PCSX2 HD texture pack group

Fatal Frame 1 HD Remaster


Nov 16, 2022
Puerto Rico

Project complete. Entire game has been upscaled except for one thing, the battle mode mini game. I am in no hurry to do it but it is planned so I can say the game is 100% completed. I even upscaled the unlockable costumes. So plz enjoy and plz plz plz feedback will be appreciated. Also if you could join me on my different platforms id appreciate it, you could also hit me up on discord. Here are my socials.

twitter: @JanleyX

reddit: XxJanleyxX


Donations here:

ko-fi: @Janley

Link update 1.9:​

Some previews!

Attic preview 1

View attachment Attic preview 1.mp4

Attic preview 2

View attachment Attic preview 2.mp4

Attic preview 3

View attachment Attic Preview 3.mp4

Updated Demon Mouth Cave.

View attachment Demon Mouth Cave Preview.mp4

Updated Square Garden.

View attachment Square Garden Preview.mp4

New updated Cherry Atrium.

View attachment Cherry Atrium Preview.mp4

This is the bambo forest that leads to the shrine with the budah statues. Little before and after.

View attachment Untitled Project.mp4

This is where the broken wooden bridge is. Brightness was increased so you can see difference.

View attachment preview 2.mp4

Remastered 3rd Night Chapter Image


Remastered Final night chapter image

pcsx2-qtx64-avx2.exe Screenshot 2022.12.21 -

Update log:​

Old intro :
Hi im new to the modding team so i'll take any advice i can get xD. I've been remastering Fatal Frame for the last couple of days i wish i could say a percent on my progress but im unsure. I've spent alot of hours into this project enough to convince me to share it with everyone since its a big undertaking. I hope you guys can enjoy it as well. Also whenever i finish remastering Fatal Frame I plan to start another remaster for another ps2 horror game i havent seen remasteredand thats Kuon so look foward to that! Also open for recomends. Will update this post with download links for the textures.
Keep in mind plz its a work in progress i will keep updating the file as i keep working on it. Im open to sugestions.

Second Intro:
Hello and welcome to my little remastering project. Ive been working hard to make this game look great. Little by little ive been upscaling and when needed remaking or modifying textures so that this game can look as best as it can without breaking the inmersion. If you'd like to help I really would appreciate feedback from you guys as it can help point out maybe things that might of overseen or upscaled textures that maybe dont look as good intended that i might of missed. Whenever I update this project the old update info will be at the bottom of the post in the update log . I made the change so that its visually clear whenever I update this thread. just like the first one i will keep you guys informed on my progress by adding statuses under the updates. Thanks a ton for your patience i hope you guys enjoy whats been uploaded so far. Also will be regularly adding 10 second clips of before and afters. Welp will be back soon.

Update 1.01 : So everything in the prologue and in chapter 1 has been remastered except for the old man ghost boss in the bamboo forest. I will get to doing that very soon. Some UI elements remain to be updated like text and buttons the reason being that for some reason feeding those textures in the upscalers im using regardless of settings would end up looking worse than original. I already have an Idea probably will have to custom make them like i did with some of the textures in the game. Yes i did replace some textures but no they dont break the feel of the game i have made sure to keep evrything as close to the game while improving. Thats it for now, oh also noticed that the first version i accidentally left in some testing textures and the characters shirt might have changed to blue in the game because of this. This has been fixed. Enjoy!​

Status update 1: Most of the lost progress has been reworked already. Was planing on remaking the pictures you would take under the Files menu in photos ( the ones u take that show u hints of where you need to go) but alas it was a waste of time, for some stupid reason the file name always changes everytime you load them so it wont load the pictures, they do load sometimes but its so inconsistent i decided to drop it after seing i had the same picture copy like 8 times and it still changed the name so meh not worth it.​

Status update 2: Havent uploaded my latest build of the remaster since i was busy with family during thanks giving. Will upload soon new update. New update includes most of the UI remastered. I say most because any puzzles after chapter 2 I have to remaster as they show up in the game. Old man Ghost was already remastered so Chapter 1 and prologue have been remastered 100%. Will continue to provide some more info laters. Maybe some comparison photos as well. Welp till next time toodles!​

Status Update 3: Hey guys sorry for the delay possibly will upload today or tomorrow what ive got till now since its not much alot i'll name it 1.02. Sorry progress slowed down when i started i was honestly working on this full time since im not working atm but then thanks giving and pokemon violet happened so i got a bit sidetracked heheheh. But do not fear im gonna finish this project. And also have some other games in my sights for remastering. Well, till the next update, see ya!​
Update 1.02 : Dont need to say much since i already detailed whats in this update on the last few statuses. Will continue to post status updates on my progress as i keep going.​

Status 1: Well guys if I keep going at the pace im going i think ill be done with the remaster soon.​
Status 2: Uploaded a new preview of another area I retextured, the Square Garden. Forgot to clip the cave will probably do that in a little bit so expect another status with a new preview soon.​
Status 3: as Previously said here ya go the Demon Mouth Cave Preview.​
Update 1.3: Big update as you can notice its almost double in size now. Game has been fully remastered from prologue to chapter 2 entirely. I will be currently working on chapter 3 now so im almost at the final stretch.​
Well well well.. Welcome ladys and lads to my humble little project. Im remastering Fatal Frame 1 but you already know that. Im not gonna bore you with the details since most of ya have already read them if not go to the bottom of this page, every past update status and post has been moved there.

Update 1.6: Well guys this is it I'm at the final stretch. Im working on the last chapter of the game wich happens to be the shortest so expect maybe a status or two before this game is complete. Same as last time new chapter means new update. This update is completely remastered from prologue to night 3 in its entirety.​
Status update: I got delayed in my progress due to having to rework an entire room. Every texture in there looked horrible upscalled due to how bad they originally looked so yeah. The attic room is completely done by my design similarly to how I had to remake the Cherry Atrium. I made 3 previews for you guys.​
Status 2: Guys this will be last status on this project. In like an hour this project will be finalized. So expect the full release of this mod by then thanks everyone for their patience and for following this project. I only hope you guys enjoy it and as I always had said your feedback would be great to hear. If you guys were to find anything in need of a fix do let me know.​

My next project:​

Kuon is my next project will be opening a new forum post on my progress.


As much as I'd like Kudelka to be the next project I'm facing some difficulties remastering this game therefore been delayed until I can sort some issues out. Also If I manage to figure out how to work with this issue it would also help me move foward with more ps1 games as well.



  • Fatal_Frame_logo.png
    57.5 KB · Views: 16
Last edited by Janley,


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2016
United States
Wow I recently came across the 2 and 3 hd texture pack and im glad someone is working on 1!
Kudos to you
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Nov 16, 2022
Puerto Rico
Amazing work , i would love if you can also make one for Fatal Frame 3
So the reason I didn't move to Fatal Frame 2 and 3 is because @Panda_Venom was working on those. Id love to pick them up but only if they aren't worked on by someone else. He's probably working hard on those games you know. I might be wrong and they could be abandoned but if that's the case then I'll gladly pick them up as well.
Post automatically merged:

I know right!!!!!!!!!! But unfortunately i hit a big big big hurdle with Koudelka and I havent been able to find a way to work on it.

Here : My Issue is not the texture extraction or remastering, my issue is on how the game handles pre rendered backgrounds. Pre rendered backgrounds come almost in like a jiggsaw puzzle esque form they are not just a texture or a picture if u get what i mean. Due to them being a picture with many snipets of a picture upscalers dont know how to work with it properly therfore giving poor results. Also if i were to try and recreate backgrounds i still would have the same issue since i have no idea how to cut up the picture and set it in the way the game handles it. Thats the issue at hand
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
United States
I think you're probably going to have to put the backgrounds back together, then cut them up again and confirm that they look OK. It'll be a big pain, obviously.

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