as title says I need help. I want to safely transfer my old 3ds data to my new 3ds data without losing anything from my old 3ds or having my n3ds updated. my old 3ds is 9.2.0 and is linked to my nnid but my n3ds is in 9.0 and has never been connected to the internet. I have heard that doing a transfer deletes the data of the old 3ds, don't know if its true or not but I want to have 2 3ds with the same save for retail games like smash and since I have retail downloads I would like to use the saves on both 3ds's. assume im a gateway user also and I don't want to update at least not passed 9.2. thanks in advance.
p.s I don't have any important saves on my n3ds and I have only played omega ruby and ocarina of time wich both have the same saves on my old 3ds
p.s I don't have any important saves on my n3ds and I have only played omega ruby and ocarina of time wich both have the same saves on my old 3ds