Gaming If my Wii has a dodgy drive...(a few questions of my wii, fixing, and


May 23, 2007
United States
(And brawl, that is.)

Ok, quick background, on the weekend my smash brothers were back in town so we were gonna have a brawl sesh at mine, but my brawl disc started acting up saying it couldn't be read. My brawl disc has been radially scratched before, but I took it to a shop and got it fixed with one of those disc fixey machines. We tried to default back to melee, but it seems that's got some problem too(no, no the wii, as I ran that on a GC).

I thought it COULD be my wii's laser, so I've just gone through the process of opening it up and rubbing the lens with some window cleaner on a cotton bud. Still, brawl does not run

Now, my original radial scratch I believe I know the origin of, but the current(much fainter) one and the 'buffs' around the edge of my disc I totally cannot comprehend. I've always tried to keep my discs pretty mint really, so I was confused how it was so roughed up when I saw it, and wondered if maybe it was the original scratch returning or so(I've always though those disc cleaners melt the plastic with a solvent and smooth it somewhat, but a deep scratch would be left underneath, I dunno why). I just assumed this cos I had no other reasoning to think. Anyhow, here's my current thoughts on the situation, which leads to my questions;

So, I was looking at my brawl disc(will try and get a pic or two up later) and it has like...little 'buffs' as I said, I dunno how to describe them really. Brawl is pretty much the only thing I use my wii for, but it's a PAL wii(launch Wii) and I use the HBC to boot into Gecko to boot into brawl. I could solve my problem by going down the loader root and playing backups, but it's a bit too close to piracy for me and I'm trying to stay away. This comes into a later question. The only evidence I have to support is tiny, faint, similar 'buffs' on my LKS disc which has had maybe...40hours run time? The reason I'm thinking it might be my drive's fault is because it started getting a bit noise-ier a while back. Anyhow, my questions? How do I get this fixed!

If I told Nintendo, would they be likely to actually fix this or the drive? Will it cost me more than £30-40? The reason I ask if they would is because if it's something happening over time then maybe they won't be able to see the problem, and thus not fix it, and thus leaving me with future potential disc ruinings when I play for longer. If they DO fix it, like the drive and whatnot, is it likely to affect anything HBC related on my Wii? If they put a new drive, or as standard do they try to anti-homebrew any Wiis they fix?

In line with that, obviously I'd be uninstalling my HBC before sending it off, but would they be able to tell that I had it on there? I do have BootMii installed also, something I'm unkeen to uninstall. I need my HBC and options cos...well, my brawl is NTSC and they have no official import solution. I guess if BootMii stayed on, they'd be able to tell, but it can give me some plausible deniability if I spin it right. That's irrelevant, basically I'm wondering if they can anti-homebrew my wii, really. In what ways and how, if possible, could it be fixed?

Also, does anyone know any homebrew solutions to copy NTSC brawl data over to a PAL copy or so? Or a way to mass take the replays to import into a PAL copy(not actually sure if replays can be copied from SD card to console), but NTSC replays on an SD card do not show up on a PAL copy.

Sorry for the long-ass post btw guys, I get very typey cos I'm a massive spaz. Thanks in advance for any help/info people can provide!


May 23, 2007
United States
Having a browse through the hardware section, I realise this would probably be more suited to there, sorry for sticking it here! Can a mod move it along on its way to wherever is most appropriate?

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