I figure this could be a cool thread. Post pics of the best Halloween decorations you've seen. Preferably ones you've ACTUALLY seen yourself and have pics of, not just pics that you got from the internet somewhere. A little info about the pics you post would be nice.
I'll start for what should be blatantly obvious reasons.
(Click for full size)

These pics were taken on my 2 megapixel cell phone camera October 24, 2010. I could just barely see the display on my phone to try and line up the shots because it was very sunny out, so forgive the pic with the head cut off. The pics have been cropped to reduce the file size. I'll TRY to get back over to this house with a MUCH better camera and take MUCH better pics.......but no promises. My bro owns the fancy camera....
My brother and I were heading up through our old neighborhood in the car (it's not that far from where we currently live now) heading up one of the 4 main roads in that area. Up ahead, a firetruck stopped and blocked the road in both directions. We decided to turn down the first side street we came to. Down this street were the Transformers standing in a dude's yard. We stopped to check it out, they posed for us and we took pics.
Well, OK, they didn't really move or anything....but those suckers were HUGE! We didn't stay to talk to the dude.......we had to get going to do what we originally went out for....
If you guys got some good ones, post them up!
I'll start for what should be blatantly obvious reasons.
(Click for full size)

These pics were taken on my 2 megapixel cell phone camera October 24, 2010. I could just barely see the display on my phone to try and line up the shots because it was very sunny out, so forgive the pic with the head cut off. The pics have been cropped to reduce the file size. I'll TRY to get back over to this house with a MUCH better camera and take MUCH better pics.......but no promises. My bro owns the fancy camera....
My brother and I were heading up through our old neighborhood in the car (it's not that far from where we currently live now) heading up one of the 4 main roads in that area. Up ahead, a firetruck stopped and blocked the road in both directions. We decided to turn down the first side street we came to. Down this street were the Transformers standing in a dude's yard. We stopped to check it out, they posed for us and we took pics.
Well, OK, they didn't really move or anything....but those suckers were HUGE! We didn't stay to talk to the dude.......we had to get going to do what we originally went out for....
If you guys got some good ones, post them up!