I do not do much stock market stuff for myself these days but it is an interesting development considering the company and what some have taken it to represent. This is not really news either (it being several days old) but that has allowed time to settle a bit.
Basic introduction to such things
For those that do not know when you create a company beyond sole trader stuff you can sell parts of the company to others either with the promise of a seat on your board/say in the company, a share of the profits, a share of some profits (see dividends) or some combination of the lot. Initially you will probably speak to angel investors (individuals with a fair bit of money that like to invest in people) and venture capital firms (companies that invest in new companies so as to make money) and they usually will want you to start trading on a public stock market with the first time you join the market being known as an initial public offering (IPO). Not all companies do IPO (in games Valve are still a private company) and some will get purchased outright but it is a very common path to follow.
Stock prices do not necessarily (in fact rarely) reflect actual worth of the company but they are quite important for those that play in the financial world as it can mean a lot if you are looking for a loan, looking to be taken over or doing some takeovers (if facebook wanted to take over a company and was going to trade some of their shares for it and the company to be taken over was stable that company's shareholders might say no because of it).
Normally a tech company like facebook would have expected to see a rise on the IPO value but instead it saw a drop which would have been worse but underwriters for facebook started buying shares and has continued to drop and hover somewhat. The run up to the IPO and some of the stuff that came before (private investment was sought a while back and rumoured to be higher than the IPO value) was fairly interesting as well.
Now this is not a financial site and frankly I am not a financial person and for that matter facebook's existence does little other than amuse me but facebook is a reasonably big player in the tech world and them not managing to pull off a successful IPO has some larger implications for them as a whole (their ability to actually generate profits (profits/earnings ratio) has been questioned many times already). More will probably happen when the insiders are allowed to trade their stock in a couple of months (apparently it is quite a short timeframe) and there are all sorts of interesting things that might be going on.
A chart
Flash Player 9 or higher is required to view the chartClick here to download Flash Player nowif (typeof(embedWikichart) != "undefined") {embedWikichart("http://charts.wikinvest.com/WikiChartMini.swf","wikichartContainer_821A8AE6-E36C-55BE-7C28-73C958B710EC","400","400",{"ticker":"NASDAQ:FB","partner":"wikinvest","embedCodeDate":"2012-5-22","showNewsIcons":"true","rollingDate":"5 days"},{});}View the full FB chart at Wikinvest
So thoughts and thoughts on the implications of it.
Basic introduction to such things
For those that do not know when you create a company beyond sole trader stuff you can sell parts of the company to others either with the promise of a seat on your board/say in the company, a share of the profits, a share of some profits (see dividends) or some combination of the lot. Initially you will probably speak to angel investors (individuals with a fair bit of money that like to invest in people) and venture capital firms (companies that invest in new companies so as to make money) and they usually will want you to start trading on a public stock market with the first time you join the market being known as an initial public offering (IPO). Not all companies do IPO (in games Valve are still a private company) and some will get purchased outright but it is a very common path to follow.
Stock prices do not necessarily (in fact rarely) reflect actual worth of the company but they are quite important for those that play in the financial world as it can mean a lot if you are looking for a loan, looking to be taken over or doing some takeovers (if facebook wanted to take over a company and was going to trade some of their shares for it and the company to be taken over was stable that company's shareholders might say no because of it).
Normally a tech company like facebook would have expected to see a rise on the IPO value but instead it saw a drop which would have been worse but underwriters for facebook started buying shares and has continued to drop and hover somewhat. The run up to the IPO and some of the stuff that came before (private investment was sought a while back and rumoured to be higher than the IPO value) was fairly interesting as well.
Now this is not a financial site and frankly I am not a financial person and for that matter facebook's existence does little other than amuse me but facebook is a reasonably big player in the tech world and them not managing to pull off a successful IPO has some larger implications for them as a whole (their ability to actually generate profits (profits/earnings ratio) has been questioned many times already). More will probably happen when the insiders are allowed to trade their stock in a couple of months (apparently it is quite a short timeframe) and there are all sorts of interesting things that might be going on.
A chart
So thoughts and thoughts on the implications of it.