Before I continue on with what I want to say, I have to say a famous philosophical concept.
Ideas are more real than material form. This is easily seen because our senses can destroy the meaning of objects while the idea of an object has an exact representation.
So I had a dream last night of having sex with another woman. But because it was a dream, it was totally an idea. Since idea's are greater than the material form. I technically cheated on my girlfriend but worse!
How do I explain this to her?
Ideas are more real than material form. This is easily seen because our senses can destroy the meaning of objects while the idea of an object has an exact representation.
So I had a dream last night of having sex with another woman. But because it was a dream, it was totally an idea. Since idea's are greater than the material form. I technically cheated on my girlfriend but worse!
How do I explain this to her?