How I compiled PAlib in modern tools. (debloated PAlib on devkitARM r58)

Deleted member 591971

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2022
Thank you everybody, thanks PAlib's developers, even though they made a sh#tty library in the inside, it is still great. Thank you everybody for b#tching about my proyects, it helps to know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks for all the ones that complained about PA2lib, since they b#tched about it's compatibility I COMPILED THE WHOLE REAL SH#T PALIB FOR MODERN TOOLS WITH 100% COMPATIBILITY.

dPAlib stands for debloatedProgrammer'sArsenalLib or just debloatedPAlib. It aims to provide the most accurate PAlib experience in modern devkitARM without any bloatware that may compromise size and performance. nitroFS support is broken, ASlib is more broken than my life but hey it works!
I gotta say that running dPAlib (or just PAlib without all the bloatware) is the wildest thing I have ever done. Only the ARM9 PAlib core works, C++ has stupid compiler warnings, Gifs I can't test since that is not on the dPAlib library, I could add it but im lazy to reimplement the software back. But please i mean running the "perfect" and "outdated" tool on modern stuff is just amazing.

dPAlib first was just my PAlib instalation that I used, it had a lot of stuff removed, one day I asked myself if all the stuff that I removed made maintaining PAlib easier or just made it straight up work. While I think vanilla PAlib is the one that most people b#tch about for its STUPID SOURCE CODE (yeah you have never ever heard this before from me), the DSGM really liked the idea of dPAlib since PAlib was bloated and people wanted a faster, lighter PAlib that still was compatible, unfortunaly DSGM's source code is broken and it requires motion controls so it needs to use the original PAlib instead of dPAlib but I expect this to be fixed in the future. 21/2/23 7:30PM I decided that my curiosity will never leave so I decided to compile dPAlib on modern devkitARM and see how it goes.

First of all I installed a virtual machine that runs Windows 8.1 so that I can install modern tools without messing up my Linux install. I used the devkitPro installer to install the tools and I downloaded dPAlib on the github releases page, expecting it to not work, after devkitARM finish installing I copied the dPAlib folder to C:/devkitPro and renamed it to PAlib. Moment of truth, I got to source, opened cmd, typed in make clean JUST KIDDING STRAIGHT UP TO SMASHING THAT MOTHERF#CKING MAKE.BAT FILE!!! and arm9 compiled but arm7 was broken because of ASlib, so I looked at the error, ONE LINE OF CODE THAT I HAD TO CHANGE TO GET THE HOLE LIBRARY TO COMPILE, INCLUDING ASLIB, MAXMOD AND DSWIFI. So after that was done I was like "sh#t this is probably not going to compile code" so I download the PAlib examples from and compiled. It didn't wanted to compile, it said that It couldn't find arm-eabi-gcc. So I made a quick hack that replaced arm-eabi-gcc to arm-eabi-none-gcc (or something like that) and IT FUC#ING COMPILED, when that happened I was like "SH#T I COULD JUST DO THIS MOTHERF#CKING INSTEAD OF USING THE SH#TTY OUTDATED TOOLS" except it didn't run, yeah I was so excited because it compiled, I wondered if it was with PA_Makefile, back to square-1 I decided to copy the linking, building of a example of modern libnds.

Two hours and 30 minutes later

"wait it compiles? i never thought that, now lets run it, i expect it to not work or have something broken or broken palettes. WAIT SH#T HOW DOES IT F#CKING WORK WITHOUT ANY MOTHERF#CKING ISSUES?" I FELT SO OVERPOWERED BECAUSE NOBODY EVER THINKED THAT WAS POSSIBLE. The next day I woke up, gone to school, came back, and the first thing I have ever done was going into my computer and setting up the newer devkitARM so that I can install it, this time I could take a screenshot, I compiled ALL OF THE EXAMPLES. EVERYONE WORKED AND IT USED LESS THAN HALF OF THE SIZE OF THE OLDER SETUP.

At this moment everything was done, I posted my work. "Too easy, 2 source files that I had to change? Give me something harder devkitPro!", people were so surprised about this. I ported PAlib for modern devkitARM, modern libnds. Just call me the new PAlib maintainer.

Moral of the story: 1.I can literally do anything in like 2 days. 2. I am not completely useless. 3.Everything is possible. 4. I may have quitted PA2lib development, but I will never quit developing for the DS. 5. The DS community is my home, it may be destroyed, but I am here to fix it.
Last edited by Deleted member 591971,

Deleted member 591971

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2022
actually i just figured out i am stupid

okay so as i said i editted 3 files, one was PA_RTC, the other one was the PA_Makefile (or should I say SHIT_Makefile), and a ASlib related file that is crap that i have to compile non working. But in reality you only need to modify the PA_Makefile to make the shit work again. Lets just say, did you download PAlib from yes? the library comes precompiled. you may think, that is useless you have to recompile it to get it working but no, you can just replace the pa_makefile from dpalib (i recommend mdpalib as that has nitrofs support) and no need no recompile. Anyways for now ARM7 cores are broken so abstain from ASlib as far as possible, also the nitrofs support in mdPAlib is not so great, it is kinda buggy, sometimes loads shit instead of the thing you want to load, maybe it is my r4itt as it is so old.

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