Well recommend? I only have
- Azure striker gunvolt striker pack
- Puyo Puyo Tetris
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
- Sonic mania
- ultra Street Fighter 2
- Shovel Knight
- Blaster Master Zero
- Mighty Gunvolt Burst
And one other I prefer not to name cause I don't recommend it.
Other than that, out of Ultra street fighter 2 I do recommend it. You better saving your money for this. Ultra Street Fighter 2 is a overpriced disappointment for what is worth and only for nostalgia of old and new. Street Fighter 30 anniversary is worth the $40 even if some of the games are just revisions, it does feature more to the player.
Honestly some of the games I am trying to secure myself but haven't due to pricing.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe $60 (Port)
Arms $60 (doesn't seem complete or maybe worth it)
Splatoon 2 (just not sure about this one personally)
Most of the other games I probably will ignore due
- Pricing between switch adding $10 compared to other systems
- Games requiring a SD card to even play (regardless of buying retail cart or downloading from eshop)
- Ports not offering something extra (In conjunction with next line)
- Ports costing more (in conjunction with previous line)
Of course is just personal to be honest. If mario Kart 8 deluxe was $40, I would have bought it already, quite frankly i don't like the idea of all these "3RD PARTY" companies shoveling ports on to switch that they probably could have made for wii u the whole time. Resident Evil Revelations was on WII U, why not the second one? Most of the games just look like it could have been on wii u anyway, most of the switch games doesn't even look like is much improved compared to the wii u game, with the only difference being maybe the better FPS and higher resolution.