Apple [GUIDE] IDroid with bootlace

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Feb 19, 2009
IDROID on iPhone/iPod touch
with Bootlace


An easy-peasy guide on how to install android with bootlace

compatible devices
iPhone 3G
iPhone 2G
iPod Touch 1G

IOS Software
Bootlace is currently compatible with
3.1.2 to 4.1

the really Obvious bit, you need to have a jailbroken device so that you can have cydia to install Bootlace
OpeniBoot requires a compatible jailbreak; one that allows for unsigned NOR images to be run. Currently these include redsn0w, PwnageTool or Blackra1n.

OpeniBoot will NOT work with the Spirit or jailbreaks.

Installing Openiboot
Bootlace 2.0.3 does not install openiBoot at the moment. OpeniBoot can be installed using Linux, OS X or on Windows by running Linux in a virtual machine (vmware or virtualbox although runing linux natively is advisable

Linux Preparation
These steps are designed for Linux users.
Type these commands into the terminal window (don't forget to enter your password when asked):
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libreadline6-dev readline-common libreadline6 libreadline-dev
Please note that the apt-get or aptitude command is only for Debian or Ubuntu distros. Use the appropriate command for your Linux distro, for example emerge or portage for Gentoo, yum for Fedora, and yast for Slackware distros.

OS X Preparation
These steps are designed for users of OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
Download and install the following package to your computer. These are required for loadibec and oibc to run.
Install first then install libusb-mac.gz. Always make sure that libusb-mac.gz is the last to be installed. If you installed libusb-mac.gz first, install then reinstall libusb-mac.gz.

""To be clear install usbreadline.mpkg first THEN install libusb-mac.gz""

Download and Installation
Download the corresponding OpeniBoot 0.1.2 package to your computer depending on your iDevice:
2G is for iPhone 2G (not iPod Touch 2G), while 3G is for iPhone 3G (not iPod Touch 3G).

extract the file (openiboot.img3) to a place such as your desktop
Depending on your Operating System, download the tools to install OpeniBoot from here:
Extract/unzip the archive. You should end up with a folder named for your type of OS; i.e. Linux-x86 for 32-bit Linux, Linux-x86_64 for 64-bit Linux, and OSX for Mac OS X 10.6. Please note that the OS X tools were built using 10.6 Snow Leopard so they may or may not work on 10.5 Leopard.
Copy/Move the files from the folder extracted (corresponding to your OS) to the same convenient location where openiboot.img was extracted to (ex. Desktop).

The convenient location must contain: loadibec, oibc, openiboot.img, and linux (only if you are using 64-bit Linux).

Turn off your device and place it in restore mode:

When the device is turned off, hold down the home button, then connect the USB cable (make sure that is connected to the PC), keep holding the home button until a screen with the iTunes logo and and a cable pointing towards it. For OS X and Windows users (using virtual machines), don't forget to kill iTunesHelper or else iTunes will automatically open upon detecting an iDevice in Restore Mode.

open terminal from Applications->Accessories->Terminal
now type sudo then a space then drag the loadibec to the terminal window, next drag the openiboot.img3. also to the terminal window
you should end up with a window like this

The device's screen should flash for a brief second and the OpeniBoot menu will load.

Using the volume buttons (or power button if you are on iPod Touch 1G), navigate to the console selection (the cog icon) but don't press the home button yet.
in the terminal window type sudo then a space and drag the oibc into the terminal window.

NOW press the home button and wait 1-2 sec and immediately press enter on the pc
You will know if the computer has failed to connect to the device if you receive only this output:
![@] to send a file, ~[@]: to receive a file

if everything went well, you should end up with this.
In the terminal window type this command:
NOTE If you get a error like this:

**ABORTED** Writing total image size: 0xeb240, new ibot size: 0x3b180 at 0x20000 would overflow NOR!

Try to remove any custom bootlogo/restore images by jailbreaking the device again without this option.

The install process should take around 30 seconds to 1 minute to complete. When completed, it will display this message on the iDevice: Openiboot installation complete. It may also display the message on the terminal screen on your PC.

This command will have also copied a file to your PC: norbackup.dump (usually a 1MB file). Keep this file in a safe location as it is the backup of the original bootloader, if the bootloader corrupts and you do not have this dump file, your device may be doomed and stuck there forever.

Type this command in the terminal:

Your device should reboot and you shall be presented with the OpeniBoot menu again. Select the iOS option (press Power/volume buttons to select) and boot iOS by pressing the Home button. Once iOS is loaded, proceed to installing Bootlace.

Installing Bootace
Open up Cydia and add the following repository to your sources:


Install the package named 'Bootlace'.

Using Bootlace
After closing Cydia it's as simple as opening up Bootlace, tapping the iDroid tab and then tapping install!

The installation could take a while (depending on your connection speed)

After installation you can reboot your device and select iDroid in the OpeniBoot Menu using the volume. buttons (or power button if you are on iPod Touch 1G) and confirm with the home button.

Congratulations. You installed iDroid on your iOS Device.

guide by Dter ic for GBAtemp ONLY
iDroid Wiki for the helpful info
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  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Off to watch Nosferatu. Later all. Have a good evening, day, afternoon. Whatever it may be where you are. :)
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @The Real Jdbye, yeah, I wanted to play it but it ran like shit
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    i think you just need to turn framebuffer emulation off in rice video and it fixes the slowdown
  • I @ imafsiry:
    hey red send me tutorial on how to rcm on phone noob
  • I @ imafsiry:
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @imafsiry, There should be a guide somewhere on GBAtemp.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    An app exists for Android called Rekado which is a payload injector for the RCM exploit to work. Don't know if it's still active.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Brb, and if not, good night
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    hi, i have a problem with a game in twligth menu, the game is bleach dark souls, the save get corrups allways no matter if you try with USA version or Europre version, i use my nintendo dsi and my nintendo dxi xl, i have install the lates version of twiligth menu and nds bootstap, someone can helpe me?
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    Why are Sherlock Holmes games so expensive
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    That's Elementary, my dear Watson
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    That thing you didn't graduate from?
  • I @ imafsiry:
    Requesting access to USB device...NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'requestDevice' on 'USB': No device selecte @
  • I @ imafsiry:
    thats what shows when i plug it in
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @imafsiry, What method? Phone or RCM Loader?
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    @imafsiry You just install Rekado to your phone and then plug your Switch into your phone when it's in RCM mode. Rekado should automatically pop up on your phone and ask which payload you want to send.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    @imafsiry You can also set it to auto launch the payload of your choice so no user input is even necessary.
  • TotalJustice @ TotalJustice:
    thats what i use also. works better if you launch hekate from rekado as you won't need to update the payload
  • TotalJustice @ TotalJustice:
    as hekate launches the latest payload on the sd card (unless the sent payload is newer)
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    @JollyBaker, He needs to bring back his old profile pictures.
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