some kind of software incompatibility... i retried only including one of the boot.xxx files at a time to indentify the one that works with each region (as it turns, the JAP DS works with the .eng boot file and not with the .jp one, and the US DS lite will also only "work" with the .eng file but it keeps freezing).

the farther i got to make it work on the DS lite was at one point it would launch the software without visual artifacts or error messages, but it would freeze once i try to launch a game, or in the menu if i wait for a couple of seconds...

so in the end, i've played over 2 hours this afternoon, on my old DS fat... and i simply can't make it work on the lite. so, please help me, i've fallen, and i can't get up


New Member
Nov 20, 2009
sorry for double posting, but it's been almost a day and i would really need some hints on what's going on quickly, before i no longer can return the yet to be determined faulty product...

i played again on the ds fat for a while, but it wasn't all perfect though: the itouch menu shows without the upper screen backlit upon soft reset, and it later freezes once i try to launch a new game.

also, i somehow managed to run the itouch 2 software in the ds lite, but once i launch the game, i get a M3 DS REAL error screen which says "save data file format error" (i had already run the game, and thus created save data, on the ds fat). i wasn't able to run any other game or successfully launch the itouch 2 software again... and the ds lite isn't identifying the cartridge at all half of the time... again...

come on guys, just a little comment on if it's worth keeping trying or if i should just return the stupid thing

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