Update is here: https://gbatemp.net/threads/hdlbatc...s2-hdd-batch-installer-using-hdl-dump.551420/
TL; DR at the bottom.
For those using Open PS2 Loader (or HDLoader) with a Network Adapter and internal HDD, installing games can be a hassle. There are several outdated methods for installing games, of which I will mention a few: WINHIIP, HDLGameInstaller, and HDLDUMP (and variations).
Instructions (old version removed; see link at top for updated version)
TL; DR at the bottom.
For those using Open PS2 Loader (or HDLoader) with a Network Adapter and internal HDD, installing games can be a hassle. There are several outdated methods for installing games, of which I will mention a few: WINHIIP, HDLGameInstaller, and HDLDUMP (and variations).
- WINHIIP had been my go-to installer for a long time because of its speed. By connecting the PS2 HDD drive to a PC, one could batch install games very quickly (up to a limit of 255). However, it has a number of additional limitations: some games do not install properly, the partition naming scheme does not conform to specs outlined in the official SDK, it cannot handle 2TB drives, and as previously mentioned is limited to 255 games.
- HDLGameInstaller is mainly a network installer, and is limited to about 7MB/s. All games, including CD games, must be in ISO format.
- HDLDUMP has a number of flavors: HDLDUMB, HDL Dump Helper GUI, HDL HDD Batcher. HDLDUMP is a command-line toolkit for installing and managing games, and HDLDUMB is a GUI interface for HDLDUMP, but lacks batch installation. It is similar to HDLGameInstaller in terms of network installation, but seems to be slightly slower (~5MB/s). Batch installs can be done using HDL Dump Helper GUI or HDL HDD Batcher (the latter being a command-line interface). HDL Dump Helper GUI seems to be broken on more modern systems (claims of missing Java runtime environments despite the existence of one; can still be launched via command-line with admin rights). Still, who wants to have to install a Java runtime environment just for one app?! (I personally have no other use for Java.) Moreover, batch installs requires adding titles one at a time -- ugh! Both Helper GUI and Batcher, however, seem to use HDLDUMP 0.9.0, which seems to be extremely slow when using USB adapters (for me, anyway; ~7MB/s using a USB 3 SATA adapter). Moreover, Batcher was quite limited (had to install CD games separately, first; DVD9 installs would always break due to a bug in the batch code).
Instructions (old version removed; see link at top for updated version)
- Connect PS2 HDD (pre-formatted with uLaunch) to your PC. Fastest speeds obtained by connecting the drive directly to your motherboard. USB adapters will work, but speeds will depend on the quality of your adapter.
- Place all the games you wish to install into a single folder. CD games may be in CUE/BIN form, or even ISO (if you converted from CUE/BIN, for example, in order to make use of OPL Manager). DVD games will obviously need to be in ISO file format. Games whose filename is of the form SLUS_XXX.YY.GameTitle.ISO -- i.e. starts with game ID info from OPL Manager -- will have the game ID stripped so that only GameTitle is used.
- Unzip hdlbatch.7z into the games folder. Right-click on the HDLBATCH.bat file, and select "Run as Administrator", choose your target, and that's it.
- The batch file does NOT check to see if the game being installed already exists on the PS2 HDD. This could potentially be an issue in instances where a game and its translation (FFXII International Zodiac Job System and its English translation) may collide because the game IDs would be the same, and long file names may not lead to unique partition names after the file name is truncated. Using shortened, unique file names should resolve this issue; e.g. "SLPM_667.50.FFXII IZJS (JPN).iso" and "SLPM_667.50.FFXII IZJS (USA).iso" or even place (JPN) and (USA) at the start of the game title in order to ensure that partition names are unique. (To my knowledge, only HDLGameInstaller has a check for existing games, but it will ask to overwrite the existing game without an option to do otherwise.)
Last edited by rs1n,