Is it possible?


Active Member
Sep 17, 2009
United States
It came to my attention that it would be possible to house everyone who needs a home in America. All the homeless, all the low income, everyone could live in decent, crime free housing in the form of condominiums.

In the 60s, they had the same idea and built the projects. However, we could change the rules. Recreate these condos and make them modern and then give away free housing for everyone who wants it in exchange for a commitment. We would require the owner guard the condo where we live against property crime. We would require they check up on the elderly and disabled and go shopping for them. We would require they learn to fix and then fix simple plumbing and electrical problems.. We would require they do bi-annual painting of all interiors and exteriors. In exchange, all housing would be free.

We give prisoners free housing don't we?

The cost to build these condos is minimal, maybe $7,000 per unit if done en-mass. Drywall is dirt CHEAP and that is 90 percent of the material in a house or condo!!! How do I know? I am a licensed property adjuster and deal with this stuff every day.

The owner would be responsible for insurance, condo fee and local property taxes. Since the condo is worth $7,000 these fees should be minimal and could be paid for by a part time job working just a few hours a week. Those who couldn't work could pay due to disability could pay with their government subsidies. This would also pay for regular security guards (bouncers) of each condo to take care of anyone who didn't belong.

What happens if they do not abide by the rules? There would be a condo board and they would get kicked out. It would definitely be in their best interest to cooperate. We can do this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
Petersburg, AK
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United States
Isn't water expensive and scarce in the desert? We don't have an endless supply of fresh water and while housing all the homeless people for free sounds nice, it wouldn't work for many reasons. Survival of the fittest...


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2009
The heavens.
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Haveaniceday said:
What happens if they do not abide by the rules? There would be a condo board and they would get kicked out. It would definitely be in their best interest to cooperate. We can do this.

Why is the idea of a "condo board" incredibly ammusing? It makes me giggle

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
It came to my attention that it would be possible to house everyone who needs a home in America. All the homeless, all the low income, everyone could live in decent, crime free housing in the form of condominiums.: Crime free? I'm sorry, but whenever you have a large amount of low income people together, odds are a few of them will take the fast and bad track to lose the "low-income" tag. That's how we get slums and ghettos.

In the 60s, they had the same idea and built the projects. However, we could change the rules. Recreate these condos and make them modern and then give away free housing for everyone who wants it in exchange for a commitment. We would require the owner guard the condo where we live against property crime. We would require they check up on the elderly and disabled and go shopping for them. We would require they learn to fix and then fix simple plumbing and electrical problems.. We would require they do bi-annual painting of all interiors and exteriors. In exchange, all housing would be free. This isn't the 60's. We're not a bunch of hippies any more. Harsh, yes, but true. When we're up to our ballsacks in debt, fighting war and trying to pass one big chunk of money eating legislation after the other. Not that the legislation is bad, though. Health care seems cool. And you expect people from the streets to simply learn to do their plumbing and electrical and expect them to keep up their house? You seem to think that every homeless person is just an average guy in a bad situation. Most of the time they're either banana wacky or druggies. And I don't expect either of those to be reliable for keeping up a household or helping the elderly. And you expect the entire area of these new slums to be self run law? That worked out great in the ol' West! Actually, that's a great solution. The homeless won't be a problem if they start blowing each others' brains out until they go from 100,000 to 1,000. Why don't we put them in a cage with some sharpened sticks and put it on TV while we're at it?

We give prisoners free housing don't we?: Prison isn't housing, it's prison. Why don't the homeless or low income just get into prison doing non-violent crimes and get free housing then? They get a cell that's probably half a studio apartment, stuck with bad people and with little freedom. It's punishment, not a free ride. People always think that giving convicts a "free place to live" is dumb, yet if they were in prison odds are they wouldn't be having the same opinion.

The cost to build these condos is minimal, maybe $7,000 per unit if done en-mass. Drywall is dirt CHEAP and that is 90 percent of the material in a house or condo!!! How do I know? I am a licensed property adjuster and deal with this stuff every day. $7,000 for crappy housing. Odds are people would go bankrupt just trying to keep their giant cardboard box from falling apart. They already have to manage 90% of the things in their life, stitching up their house with duct tape 10x a day isn't helping.

The owner would be responsible for insurance, condo fee and local property taxes. Since the condo is worth $7,000 these fees should be minimal and could be paid for by a part time job working just a few hours a week. Those who couldn't work could pay due to disability could pay with their government subsidies. This would also pay for regular security guards (bouncers) of each condo to take care of anyone who didn't belong.: So they're already in charge of self defense, electrical, plumbing, and the elderly? Now you want them to do their insurance, condo fees, and local property taxes? On top of the fact they have little to no experience in any of these fields and could easily be a crack addict or a nutjob hiding from the aliens. Brilliant! Oh, and you really think a part time job will pay for all their needs on top of a bouncer? And you think the government will be able to throw cash at them too? A good deal of poor people aren't poor by some sad and tragic twist of fate. They're poor because they make bad decisions or do bad things. Call me cynical, but it's true.

What happens if they do not abide by the rules? There would be a condo board and they would get kicked out. It would definitely be in their best interest to cooperate. We can do this.: So we wasted a bunch of cash on them and now are kicking them out? Very economical. And I bet that 75% of these "tenants" would be kicked out for aforementioned problems. Not to mention that you'll be handing out housing to some and kicking out others? That's just fucking stupid.

This idea is terribly flawed. It's only possible in an impossible utopia. Why don't we just eliminate poverty, cancer, and transform the oceans into swiss cheese while we're at it? All this would do is bankrupt us even further, shoot up the crime rate, and cause twice as many problems as it would fix.


Redeemed Temper
Sep 24, 2008
While reading the responses from Mc Guild, he's absolutely right? Back in the days of the Bible, people were poor and homeless, did God do anything for them but put clothes on their back and give them wisdom how to survive?

Most people who are homeless is because they let their ego and pride get the best of them and let everything fall apart! Some of those homeless people who are recovering right now they had to work for it!

It's not possible to give free housing to the poor unless a partial agreement is made.

Like for instance if the poor live in free housing that are limited to 5 years to get their act together or they are going to be homeless again. Why, because the housing is being paid either the organization that make free shelters for the poor or the government which I highly doubt it. Those people who got their lives back together and ready to move on must pay back for their fives years being inside the apartment...if not then its a debt on their hands.

I will go into details about the situation but the fact is, there is a reason why shelters and projects exist. For people with little or no income to be babysit'd by the Human Resource Association and get their welfare check each month.

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    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
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    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
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  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
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    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
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    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
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    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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    How are you doing, @Xdqwerty
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