Flycast Vita GBATemp member Compatibility List and Testing


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
This topic is WIP.

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Full List of currently test status :

Flycast Vita v.1.0.2 / Downclock 1500 / CDI and GDI
Extra Notes for Downclock 3800
Extra Notes for different release groups
Extra Notes for Flycast Vita v.1.0.3
Extra Notes for CHD format ( second post)

Name : Soldier of Fortune BETA May 24 2001 Prototype (playable in NTSC and PAL)
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC US prototype
Downclock : 1500
Notes : The Compatibility List from rinne say Blue-Playable, but this is it not. Even when trying the final release, the same. No texture errors, but framerate is to slow.
In game option, FX Volume 0 SOUND OFF, gives better framerate, the sound of bullets put down the fps ! (Music Volume 0, has no effect)

Name : Ring The - Terrors Realm (US)[VGA][DCRES]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US (there was no PAL copy)
Downclock : 1500
Notes : No graphic or texture errors, music and sound play fine. Framerate ~80%. Maybe playable but with a lot slowdows. Real Videos play slow ~50% framerate.

Name : Nightmare Creatures II (Europe)[DCP]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : dont start, crash error.

Name : Unreal Tournament BETA Mar 9 2001 Prototype 001 Review Code
Format : GDI
Region : PAL prototype
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Mostly no texture errors, music and sound work. Runs better than Soldier Of Fortune. Tested only Practice Mode with SMALL Maps and only ONE Bot. The game was give me sometimes a Framerate of ~80% and rarity it was 90% and over ! But framerate also drop down to 50% and more. Thats a good result. But not good playable, still need more framerate. Open areas make most problems, and small rooms are good to run. Maybe CDI release is better, since the music was downsample. Tested only 30 minutes. In game option Sound OFF, make better framerate !

Name : Carrier v0.100 GD-R Beta [Bananabreak]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC prototype
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Mostly no texture errors and music and sound work. When there is no enemy in the room the framerate is good playable with ~95% framerate, but with enemy it fall down to 50% framerate. Some in game videos works good. This beta copy has only chapter 1 and unfinsihed chapter 2 and 3 thats all. Anyway all versions of this game had framerate problems playing on original Dreamcast console, this game was bringing the Dreamcast to the limit. Tested only 10 minutes. Each time the data for voice gets loaded the framerate fall down.

Name : Virtua Tennis
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock: 1500
Notes : To slow, but smooth and no errors.

Name : Nanatsu No Hikan / Seven Mansions (English v1.3 - Compressed)
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC JP
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Runs very Good ! Gameplay mostly at 90% to 100%, with enemys it goes down to ~80%. Real videos are slow, but runs faster than in any other game, since this English Patch release is downsample, real videos has ~10% faster speed. PLAYABLE ! This game is anyway a highlight was only on Dreamcast a Survival Horror game like Resident Evil, there was also Nanatsu No Hikan Part one on PSX. It also has a alternate ending not mention on gamefaqs.

Name : Illbleed BETA Jan 15 2001 Prototype
Format : gdi
Region : NTSC Prototype
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Game works with ~70%-90% framerate. (Beta copy has no music). The first Map was working, but enter Chapter 1 Theater had crash the emulator. Need more testing.

Name : Unreal Tournament (PAL)[DCP]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Works mostly the same as the BETA copy. No texture errors

Name : Fighting Force 2 (Europe)[DCP]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Works mostly good, no texture errors, music and sound play fine. Real videos and main menu is slow, but gameplay is up from 80% to 100%. This is playable ! Good Work. Testing 10 minutes.

Name : Heavy Metal - Geomatrix (US)[DCRES]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Works all good, no texture errors, music and sound play fine. Framereate maybe ~70%, not good playable. But on the old emulator release was this game not working, now its working and starting. Testing 10 minutes.

Name : Mortal Kombat Gold (US)(Re-release)[DCCM]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Very small texture errors, framerate maybe ~70-80%. Good result, but gameplay a bit to slow for intense gameplay.

Name : ECW Hardcore Revolution (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Works good, only gameplay is a bit to slow ~70-80%. Not so good playable.

Name : KISS Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child (Europe)[DCP]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Need BIOS files ! Testing later

Name : Biohazard 3 - Last Escape (JP)[HOOLiGANS]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC JP
Downclock : 1500
Notes : On flycast build version 1 the framerate was bad and many texture errors. Now the game works mostly fine, no texture error ! And best of all good playable ! Real Videos has bad framerate, but in game videos works good mostly good with 90% to 100% framerate. Framerate can be 90% to 100% gameplay, but framerate drops down when enemys comes or fire effects show up. Full Playable from start to end on Hard difficulty, no crash in one play season. Good Job !

Name : Blue Stinger (PAL)[DCCM]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Game works without any texture error. In game videos can have bad framerate or good framerate. The gameplay for self without enemy can have a framerate with 90% to 100%, but when enemys come the framerate fall down to 50%. On the one hand its playable, on the other hand its not playable. Good result.

Name : Grand Theft Auto 2 (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Gameplay has maybe 100%. I dont know this game, but I think its mostly playable ! But videos has framerate problems, like all the other games. Rinne test list say, the game crash all the time.

Name : Quake III Arena (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : On the first emulator build this game was not starting. Now the game works without any texture or graphic error. Almost perfect. But framerate is ~50% and unplayable. Anyway amazing job !

Name : Shadow Man (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 1500
Notes : The first video was not working. Gameplay has no texture error, all fine. The framerate can be from 80% to 90% to 100%. I think its playable ! Tested only 10 minutes. Very Good !

Name : Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Mostly no texture error, music is working. The main menu is very bad and slow. But the gameplay gives 100% framerate in the first Map free skate mode. This is amazing ! But after 5 minutes the emulator crash and error, try more than one time, unplayable.

Name : System Shock 2 BETA Oct 15 2000 Prototype
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Just testing for fun, the game is not working, on SEGA title it stops.

Name : Shenmue BETA Aug 18 2000 Prototype / SHENMUE 1 BETA 0.400 DISC 1 PERFECT DUMP
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : My knowledge is zero for this game. Title screen was perfect working with full framerate and only debug menu was working since its Beta, open first test area was working great, but testing other maps break up. I have no idea, need someone with knowledge. Seems to work.

Name : Nightmare Creatures II BETA May 9 2000 Prototype
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 1500
Notes : ''can not open track62.raw'' , not working.

Name : Shenmue
Format : GDI
Region : ?
Downclock : ?
Notes from SuperDan : Shenmue 1 work OK lots of texture mashing.. But the frames seem to be steady for the most part much worse on the original Flycast. you can see the texture mashing straight away on my Shenmue it's not terrible but you can help but notice it... The list from Rinnegatamante say : Shenmue (PAL) Framerate is very inconsistent, can even get to fullspeed in less intensive scenes and as low as 10-15 fps in intensive ones.
Ryuzaki face is garbled as well as his jacket and those glitches are unfixable (It would require Per-Pixel sorting which is too intensive for Vita and would require GL4).

Name : Biohazard - Code Veronica - Kanzenban (JP)(Disc 1)
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC J
Downclock : 1500
Notes : I would say its not playable, the framerate is good in small rooms without enemys, but with enemys it drops a lot down. The same problem like Carrier. So it would be playable. rinnegatamante list say its good playable, but his list also say : ''Gameplay - (13-30fps depending on how many character models and effects are on screen, in the beginning it's raining but after it stops performance increases and many indoor areas run at fullspeed very playable and enjoyable) '' .

Name : Biohazard 2 - Value Plus (Disc 1)(JP)[XIAOPANG]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC J
Downclock: 1500
Notes : Stop in the beginning, unplayable. rinnegatamante dont have it in the list.

Name : San Francisco RUSH 2049 (US)[ECHELON]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : In first try it dont work. In second try it dont work and say I need BIOS files (I still have not copy BIOS files), I had wait and the game was starting ! On the normal way the ECHELON release need UTOPIA boot disc, maybe thats the reason, but I dont have Bios files copyed. Framerate between 50% and 70%, rarity 90%, just to slow, no differences in framerate between driving fast or stoping, it depends on the free area how big it is. Main menu is 100%. Testing only first track. Change the camera view to first view give me ~80 to 90%, on this way its not so bad and a little bit playable ! Good Job ! Testing Track 2, DEACTIVATE IN-GAME Sound, was give me more framerate sometimes up to 100%, but also drops down to 80%. Tested only 1 car, no tournament.

Name : The.House.of.the.Dead.2.(E)-NBS
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : After create save file, error. rinnegatamante list say good playable, but maybe they have try GDI instead of cdi ?

Name : Nightmare Creatures II (US)[NBS]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Not working. I had try 3 different images, non of this is working. Maybe the emulator dont want this title. Currently the only game I had found that will not work in anyway, tested PAL cdi, NTSC cdi and BETA gdi.

Name : D2 (US)(Disc 1)
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Game works fine without texture errors, but framerate is ~60% and unplayable, but smooth. Side note, the US version is censored, only Japan copy is uncut. The compatible list from rinne say it was tested the PAL copy, but a PAL copy was never released, only NTSC. More testing make no sense at the moment, since there are tons of videos that can not be skip.

Name : Le Mans 24 Hours (Europe)[DCCM]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : No texture errors. Unplayable, the framerate is ~50%, very slow. Anyway, this game is intense, so its a wonder that the emulator can even start it. Impressive.

Name : Resident Evil 2 (US)(Disc 1)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Dont work. The japan copy was also not working. Maybe this title will not work with this emulator.

Name : Tokyo Xtreme Racer (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 1500
Notes : No texture errors. This racing game works pretty good, maybe 80% to 90% framarate performance. It works better than Rush or any other racing game. But still unplayable, the framerate is variable and go up from perfect to very fast down bad, but all in one I was driving the complete city one time and it was doing fun !

Name : Carrier
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : I was testing before the BETA copy and it was mostly run at 80 to 90% framerate and up to 100%. Anyway the FINAL copy runs with 70% framerate, very slow and unplayable. So when someone asking himself why I am testing BETA copys, here is the answer, the BETA copy is playable, but the Final copy not. Otherwise its playable but 70% is for me to slow.
Extra note : Do not use any cdi version ! All of them are nuked and have texture errors. This was the only game that was making trouble back in the warez years. We have to use GDI version.

Name : Urban Chaos (Europe)[DCP]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Dont start, error.

Name : ECCO the Dolphin - Defender of the Future (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Some small texture erros but no big deal its ok, framerate a bit to slow. Maybe some maps playable and other not. Love this game. Will test later the BETA copy. Unplayable currently.

Name : Half Life Xanadu BETA
Format : NRG
Region :
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Emulator can not read Nero NRG images.

Name : Soldier of Fortune (Europe)[ALPAX]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : This release is NUKED, do not work.

Name : Soldier of Fortune v1.000 (2001)(Crave - Ubi Soft)(PAL)(M3)[!]
Format : GDI
Region : PAL
Downclock : 1500
Notes : Game works fine and no texture errors, the graphics are orgasm. But unplayable, the framerate is to slow. The BETA copy was working a bit faster. The list from rinne say playable, this is it not.

Name : House of the Dead 2 (US)[DCCM]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : After save file in beginning, error.

Name : Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 1500
Notes : No texture errors, but framerate is very slow. Make no sense to test more, unplayable. But Tony Hawk 2 was mostly playable with 100% framerate, but was crash all the time.

Name : Project Justice 2
Format : GDI
Region : ?
Notes SuperDan : Not too bad frame drops aplenty... Kind of playable

Name : Power Stone 2
Format : GDI
Region : ?
Notes SuperDan : Not too bad frame drops aplenty... Kind of playable

Name : Power Stone
Format : ?
Region : ?
Notes realtimesave : it works pretty good, played half the game through with no issue

Name : Rez (1.004 NTSC-J)
Format :
Region : NTSC J
Notes koffieleut : Title screen seems ok but a bit slow. Keeps crashing before the first boss fight.
Game runs way to slow to be fun. Downclock 1.541

Name : Carrier
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : no differences between Downclock

Name : Ring The - Terrors Realm (US)[VGA][DCRES]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Mostly fullspeed, but here and there some slowdowns. Playbale. Better than downclock 1500.

Name : Biohazard 3 - Last Escape (JP)[HOOLiGANS]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC JP
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Runs a lot better than downclock 1500. And the real videos works mostly good with little slowdowns. Anyway full playable without any crash.

Name : Unreal Tournament (PAL)[DCP]
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Playing without Bots in practice mode is mostly good playable and is alot better than downclock 1500. But still unplayable Tournament Mode with all the enemys.

Name : Soldier of Fortune v1.000 (2001)(Crave - Ubi Soft)(PAL)(M3)[!]
Format : GDI
Region : PAL
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Runs a lot better than used 1500 ! But still to slow.

Name : Quake III Arena (US)[RDC]
Region : NTSC
Format : cdi
Downclock : 3800
Notes : now running with gameplay of 30fps on most maps, but alone, no Bots !

Name : Nanatsu No Hikan / Seven Mansions (English v1.3 - Compressed)
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC JP
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Full Playable. Complete done from Start to end without any crash. Real videos was mostly good working

Name : Illbleed (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Slightly Playable, with lots slowdowns. I have done complete chapter 1, it was working, but need a little bit more performance. Game can crash sometimes.

Name : Vanishing Point (US)[DCRES]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 3900
Notes : Tested first map, no Bots and drive alone. Gamplay is 100% in single player and ''front view'', driving alone. Perfect so far its intense game.

Name : Illbleed_USA_DC-ECHELON
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 3800
Notes : not working, because of the Echelon intro, crash error

Name : Quake_III_Arena_USA_DC-ECHELON
Region : NTSC
Format : cdi
Downclock : 3800
Notes : works same like RDC release, but Echelon has more downsample the music bitrate

Name : The_Ring_USA_DC-ECHELON
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : do not start

Name : Zombie_Revenge_USA_DC-KALISTO
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : crash error (bin cue image)

Name : Resident Evil - Code - Veronica (US)(2 Discs)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Runs all a little bit better, but still slowdowns here and there, Real videos runs also better. Maybe for hardcore fans good enough, dont know.

Name : Prince of Persia - Arabian Nights (US)[DCCM]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Played the first 10 minutes and all was full speed 99%, no texture errors. Amazing work here. I will test later more.

Name : The.House.of.the.Dead.2.(E)-NBS - (New Info)
Format : cdi
Region : PAL
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Tested with v.1.0.2 and will start, but crash in the beginning. Member 'jeferey' say it works perfect on v.1.0.3. I had not tested the GDI version so far, maybe the cdi is nuked, since it will not start.

Name : Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare v1.000 (2001)(Infogrames)(PAL)(Disc 1 of 2)[!]
Format : GDI
Region : PAL
Notes : Tested with v.1.0.2 and it has a to many texture errors, unplayable. But still get a good gameplay framerate with overclock 3800. The untouched real videos has a high bitrate and has it slowdows ~21fps (need 25fps). Not tested v.1.0.3.

Name : Carrier v0.100 GD-R Beta [Bananabreak]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC prototype
Downclock : 3800
Notes : Runs mostly fullspeed ! Tested only the beginning.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Name : Nightmare Creatures II v1.004 (2000)(Konami)(PAL)(M4)[!]
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : error, Tested 5 different version, non is working !

Name : Nightmare Creatures II
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : game starts and crash in the beginning dont work

Name : House of the Dead 2
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC J
Downclock : 3800
Notes : game starts and crash in the beginning dont work, CDI also dont work, (rinne list say GDI works)

Name : Soldier of Fortune
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : game starts and crash in the Title Screen dont work, GDI works

Name : Quake III
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : game starts and crash in the Title Screen dont work, CDI and GDI Beta is working

Name : Unreal Tournament
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : dont work, CDI and GDI Beta is working

Name : KISS Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : dont work, CDI also dont work, GDI not tested so far

Name : The Ring
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : works, but not tested complete done from start to end, real videos runs slower than CDI

Name : Fighting Force 2
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : works, but not tested complete done from start to end, real videos runs slower than CDI

Name : ECW Hardcore Revolution
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : game starts and match starts, but crash to often somewhere and music and sound gets broken. dont work. CDI has no crash and no error so far

Name : Illbleed
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : game starts and works, but not complete tested CHD

Name : Maken X
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC J
Downclock : 3800
Notes : game starts, need more testing CHD, only Japan dreamcast copy is uncensored all other version are censored of swastika and nazi symbols.

Name : Shadow Man
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : dont start, CDI was working

Name : D2 Shock
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC J
Downclock : 3800
Notes : working, very slow framerate

Name : Silent Scope
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC US
Downclock : 3800
Notes : works, need more testing CHD


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
list from member 'jeferey' :

House of the dead 2 ok with v1.2,v1.3,v1.1, but for me just up to performance

Wacky race ok with v1.02,1.03 but v1.1 black band right corner. performance on time attack 1 players it's so good!
and v1.1 performance better or screen broken texture

Silent Scope : Ko with all version texture the viewfinder stays black

MSR: Ok with all version , playable , but request much framerate,

Toy commander Very good with all version better v1.1

Soulcalibur run very slow 20fps in v1.2,v1.3, or v1.1 broken texture not playable

project justice ok with v1.2,v1.3,v1.1 not very best perf for me with all version

Confidential mission : Perfect all versions

Dead or alive 2 : ok with all version but no best perf , framerate no good

Power stone 1 ok

power stone 2 ok better in 1vs1

Death Crimson OX ok with all version; perfect

Dynamite cop ok with all versions with spec settings for no glitch

ESPN: ok

Deadly skies ok with all version: perfect

Fist of the North Star Perfect with all

Fighting Vipers 2 with all versions not very best perf

Phantasy Star Online : Perfect

NBA Showtime perfect

Propeller arena: Ok with version 1.3 good perf, not tested with v1.1

Rayman 2 ok, Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 ok with patch espirall!!!
same with sonic and sonic 2

Soul fighter ok with all version

Speed devils so better with version 1.1, or v1.2and 1.3 same good performance and framerate

Tech Romancer: ok all versions

Tony hawx pro skater 2 ok with all versions

Virtua Striker 2, ouch very good game , euhh requires a lot of perf for all versions, texture ok

Virtua tennis: ko crash with v1.1 or v1.3 and 1.2 ok but very slow

Walt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour with all version ok run great

Zombie Revenge ok with all version

Resident Evil Code Veronica with v1.1 not tested, but v1.3 , I have already made good progress lol

Marvel vs Capcom 2 ok with all version, same for 2d fighting games in general

Sports Jam: ko with all version

Head hunter , good perf with all version
Post automatically merged:

Update Vita v.1.1 (Version 4) :

Name : Tomb Raider Chronicles (US)[DCCM]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 4200
Version : Flycast Vita v.1.1 (4) + FastGDRom
Notes : Freeze in the beginning after intro video.

Name : Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (US)[RDC]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 4200
Version : Flycast Vita v.1.1 (4) + FastGDRom
Notes : tested 15 minutes in free skate mode, framerate was 95% to 99%, its good result so far and maybe playable. No crash.

Name : Unreal Tournament (US)[DCRES]
Format : cdi
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 4200
Version : Flycast Vita v.1.1 (4) + FastGDRom
Notes : It has the same texture errors like in version 3, but with the new v.1.1 the texture errors can FIXED ! Do NOT use 'Fast Sorting'
Framerate is not so good. But great result.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
love you all superdan. with every new update we can test all again, fun work for me and it helps rinne.
jeferey was also good helping with all the other titles. thanks man.

Good team work !


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Name : Carrier v1.001 (2000)(Jaleco)(NTSC)(US)[!] (one of my Most Wanted titles)
Format : GDI
Region : NTSC
Downclock : 4200
Version : Flycast Vita v.1.1 (4) + FastGDRom
Notes : Works a bit better than with flycast version 2. But the framerate is still not so good. FastGDRom was helping with audia samples when talking with someone. Maybe I will play it from start to end.
Extra Note : The game also dont have a good framerate when playing on original Dreamcast Console with original GDRom Disc, I have it, I know what is good and not.

Name : Bounty Hunter Sara - Holy Mountain no Teiou
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC J
Downclock : 4200
Version : Flycast Vita v.1.1 (4) + FastGDRom
Notes : Game works, but only tested in Per Strip setting and there was some texture glitches. Its a novel game, so framerate is working good, but dropdowns here and there when loading audio samples, no big deal.
Per Triangle = ?

Name : D2 Shock (DEMO, include secret Save File ! need for the Full game)
Format : CHD
Region : NTSC J
Downclock : 4200
Version : Flycast Vita v.1.1 (4) + FastGDRom
Notes : Title screen has a framerate of 26fps (30fps need) this is a good result even when not perfect, but a lot better than flycast version 2.

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