Extract files from dreamcast ISOs?


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
As a rule of thumb ask a technical question and you might have to wait a bit for a technical answer.

Afraid I never really went in for DC "rom" hacking and a casual search seemed aimed more at building isos and burning them than furnishing me with a tool to extract them (probably as things use cdrwin and other fun formats). Still from what I do know and did find it looks like your problem might be twofold- DC isos have the data section and an audio section (and occasionally a padding section) with the data section having a table of contents note where everything is and I should also mention several games used the ADH/AHX format from CRI middleware (when it appeared on the DS we looked back to the DC tools made to support it) and I would not be surprised if other formats appeared at various points. Audio sections should just rock something resembling wave files/CD audio.

I can not be sure of it and I am far too lazy to test it out right now but CDmage might help with what you are trying to do- http://www.portablefreeware.com/?id=399


Active Member
Jan 3, 2012
United States
As a rule of thumb ask a technical question and you might have to wait a bit for a technical answer.

Afraid I never really went in for DC "rom" hacking and a casual search seemed aimed more at building isos and burning them than furnishing me with a tool to extract them (probably as things use cdrwin and other fun formats). Still from what I do know and did find it looks like your problem might be twofold- DC isos have the data section and an audio section (and occasionally a padding section) with the data section having a table of contents note where everything is and I should also mention several games used the ADH/AHX format from CRI middleware (when it appeared on the DS we looked back to the DC tools made to support it) and I would not be surprised if other formats appeared at various points. Audio sections should just rock something resembling wave files/CD audio.

I can not be sure of it and I am far too lazy to test it out right now but CDmage might help with what you are trying to do- http://www.portablef...are.com/?id=399
thanks... I'll try that later.

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