Do you appreciate game collections/compilations?

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States

I'm sure you seen games like that before, Sonic Ultimate Genesis collection, Street fighter Anniversary collection, the latest.... Megaman Legacy collection... You know what they are right? Is your favorite games taking as a blast from the past nostalgia trip.

The idea of these collections are to allow players to be able to play the games on modern concoles. Some are improvements compared to the original such as it being either pure emulation of a game, like the sonic and megaman collections. Using special enhancements like save states, Maybe a rapid fire, special filter to look better in upscaled format for HD TV or mimic the original display, or some fixes and patches to allow other special functions.

There is the HD remaster, usually the games with this labeled are one that have been made in 3D and are not emulated as opposed to the stuff i just mentioned before. While these may not use emulation, it is basically the same as the original, but with more differences. Usually these kinds of games include more content that was cut from the original game. Or that was exclusive to specific region. For example Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix, includes Kingdom hearts "Final Mix" which was only exlcusive to Japan on original console PS2 and not until the the PS3 HD remaster was released was it sold internationally. Included more content as well as improved visuals you would expect compared to PS2 at the time now on PS3 From 480 to 1080 You might be as impressed as you was before.

These collection or compilation games may not sound necessary, to be honest some aren't Megaman legacy collection features the first 6 Megaman series titles from the Nintendo entertainment system into one collection. It has other stuff, like sound test for hearing music from the game and gallery to seeing official artwork, and developer information. It also features new game mode where you complete trial challenges from all six games and stages are fixed to travel from one game to another. But to be honest, I dunno why it exist. Is available for steam PS4 Xbox One for 15$ (about the price you would pay for any download only game. The 3DS version on the other hand has retail for 40$ And comes with a golden mega man amiibo, for special functions with that one exclusivly. You can also download from eshop at reduced price, but remember that you don't get a amiibo.

Before this game was announced, the virtual console was already a thing. If you dunno what that is (for anyone under the rocks) is the emulation system for 3DS and Wii U that allows playing retro games from various conles like nes, on modern hardware. You can play 1985 Super Mario Bros on your 3DS or Wii U. So other games also exist, Including the original nes megaman games.... all six of them.... for 5$ each = 30$ if you got all of them. It existed before megaman legacy collection. If you already have them, you probably wouldn't find it necessary to buy that compilation. Perhaps the amiibo was a incentive to get it, the extra content, gallery music and challenge modes, or if you didn't already buy them. Yeah i can see that. The steam, ps4 and Xbox one seem fine, they also have the achievement support that people like, but the 3ds game perplexes me.

While there is something i wanna mention like 15 years ago, they released Mega man Anniversary collection for Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox. This game had probably more to offer. The six megaman games in this collection are based off the original PSX game called Rockman Complete works, it was a exclusive to japan thing that made the 6 nes games on psx, while it may seem emulated it was actualy reprogramed. How do i know? Well there glitches in the old game not in this one and new glitches as well, not to mention the games has two modes, classic and moderen, classic imitates the nes games, modern, takes advantage of new things like having a navigator for giving player hints, a map of the stage, waypoint markers and even arranged music. You can even switch weapons without the pause menu, like SNES megaman. It also had extra content like gallery, music, and something to do with pocket station, (Some japan exlusive accessory like Sega dreamcast VMU)

Then the anniversary collection also ported the Rockman complete works to the modern console at the time. (Again PS2, NGC, XboX) It was celebrating Megaman 15 Anniversary and not only were that complete works game ported to the system but added for extra games, Megaman 7 A very under appreciated game, Megaman 8 A PSX/Saturn game with more detailed graphics (Which looks like Megaman and Bass on snes, never mind that) And Two very obscure arcade games, Megaman the power fighters and Megaman 2 the power battles. The additonal games maybe made it worth picking up, it also had something unique. For each system, it had exclusive content. Gamecube had a one episode video of Megaman NT warrior. (The first one) PS2 had arranged music, and a interview by Series producer Keiji Inafune From a tv show documentary (A popular channel for video games in US known at the time was G4 Tech tv No longer exist) And Xbox had all that stuff.

While megaman legacy collection is more modern, i feel the annivesary collect has more quality or effort put into it. It could been little more like More games, The megaman gameboy games maybe, Or even the other megaman games, Or maybe even some Japanese only games that we still may not know. Most other collections usually find it fitting to add the jap exclusive to them, Sonic gems has Tails skyprotrol and Sonic drift, 2 game gear titles never released out of japan, Kingom hearts 1.5 HD had the final mix, just to name some. While is not really a complaint but is more of observation.

To be honest, i like collection compilation games, they introduce people into things they may have forgotten or never knew about, or had a chance to play. I got sonic ultimate genesis collection, it had a game called beyond oasis on it. It plays like a legend of zelda game and i really like it. It was quality game at the time. I never played that game cause at the time of genesis, i was busy playing around with Sonic games debug mode trying to do so many bizzare things. Or playing snes, and trying to beat those hard games or whatever else, it wasn't a very well known game cause others had more attention, but i wish i had known about it sooner. :)

While it may just be a way to have you by the same thing again, is only seen that way if you have bought it already and don't think is worth it again. The original 1985 Super mario is been ported so many times you probably expect by now to play it on Next console nintendo makes. But it doesn't mean you need to if you don't want to. Everyone remembers 25 Anniversary of Super mario right? Super mario allstars for wii? a SNES GAME exactly as it was? That sucked i guess. It should been a VC game, or get the GBA ones since is more to offer.

I think i talked enough, so what are your opinion on the collection compilations, do you appreciate them? Is okay if you have some negative things to say about some of the questionable content they add to them, i already said a lot. Which probabaly will be ignored.
Last edited by Sonic Angel Knight,
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Never sleeps
Chief Editor
Oct 2, 2012
United States
I'm not a huge fan of just cut-and-dry "collections", unless they offer up something new. Mega Man Legacy Collection was just a barebones compilation of the NES games. Sonic Gems on the other hand, was the same, but had some cool bonuses like unlockable comic pages and rare artwork, as well as having arcade and segaCD exclusive games that people had no other means to play. I don't really mind HD remasters so long as they add QOL improvements, new game mechanics, or are console-exclusives that would benefit by getting a framerate boost on newer hardware.


Never sleeps
Chief Editor
Oct 2, 2012
United States
@Chary what compilation collection games do you own or know of any that you did approve or not approved of? :)
The PS3/360 Genesis Ultimate Collection was total crap. The company behind it (Backbone) didn't allow for lock-on between the Sonic games, and there were some odd framedrops in certain games.

The PS Vita Ratchet and Clank HD collection was nigh unplayable, with awkward cutscenes that didn't display correctly, and it ran at sub 20fps.

Final Fantasy VI Mobile/Steam version is a horrendous port, with lazy "upscaled" graphics, that pretty much ruin the entire game. More can be read here.

Dishonored Definitive is a terrible port, with barely upgraded visuals, and still running are barely 30fps. 1080p/60 should have been mandatory, but knowing Bethesda, that never would have happened. The PC version already existed and blows the "next gen" versions out of the water.

Windwaker and Twilight Princess HD really get an added bonus from the graphical increase and small little improvements added. (Quick sailing, I'm looking at you) Ocarina 3D is the definitive way to play OOT now, Majoras Mask too.

The Kingdom Hearts collections seem to be great, as they put in the portable story-related games, as well as additional content.

Super Mario All Stars had brand new 16bit graphics back in it's day, which was mindblowing. (Though I prefer to play the old school Mario games in their initial release format)

The Banjo Kazooie remasters on Xbox 360 are seriously fantastic, making those N64 games playable again. (Seriously try playing Banjo Tooie on actual N64 hardware, it was a lovely game at the time, but it runs at 15fps the whole way through

Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green added all sorts of new content (Sevi Isles, re-done music and sprites) and really make the original Red/Blue inferior versions, unless you just prefer nostalgia.

Halo's Master Chief Collection really upgrades the original Xbox releases, and makes them viable again, as 2001-era video games were starting to show their age.

Gravity Rush PS4 brings the Vita game to the big screen perfectly, with well designed controls that make up for the lack of a touchpad.

Uncharted ND Collection adds 60FPS to the already stunning looking console-only series, same goes for The Last of Us Remastered. Great ports all areound.

Grim Fandango made it possible to play that oldschool PC game again without a virtualbox, but it still is fairly buggy.

Kirby's Dream Collection was pretty barebones, especially considering that the games included were just virtual console emulation, but it came with a nice little soundtrack CD bonus.

Everyone and their mother knows jut how bad Silent Hill's HD remake was. Awkward filters, music errors, murky visuals, what a mess.

Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection was neat, as it had all of the series' games up until that point on one single collection.

Don't know too much about Dark Souls, but afaik Scholar of the First Sin added a LOT of extra content.

God of War/Shadow of the Colossus/Jak&Daxter/Sly Cooper HD ports are acceptable. Nothing really new, just a shiny HD coat of paint. Which is fine, since the originals were in standard definition.

Same goes for Borderlands and Bioshock, it's just console updates. they're not going to outpace the PC versions.

Bayonetta 1 Wii U version looks far better than the 360 (and totally crappy PS3) version, and runs at a much better framerate.

The 3D Final Fantasy HD ports are pretty okay. IX looks good especially, since PS1 games are really awkward looking these days.

Persona 4 Golden was pretty flawless. Really cleaned up some clunkier gameplay mechanics from the PS2 version, and added in bonus social links and an extended ending. A+

Odin Sphere Leiftrasir is the crowning achievement of a perfect remake. Beautifully remastered visuals, rehauled gameplay mechanics, new bonuses and additions, this game went above and beyond.

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
Okay, most of those mentioned games are not collections or compilation, so i'll only coment on the ones i do know. lol :P

But i do respect you going the extra mile, i have acknowledged that @Chary .

Sonic ultimate genesis collection was Not as good as it could been, i agree. the missing sonic and knuckles lock on feature is probably the most notable thing, and i also dislike the backbone company behind it. They have been responsible for some nasty ports and emulation of many games, including Street fighter 2 HD and marvel vs capcom 2 HD, the new M2 company has done better job of retro ports, I'm sure you would agree, by some of the playstation network games, the neogeo, and sega games. One of the reasons i mentioned sonic ultimate genesis collection was the ammount of games on there, and the selection of them, being games i never knew about made me interested in it. Aside from some of the problems it was playable and wish it could been done better, like the m2 port of toejam and earl or the monster world games.

Final fantasy iv is one of my favorite ones in the series, According to the hard core, which i am not. The DS port remains the best one of the over 5 ports. Lol i never played the snes or psx version, the first time was the gba which is a port of the wonder swan color, I think was a exclusive system to japan by namco. I also have the psp ffiv complete collection which i think was the best one until the DS version showed up and was appealing by the new character 3d models, the added voice acting, and second screen usefulness along with the arranged music. The pso complete collection was also done well but wondered why the DS got better treatment? it could also got 3d models, and voice acting. :)

Most collections like to introduce things that was exclusive to japan, like super mario allstars had super mario lost levels which is the real second vame to the first super mario instead of what we got in place. 5 games for one price, upgraded graphics and music, and save feature, Kingdom hearts HD remix Was well done, and worth more than the price they set for it. Is a good thing it was made too cause people were getting upset about not having final mix in their country. lol

Metal gear legacy collection was awesome, it was very huge for the fact it had 2 of the best titles for ps2 and one psp game in HD and best framerate, with more content to offer, even the original msx metal gear which if you lived in america, never new about, you were sfuck with the horrible nes games that was awful. So that was very good done.

I never played bayonetta until i got the wii u game, so i can't comment much on that aside from being glad it was included with bayonetta 2 and i didn't have to buy the ps3 one lol So that was nice
to know if the ps was really as bad as people said. The game played fine for the game pad controller and the costumes made if enjoyable.

Because i don't have any personal experience with most of the other things you mentioned, i won't be able to comment. So i think you're better to comment on them. :)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
I am assuming by google it means "Too long, didn't read" If that was the case, why did you feel it was needed to leave that comment right here?:mellow:
He basically means "do you have a short version of that wall of text?". Because most of the time, there are introduction paragraphs, saying what we're talking about, then other paragraphs talking about OP's experience, then at the very end the question (which is what you've done exactly btw :P)... and so he asks for you to tell him what paragraphs are "useless" for him to read. Though as I said, the question is usually at the end and that's the case here, so he could just have read the last paragraph.

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
He basically means "do you have a short version of that wall of text?". Because most of the time, there are introduction paragraphs, saying what we're talking about, then other paragraphs talking about OP's experience, then at the very end the question (which is what you've done exactly btw :P)... and so he asks for you to tell him what paragraphs are "useless" for him to read. Though as I said, the question is usually at the end and that's the case here, so he could just have read the last paragraph.
In the case people deem information as useless, one would have to actually know what it is before it can be determined. I can't control what people do, if you read it, then you know what to respond with, If you don't then i dunno what to say, either don't read all of it, ignore it, go on about your business or something. Is a fact. If i don't wanna read something, i ignore it. Makes easier for me. :teach:

I simply started by making a statement then added some supporting information with my reasons for the statement and then ended it with a wrap up summary. I recently edited it and added some spoiler to remove what is deemed "useless" by others (not my opinion) and can be read at your own choice. Remember, no one is telling or forcing anyone here to read it. Is a decision to be made yourself. :ninja:


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
In the case people deem information as useless, one would have to actually know what it is before it can be determined. I can't control what people do, if you read it, then you know what to respond with, If you don't then i dunno what to say, either don't read all of it, ignore it, go on about your business or something. Is a fact. If i don't wanna read something, i ignore it. Makes easier for me. :teach:

I simply started by making a statement then added some supporting information with my reasons for the statement and then ended it with a wrap up summary. I recently edited it and added some spoiler to remove what is deemed "useless" by others (not my opinion) and can be read at your own choice. Remember, no one is telling or forcing anyone here to read it. Is a decision to be made yourself. :ninja:
I didn't say I agreed with him :P
Same as you actually, if the subject sparks interest, I can read it all. Otherwise, I don't read anything. No need for a tldr version at any moment.
In this precise case, I did read, but since I have so little experience with consoles in general (so you can guess I don't have any experience about collections and compilations either), I don't really have anything interesting to answer...
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Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I didn't say I agreed with him :P
Same as you actually, if the subject sparks interest, I can read it all. Otherwise, I don't read anything. No need for a tldr version at any moment.
In this precise case, I did read, but since I have so little experience with consoles in general (so you can guess I don't have any experience about collections and compilations either), I don't really have anything interesting to answer...
So what games do you play? PC? i'm sure there is collection games for it. I know collections aren't a common thing for pc games but i mean i'm sure there least a few you may know of, for anything you may have, or do you not have any games? Don't tell me that, i don't believe yoh lol :P


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2015
So what games do you play? PC? i'm sure there is collection games for it. I know collections aren't a common thing for pc games but i mean i'm sure there least a few you may know of, for anything you may have, or do you not have any games? Don't tell me that, i don't believe yoh lol :P
PC and 3DS, that's all.
And I do have games on PC, but they are all "new" ones, like Saints Row IV (I mean, it's not from this year, but no one will talk about a remake or collection with that game in anytime soon).

And on the 3DS, I do have Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (if you count that as a collection)... but I didn't play them a lot at all (I can't even tell where I am in Majora's Mask, and I didn't enter the Water Temple in OoT) and I didn't play the originals either, so I can't talk about the games nor compare them to the originals...

Well, the best I can do is talk about MHGen, if you qualify that as a collection or compilation. Because it takes villages from previous MH games (that I didn't play, I told you I wouldn't have a lot to say :P) and monsters from previous games too (and I played... MH4U, not even old enough to really spark any nostalgia lol). And actually I loved the game. It made me discover some monsters that every MH fans should know (the Nargacuga for example seems to be one that people were glad to see back) and made me fight monsters that I already knew and liked (Magalas :3) with new styles... all of that with better graphics than the previous MH game on the same console??? Well, I'm sold :P
I don't know if I regret that they fixed the Plesioth or not. On one hand, I'd like to know how much of a pain it is to play against the broken one, but on the other hand I like not facing illogical and overpowered hitboxes :P


Dec 23, 2009
I don't care about them (meaning: i neither love nor hate them).

Collections -or perhaps more correctly named compilations- either are about franchises i play or about franchises i don't care about. In the former case, I've already played the games i wanted to play so i have no reason to pay for it again, just so i can get some similar games (which i would have played already if i liked the franchise enough).
In the other case i have even less reason to buy. If i don't like a franchise, getting more games won't make me like it suddenly. Perhaps it's just me, but for gaming time has become my main shortcoming, not money. So since my backlog grows faster than the games i actually play, just letting it grow because it is a cheaper total or has some upgrades in them isn't enough motivation to buy.

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