I get the following error when trying to build 3DS homebrew as CIA/3DS format:
I'm using makerom from https://github.com/profi200/Project_CTR/releases, and the rsf template from https://gist.github.com/jakcron/47392b861657746d8448
The rsf file has been modified slightly, but shouldn't make a difference. The modified lines are:
The first being because it wouldn't work if I just used the APP_ENCRYPTED variable. The second for improved battery life.
The gw_workaround.rsf is the same with UseOnSD set to false.
As I understand it, setting the APP_* environment variables will allow makerom to automatically fill in.
makerom command in makefile:
Same as the wiki example.
[ACEXDESC ERROR] Current keyset cannot sign AccessDesc, please appropriately set-up RSF, or specify a preset with "-desc"
I'm using makerom from https://github.com/profi200/Project_CTR/releases, and the rsf template from https://gist.github.com/jakcron/47392b861657746d8448
The rsf file has been modified slightly, but shouldn't make a difference. The modified lines are:
18 EnableCrypt : false # Enables encryption for NCCH and CIA
80 CpuSpeed : 268MHz # 268MHz(Default)/804MHz
The gw_workaround.rsf is the same with UseOnSD set to false.
As I understand it, setting the APP_* environment variables will allow makerom to automatically fill in.
makerom command in makefile:
@$(MAKEROM) -f cia -o $@ -rsf $(TOPDIR)/cia.rsf -target d -exefslogo -elf $< -icon $(patsubst %.cia,%,$@).smdh -banner $(patsubst %.cia,%,$@).bnr