DS #5234: Sesame Street: Elmo's A-to-Zoo Adventure (Australia)


GBAtemp's Official Mook™
Sep 12, 2009
United States


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2008
The internet
ELMOOOOOO! Yippie! The best shovelware ever.

Nah I don´t like sesame street anymore. I liked it when I was a kid...(I was about 4 year old....) Then videogames began to play a importend role in my life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
United States
sheesh more whines please
elmo isn't for you? just think 'shovel' and get over it
no need to post for all to see your ignorance


Sep 3, 2010
Visit site
United States
yeah people, just because you don't like it, don't mean you should bash the game..there are people with kids who can use these types of games to help educate their kids
I'm getting this for my 5 year old

Be greatfull for free games
even it it's not for you

did you guys miss the post??
it's because of this kind of complaining, that release group are getting fed up with
you wonder why 999 isn't out yet..well here's your answer
QUOTE said:
1. Why were the USA dump groups inactive or dead?
Over time the American's simply became lazy, this has been happening over the last decade. 10 years ago, USA was one of the strongest regions on the scene, today, it is the weakest, and this principle applies across all the console scene. There is no definitive reason, but rather many different reasons which accumulate together for the result you have now. For the most part, it seems to do with the culture of the American people, for instance, I for one am yet to meet an American person who isn't an absolute retard. American's have come to grow up with the mentality that they should be able to get anything and everything for free from the Internet without ever having to contribute or do anything in return. This same principle can also be seen around the world in today's modern age of instant gratification. Unfortunately, American's only ever seem to want to serve themselves rather than be part of a greater community (the scene) and contribute back to the world in some form.

2. Why did Hadouken dump Miniland Mayhem?
Most major titles get dumped, doesn't matter which group or when, it will happen unless a European version is released first. HADOUKEN/VENOM/SUXXORS are elitist and so won't bother with region dupes and as such they prefer to do the first English release of a game, but if they do get a region dupe, they will use the SUXXORS name so that either one of their other names don't get a subjectively perceived degradation of their reputation.

3. Why , if they were caught by police/Nintendo not be publicized?
This did not happen. The American scener's have simply grown older, got lives and moved on. There is no young blood to take their place as the youngest generation of American's are some of the worst bunch of people and this goes back to their culture.

4. And finally, Will the missed games eventually get dumped.
Not for a very long time. Those of us few who actually care, simply don't have the funds to import USA region games and do them. Take for exmaple, out of the entire thousands of people on this website who support ROM's, not even .1% of them contribute anything at all, many talk a lot of shit (as you may have seen in some of the posts preceeding me), but none of them know anything. If you want a full list of undumped USA NDS games, visit No-IntroThis post is a rare opportunity for you designed for me to shed some light, provide some answers and try to stop the ignorance and hate.

If this response has been insightful, I recommend you read my previous post. Back to the point of hate, as I logged in to make this reply, I noticed a funny little private message:
QUOTE said:
notice how i said just close the topic dont flame... i wasnt complaining either .. i was asking a question you fagg.. so suck my dick and have fun in your pile of hate you make for yourself... what if i did already buy the fucking game and was just noticing that it wasnt dumped so fuck you you fucking homo..
This brings me to my next point, you ALL beg and cry for groups to dump games (this topic itself is an extension of that act), yet the groups receive nothing but hate no matter whether you do good or bad or don't do anything at all. The groups don't serve all the lamers on this forum, but as the old saying goes "The dumbest people are the loudest" which is an unfortunate truth with adverse affects.

Anyway, this the second topic on this subject in a week. I recommend somebody close it before it gets too heated and too many idiots start asking questions, because I will not be responding in here again and nobody else would be willing to share any sort of insight, especially since most other people on the scene are also idiots themselves. You know who you are.


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