DeadSkullzJr's NDS(i) Cheat Databases
Hello guys and gals, as some of you may know, and for those unaware, the Nintendo DS has had many cheat databases in the past circulating all over the place, at one point even GBAtemp had a dedicated, now defunct, cheat section of their own that hosted the latest and official cheat databases at that moment in time. Unfortunately the way these cheat databases were handled back then presented too many problems that never received proper solutions. The level of quality just wasn't there like it was supposed to be, the issues ranged from poor structural management of the supported titles and the cheat codes themselves, cheat codes being a bit of an issue in some use cases, ranging from working but at an inaccurate level, crashing the game(s) being played, and or corrupting save data as a whole. Another problem back then was the amount of databases that existed from random people, which caused a conflict where people would have to swap databases out just to gain title support and or utilize cheat codes that one may have had that the other(s) didn't. In December of 2012, the official cheat database received one last update before it was completely abandoned, and has remained like so, until now.
As a veteran of the Nintendo DS scene, I am happy to announce that you no longer have to deal with the old, obscure, and problematic cheat databases any longer. I have worked very hard to not only revive the cheat databases, but to maintain them as well with the highest level of quality, dedication, and love possible. My goal is to provide the (hopefully) definitive cheat database solutions for your flash cartridges, homebrew applications, emulators, and or cheating devices respectively.
What I do to the cheat databases:
- I organize and restructure the supported titles and cheat lists respectively, making it easier for people to utilize and understand the content they are playing with more clearly.
- Add support for various titles, this includes ROM hacks.
- Add cheat codes others may have stumbled upon or have created over time.
- I create cheat codes of my own and add them to the databases to extend on the content and overall experience.
- I recreate, redesign, and or test older cheat codes constantly to ensure a level of accurate data handling and to make sure they aren't problematic when used.
Cheat Databases:
SCC cheats
Keep in mind that the databases are still being worked on so please be patient with each update, thank you.
The next update is in the works, please be patient!
DeadSkullzJr's NDS(i) Cheat Database
Compatibility Lists:
Cheat Database Setup Guides:
If you guys wish to join my Discord server based around cheats or just want to hang out with friends and what not, you may join with the invite link below.
You DO NOT need to join or be present in the Discord server to get access to the cheat contents provided. If you are reading this and wonder where the download is, you skimmed and didn't pay attention to the whole post, scroll or swipe back up and read more carefully. If you proceed to read this and ignore what you just read, then help will NOT be provided, if you can't pay attention to a post, then you won't pay attention to any help provided, thus time and effort will not be wasted.
As a veteran of the Nintendo DS scene, I am happy to announce that you no longer have to deal with the old, obscure, and problematic cheat databases any longer. I have worked very hard to not only revive the cheat databases, but to maintain them as well with the highest level of quality, dedication, and love possible. My goal is to provide the (hopefully) definitive cheat database solutions for your flash cartridges, homebrew applications, emulators, and or cheating devices respectively.
What I do to the cheat databases:
- I organize and restructure the supported titles and cheat lists respectively, making it easier for people to utilize and understand the content they are playing with more clearly.
- Add support for various titles, this includes ROM hacks.
- Add cheat codes others may have stumbled upon or have created over time.
- I create cheat codes of my own and add them to the databases to extend on the content and overall experience.
- I recreate, redesign, and or test older cheat codes constantly to ensure a level of accurate data handling and to make sure they aren't problematic when used.

Cheat Databases:
SCC cheats
Keep in mind that the databases are still being worked on so please be patient with each update, thank you.
The next update is in the works, please be patient!
DeadSkullzJr's NDS(i) Cheat Database
December 25, 2023
This is a smaller update that contains more of what was meant to be in the last database update, with some new additions and some updates to some of the title entries as well.
Cheat codes exclusive to Nintendo DSi related titles will NOT work for Nintendo DS flash cartridges given the technology and kernel(s) used are designed to be used in DS Mode. These cheats will only be usable in DSi Mode related environments such as TWiLightMenu for the Nintendo DSi, 2DS, and 3DS family or a compatible emulator of your choice.
- Added and or updated the Anti-Piracy Bypass codes for numerous titles.
This should help those running into potential problems depending on what you use to run certain titles.
- Rebuilt and or overhauled entire cheat lists for some titles.
This includes entirely new cheats, a new and improved list, and or potential improvements to existing cheats.
- Made various optimizations throughout the database(s) to help reduce clutter and load times.
- Added and or updated cheats for various titles.
Nintendo DS:
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Europe) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin - Russian Translation (v1.0) (COREline, Owls Group))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Japan)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
+ Hotel Dusk - Room 215 (USA)
+ Hotel Duskui Bimil (Korea)
* Jump Ultimate Stars (Japan) (Jump Ultimate Stars - English Translation (20080503) (JUS Translation))
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
* Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060801)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807) (Pocket Monsters - Diamond - English Translation (v1.0) (Unknown))
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 6)
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Boy (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Girl (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (30 FPS))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (60 FPS))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Revelation (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 6)
+ Pocket Monsters - Platinum (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan) (Pokemon - Absolute SoulSilver - The End (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Dialga (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Palkia (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea)
* Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea) (Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina - Restored Veilstone Game Corner (v1.0))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version - Classic Mode (20230830))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yin Black Version (v3.3))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version 2 - Paradigm Shift (v1.3))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.1) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Moon Black Version 2 (Beta v4.2.3))
+ Pokemon - Diamant-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (PokeJoke DS - A Parody of Pokemon (Demo v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - DarkDiamond Version (Beta v2.1))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Jello's Beta Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Shining Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Diamante - Desafio Sinnoh (20190531))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Luna Diamante (20161113))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol y Luna Diamante (20170326))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - La Leyenda Oscura (Beta v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Rubi Magma (v1.0))
* Pokemon - Edicion Negra 2 (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Negra Absoluto 2 (20161130))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (English))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (Spanish))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol Perla (20161113))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver - Fusion 2 (20200816))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino - Fusion (20190615))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino+ (v27))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Mega Platinum Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Goldene Edition HeartGold (Germany)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - DarkViolet Version (Alpha 20110212))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - FireRed DS Version (v1.5))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Garbage Gold Version (v1.3.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Challenge))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Normal))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version Plus (20200607))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartRed Version (v0.4.7.6))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Legacy - Sevii Islands (Demo v1.2))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - MythicSilver Version (Alpha v1.2.2))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Heart Version (20111130))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - PureCrystal Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Red Reloaded Version (Alpha v0.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold (v3.2.1))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold Overhaul (v3.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Shadow Legendz (v0.4.2))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - SunGold Version (20160416))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon Rebooted - Soaring Gold Version (Beta v5.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Crystalline Pearl Version (v1.2))
+ Pokemon - Perl-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Platin-Edition (Germany)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version - Redux (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version (20111223))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Challenge/Inverse Challenge Mode))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Normal/Inverse Normal Mode))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Fairy Type Version (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Spanish Translation (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum (v1.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Origin Platinum Version (v1.5.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Paradox Platinum Version (Alpha v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Platinum Version (20090926) (Original/Challenger's Edition)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version - Enhanced Edition (v1.5))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version Pro (v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Prestigious Platinum Version (Beta v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Professional Platinum Version (v3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Redemption Version (v2.5.0) (Original/Speed Up))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sol Platinum Version (v2.0))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Solar Platinum Version (v1.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - VGC Platinum Version - Redux (v1.7.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - VGC Platinum Version (v1.6))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemoner - Platinum Version - Trade Edition (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1)
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Altered Platinum (r1.0.4))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Distorted Platinum Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Refined Platinum Version (v4.3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum (v1.3.0) (Original/Classic/Shiny Rate/Speed Up))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - RePlatinum Version (v1.2.1))
+ Pokemon - Silberne Edition SoulSilver (Germany)
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoothingSilver Version (v1.3.2))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - MoonSilver Version (20160416))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Soul Version (20111130))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Blue Version (20170610))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Yellow Version (v1.18))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Rebalanced Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - VGMoose's Rocket Uniform (v0.9))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (20200607))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (Beta v10) (RyouChan))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Super Hard SoulSilver Version (Beta v1.1))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Unova SoulSilver Version (Alpha v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version - English Translation (v3.0.2 Patch v6) (rodygo))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version (v3.0.2))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon Rebooted - Diving Silver Version (Beta v4.0.0))
+ Pokemon - Version Diamant (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Or HeartGold (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Perle (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Platine (France)
+ Pokemon - Versione Argento SoulSilver (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Diamante (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Oro HeartGold (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Perla (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Platino (Italy)
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Vintage White Version (20230727))
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yang White Version (v3.3))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.1) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Spirit (v1.01))
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan)
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan) (Rev 1)
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan) (Rev 1) (Tomodachi Collection - English Translation (v0.80) (jjjewel))
+ Tozasareta Byoutou - Dementium II (Japan)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Europe)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Europe) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (France)
~ Transformers - Autobots (France) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Germany)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Germany) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Italy)
* Transformers - Autobots (Italy) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Spain)
* Transformers - Autobots (Spain) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (USA)
~ Transformers - Autobots (USA) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Europe)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Europe) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (France)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Germany)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Italy)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Spain)
* Transformers - Decepticons (Spain) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (USA)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (USA) (Rev 1)
+ Wish Room - Tenshi no Kioku (Japan)
+ Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Korea)
+ Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Japan)
Nintendo DSi:
+ Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (Europe, Australia)
+ Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA)
* Lost Town, The - The Dust (USA)
+ Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan)
+ Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan) (Beta) (20110915)
+ - New cheat codes.
- - Removed cheat codes.
~ - Rebuilt, improved, and or added new cheat codes.
* - Created brand new cheats for games that weren't in the database before.
This is a smaller update that contains more of what was meant to be in the last database update, with some new additions and some updates to some of the title entries as well.
Cheat codes exclusive to Nintendo DSi related titles will NOT work for Nintendo DS flash cartridges given the technology and kernel(s) used are designed to be used in DS Mode. These cheats will only be usable in DSi Mode related environments such as TWiLightMenu for the Nintendo DSi, 2DS, and 3DS family or a compatible emulator of your choice.
- Added and or updated the Anti-Piracy Bypass codes for numerous titles.
This should help those running into potential problems depending on what you use to run certain titles.
- Rebuilt and or overhauled entire cheat lists for some titles.
This includes entirely new cheats, a new and improved list, and or potential improvements to existing cheats.
- Made various optimizations throughout the database(s) to help reduce clutter and load times.
- Added and or updated cheats for various titles.
Nintendo DS:
* Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin (Europe) (Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin - Russian Translation (v1.0) (COREline, Owls Group))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Europe) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (Japan)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA)
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Italian Translation (v0.1a) (Locke))
+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time (USA) (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time - Undub (v1.2))
+ Hotel Dusk - Room 215 (USA)
+ Hotel Duskui Bimil (Korea)
* Jump Ultimate Stars (Japan) (Jump Ultimate Stars - English Translation (20080503) (JUS Translation))
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
* Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060801)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Beta) (20060807) (Pocket Monsters - Diamond - English Translation (v1.0) (Unknown))
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Diamond (Japan) (Rev 6)
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Boy (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Apocalypse Girl (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (30 FPS))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Escape From the Shell (Beta v2.1) (60 FPS))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Japan) (Pokemon - Revelation (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - HeartGold (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060630)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060709)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060713)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Beta) (20060717)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 5)
+ Pocket Monsters - Pearl (Japan) (Rev 6)
+ Pocket Monsters - Platinum (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan)
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Japan) (Pokemon - Absolute SoulSilver - The End (v1.0))
+ Pocket Monsters - SoulSilver (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Dialga (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters DP - Palkia (Korea)
+ Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea)
* Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina (Korea) (Pocket Monsters Pt - Giratina - Restored Veilstone Game Corner (v1.0))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version - Classic Mode (20230830))
* Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yin Black Version (v3.3))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Black Version 2 - Paradigm Shift (v1.3))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.1) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Blaze Black Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
* Pokemon - Black Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Moon Black Version 2 (Beta v4.2.3))
+ Pokemon - Diamant-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (PokeJoke DS - A Parody of Pokemon (Demo v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - DarkDiamond Version (Beta v2.1))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Jello's Beta Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Diamond Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Shining Diamond Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Diamante - Desafio Sinnoh (20190531))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Luna Diamante (20161113))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol y Luna Diamante (20170326))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - La Leyenda Oscura (Beta v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Diamante (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Rubi Magma (v1.0))
* Pokemon - Edicion Negra 2 (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Negra Absoluto 2 (20161130))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (English))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Oro HeartGold (Spain) (Pokemon - Light Platinum Version (v0.1.5) (Spanish))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Perla (Spain) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Edicion Sol Perla (20161113))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Plata SoulSilver - Fusion 2 (20200816))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain)
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino - Fusion (20190615))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Edicion Platino+ (v27))
+ Pokemon - Edicion Platino (Spain) (Pokemon - Mega Platinum Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Goldene Edition HeartGold (Germany)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - DarkViolet Version (Alpha 20110212))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - FireRed DS Version (v1.5))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Garbage Gold Version (v1.3.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Challenge))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Rebalanced (v1.9.1) (Normal))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartGold Version Plus (20200607))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - HeartRed Version (v0.4.7.6))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Legacy - Sevii Islands (Demo v1.2))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - MythicSilver Version (Alpha v1.2.2))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Heart Version (20111130))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - PureCrystal Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Red Reloaded Version (Alpha v0.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold (v3.2.1))
* Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Refined Gold Overhaul (v3.1))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sacred Gold Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - Shadow Legendz (v0.4.2))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon - SunGold Version (20160416))
+ Pokemon - HeartGold Version (USA) (Pokemon Rebooted - Soaring Gold Version (Beta v5.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (Europe) (Rev 13)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Pearl Version (USA) (Rev 5) (Pokemon - Crystalline Pearl Version (v1.2))
+ Pokemon - Perl-Edition (Germany) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Platin-Edition (Germany)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version - Redux (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Bloody Platinum Version (20111223))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Challenge/Inverse Challenge Mode))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Flawless Platinum Version (v3.1) (Normal/Inverse Normal Mode))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Fairy Type Version (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version - Spanish Translation (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Platinum Version (v1.1.2))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Following Renegade Platinum (v1.2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Origin Platinum Version (v1.5.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Paradox Platinum Version (Alpha v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Platinum Version (20090926) (Original/Challenger's Edition)
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version - Enhanced Edition (v1.5))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Version Pro (v2.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Prestigious Platinum Version (Beta v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Professional Platinum Version (v3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Platinum Revamped Version (v1.1))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Redemption Version (v2.5.0) (Original/Speed Up))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Sol Platinum Version (v2.0))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - Solar Platinum Version (v1.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - VGC Platinum Version - Redux (v1.7.2))
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemon - VGC Platinum Version (v1.6))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Pokemoner - Platinum Version - Trade Edition (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1)
* Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Altered Platinum (r1.0.4))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Distorted Platinum Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Refined Platinum Version (v4.3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum - Spanish Translation (v1.3.0))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum (v1.3.0) (Original/Classic/Shiny Rate/Speed Up))
+ Pokemon - Platinum Version (USA) (Rev 1) (Pokemon - RePlatinum Version (v1.2.1))
+ Pokemon - Silberne Edition SoulSilver (Germany)
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10)
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoothingSilver Version (v1.3.2))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (Europe) (Rev 10) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - Golden Edition (20210502) (Original/Level Curve))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA)
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - MoonSilver Version (20160416))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Perfect Soul Version (20111130))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Blue Version (20170610))
* Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Silver Yellow Version (v1.18))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Rebalanced Version (v1.0))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version - VGMoose's Rocket Uniform (v0.9))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (20200607))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - SoulSilver Version Plus (Beta v10) (RyouChan))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Classic))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Storm Silver Version (v1.1.0) (Complete))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Super Hard SoulSilver Version (Beta v1.1))
+ Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (USA) (Pokemon - Unova SoulSilver Version (Alpha v1.1))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version - English Translation (v3.0.2 Patch v6) (rodygo))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon - MindCrystal Version (v3.0.2))
+ Pokemon - Version Argent SoulSilver (France) (Pokemon Rebooted - Diving Silver Version (Beta v4.0.0))
+ Pokemon - Version Diamant (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Or HeartGold (France)
+ Pokemon - Version Perle (France) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Version Platine (France)
+ Pokemon - Versione Argento SoulSilver (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Diamante (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Oro HeartGold (Italy)
+ Pokemon - Versione Perla (Italy) (Rev 5)
+ Pokemon - Versione Platino (Italy)
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Vintage White Version (20230727))
* Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Yang White Version (v3.3))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 - Redux (v1.4.1) (Complete/Classic) (Original/EVless))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Complete))
* Pokemon - White Version 2 (USA, Europe) (Pokemon - Volt White Version 2 (v1.2) (Vanilla))
* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (USA) (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of the Spirit (v1.01))
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan)
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan) (Rev 1)
~ Tomodachi Collection (Japan) (Rev 1) (Tomodachi Collection - English Translation (v0.80) (jjjewel))
+ Tozasareta Byoutou - Dementium II (Japan)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Europe)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Europe) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (France)
~ Transformers - Autobots (France) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Germany)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Germany) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Italy)
* Transformers - Autobots (Italy) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (Spain)
* Transformers - Autobots (Spain) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Autobots (USA)
~ Transformers - Autobots (USA) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Europe)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Europe) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (France)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Germany)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Italy)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (Spain)
* Transformers - Decepticons (Spain) (Rev 1)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (USA)
~ Transformers - Decepticons (USA) (Rev 1)
+ Wish Room - Tenshi no Kioku (Japan)
+ Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Korea)
+ Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (Japan)
Nintendo DSi:
+ Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (Europe, Australia)
+ Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA)
* Lost Town, The - The Dust (USA)
+ Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan)
+ Zelda no Densetsu - 4-tsu no Tsurugi - 25th Kinen Edition (Japan) (Beta) (20110915)
+ - New cheat codes.
- - Removed cheat codes.
~ - Rebuilt, improved, and or added new cheat codes.
* - Created brand new cheats for games that weren't in the database before.
Compatibility Lists:
Cheats.xml can be used for:
- Action Replay DS
- Action Replay DSi
- Action Replay DS
- Action Replay DSi
Usrcheat.dat can be used for:
- AceKard 2 Menu
- DSTT Menu
- EZ-Flash V Menu
- EZ-Flash Vi Menu
- R4i Menu
- SuperCard DSONE EOS
- SuperCard DSTWO EOS
- Wood R4
- Wood RPG
- YSMenu
Cheats.dat can be used for:
- AceKard 2 Menu
- EDGE Menu
Cheat.dat can be used for:
- AceKard 2 Menu
- M3 Menu
- R4 Menu
EZARCode.dat can be used for:
- EZ-Flash V Menu (Original)
User.evoCheats can be used for:
- CycloDS Menu
Cheat.db can be used for:
- M3 Sakura
Cheat_EN.db can be used for:
- M3 Sakura
SCC cheats can be used for:
- SuperCard DSONE OS
Cheats.xml can be used for:
- AceKard 2 Menu
- AceKard 2 Menu
- DSTT Menu
- EZ-Flash V Menu
- EZ-Flash Vi Menu
- R4i Menu
- SuperCard DSONE EOS
- SuperCard DSTWO EOS
- Wood R4
- Wood RPG
- YSMenu
Cheats.dat can be used for:
- AceKard 2 Menu
- EDGE Menu
Cheat.dat can be used for:
- AceKard 2 Menu
- M3 Menu
- R4 Menu
EZARCode.dat can be used for:
- EZ-Flash V Menu (Original)
User.evoCheats can be used for:
- CycloDS Menu
Cheat.db can be used for:
- M3 Sakura
Cheat_EN.db can be used for:
- M3 Sakura
SCC cheats can be used for:
- SuperCard DSONE OS
Cheats.xml can be used for:
- AceKard 2 Menu
Usrcheat.dat can be used for:
- Nitro Hax (3DS) (Usrcheat Edition)
- Nitro Hax (DSi) (Usrcheat Edition)
- TWiLight Menu++ (3DS)
- TWiLight Menu++ (DSi)
Cheats.xml can be used for:
- Nitro Hax (3DS)
- Nitro Hax (DSi)
- Nitro Hax (NDS)
- Nitro Hax (3DS) (Usrcheat Edition)
- Nitro Hax (DSi) (Usrcheat Edition)
- TWiLight Menu++ (3DS)
- TWiLight Menu++ (DSi)
Cheats.xml can be used for:
- Nitro Hax (3DS)
- Nitro Hax (DSi)
- Nitro Hax (NDS)
Usrcheat.dat can be used for:
- DeSmuMe
- DraStic
- DeSmuMe
- DraStic
Cheat Database Setup Guides:
Action Replay DS
Cheat Databases:
- cheats.xml
Drag and drop cheats.xml into the cheat list pane using the P.C. software.
Action Replay DSi
Cheat Databases:
- cheats.xml
Drag and drop cheats.xml into the cheat list pane using the P.C. software.
AceKard 2 Menu
Cheat Databases:
- cheat.dat
- cheats.dat
- cheats.xml
- usrcheat.dat
Cheat Databases:
- cheat.dat
- cheats.dat
- cheats.xml
- usrcheat.dat
CycloDS Menu
Cheat Databases:
- user.evoCheats
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Cheat Databases:
- cheats.dat
EZ-Flash V Menu
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
EZ-Flash V Menu (Original)
Cheat Databases:
- ezarcode.dat
EZ-Flash Vi Menu
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
M3 Menu
Cheat Databases:
- cheat.dat
M3 Sakura
Cheat Databases:
- cheat.db
- cheat_EN.db
R4 Menu
Cheat Databases:
- cheat.dat
R4i Menu
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
SuperCard DSONE OS
Cheat Databases:
- SCC Cheats
SD:/scshell/cheat/SCC Cheats
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Wood R4
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Wood RPG
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Nitro Hax (3DS)
Cheat Databases:
- cheats.xml
Nitro Hax (3DS) (Usrcheat Edition)
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Nitro Hax (DSi)
Cheat Databases:
- cheats.xml
Nitro Hax (DSi) (Usrcheat Edition)
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Nitro Hax (NDS)
Cheat Databases:
- cheats.xml
TWiLight Menu++ (3DS)
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
TWiLight Menu++ (DSi)
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Cheat Databases:
- cheat.dat
- usrcheat.dat
You will need to change you path settings depending on the database you utilize.
Cheat Databases:
- usrcheat.dat
Due to how the SuperCard DSONE/DSONEi/DSTWO/DSTWO+ cheat engine works within the kernel, there are no button configurations to view any cheat descriptions, which means instructions on how to utilize said cheats will not be viewable on these flash cartridges without using an alternative kernel or homebrew application. Additionally I need to work out the format quirks with the SCC cheat format, for the time being the database for that specific format will be unavailable until the problems are fixed.
Stargate 3DS Users:
This flash cartridge utilizes a modified build of the Wood R4 kernel for DS Mode related content. The developers made changes to this version of the kernel that resulted in a broken cheat engine, which means currently it is not possible to utilize cheat codes using this flash cartridge in DS Mode. I am currently looking into the issues regarding said matter, hopefully I can provide a solution to this problem.
Due to how the SuperCard DSONE/DSONEi/DSTWO/DSTWO+ cheat engine works within the kernel, there are no button configurations to view any cheat descriptions, which means instructions on how to utilize said cheats will not be viewable on these flash cartridges without using an alternative kernel or homebrew application. Additionally I need to work out the format quirks with the SCC cheat format, for the time being the database for that specific format will be unavailable until the problems are fixed.
Stargate 3DS Users:
This flash cartridge utilizes a modified build of the Wood R4 kernel for DS Mode related content. The developers made changes to this version of the kernel that resulted in a broken cheat engine, which means currently it is not possible to utilize cheat codes using this flash cartridge in DS Mode. I am currently looking into the issues regarding said matter, hopefully I can provide a solution to this problem.
If you guys wish to join my Discord server based around cheats or just want to hang out with friends and what not, you may join with the invite link below.
You DO NOT need to join or be present in the Discord server to get access to the cheat contents provided. If you are reading this and wonder where the download is, you skimmed and didn't pay attention to the whole post, scroll or swipe back up and read more carefully. If you proceed to read this and ignore what you just read, then help will NOT be provided, if you can't pay attention to a post, then you won't pay attention to any help provided, thus time and effort will not be wasted.
Last edited by DeadSkullzJr,