CDNSP by bob doesn't work? I'm new to the switch hacking scene and have no sources.not directly to nintendo no use the usual sites+ a title installer i refuse to talk about that server on discord (not only for legality sake but your own safety/sanity)
nope at least not in public because the auth changed same thing happened to the 3ds making stuff like freeshop/villian3ds useless
Google. Or search for homebrew discord. They have tinfoil with their own settings and run their own servers with games so you can download them easily.So if I want patches for games what am i supposed to do?
Google. Or search for homebrew discord. They have tinfoil with their own settings and run their own servers with games so you can download them easily.
Yep,Ive been using this but some files have problems. They aren't even white knights on here lol, they are just bitter individuals that don't want to share the love.its called HBG. ignore these white knights of nintendo piracy. Can't link it or send you links, just google the name.
So HBG can steal my cert? Who said this? I am pretty paranoid as this is what was recommended on here. What can they do with my cert?A homebrew that directly connects to Nintendo's servers doesn't exist anymore due to Nintendo fixing the bug how they handle client/server CDN requests if you don't have a valid ticket.
For now at best there's this custom version of tinfoil in the wild.
That said, it doesn't quite always work. Games corrupt or stop during installation. Moreover, word has it that it's a malicious program that might steal your cert.
Your best choice should be to look for your games/dlc/updates on the web, place them on the SD card and manually install them.
Like i said it's only speculation and not entirely debunked and proven true.So HBG can steal my cert? Who said this? I am pretty paranoid as this is what was recommended on here. What can they do with my cert?
Like i said it's only speculation and not entirely debunked and proven true.
Use at your own risk.
Careful you might upset the gbatemp fanboysReddit says that the gbatemp mod that said that has a vendetta. GBAtemp has done some questionable things in the past like letting a guy that stole tens of thousands of 3ds stay unbanned.
like i said enter that discord at your own risk (if you don't mind transphobia by all means go on in) (I warned you btw) basicly its the discord version of 4chan to put it in prospective not a good place to be even when sw/sh gets leaked november time
like i said enter that discord at your own risk (if you don't mind transphobia by all means go on in) (I warned you btw) basicly its the discord version of 4chan to put it in prospective not a good place to be even when sw/sh gets leaked november time