For the love of God, not this bollocks again. The Fox News guy just didn't wanna listen to anyone, did he? The guy from or whatever it was called was trying to point out the very important point that it is just a video game, and the fox douche immediately tries to rile everyone up by claiming it's some sort of terrorist training manual. People like him need to be punched in the face. Repeatedly. Because they're not just being ignorant, they're slowing down the progress of all mankind by trying to keep us all in the dark ages where we're tricked into being afraid of everything. IT'S A FUCKING GAME. It's not gonna teach your kids to be terrorists. No more than going hunting, or even basic down to earth social interaction.
Besides, if this game is supposed to be a terrorist training manual as mr fox douche claims, then surely it is also a manual on how to effectively shoot hundreds of terrorists in the face to save innocent civilians, right? Now I'm no expert but isn't that a good thing? You'll notice how they fail to point that out. If video games can really be used to 'program' kids, then logic dictates that this game would actually be good for them. The people who dominate online in MW2 are the ones you want on your side if you ever face a terrorist invasion. 'cause they know how to spot decent cover, how to pick your moments when you're reloading, they're well versed in team tactics and they're a damn better shot than I am. Think about it.
Tenner says the Fox douche has never played a game in his life.