CFW - Docked - Slow and unplayable - Please help!


New Member
Jul 29, 2024
United Kingdom

Pretty new to this so please be kind! :D

I've recently modded my v1 switch, install was fine and smooth. However all was fine until i've tried to simply game whilst docked! :(

The console becomes extremely laggy, unresponsive at times and slow, It may take 3-5 mins to boot into games. but pull it off the dock and it's back to normal speed. One thing the dock mode struggles with is general settings - It appears to not update the TV - Loading a game and choosing a user it's 50/50 it'll display whilst docked on the TV - Un-dock and the user screen is already there waiting.

Docked games feel like the frame pacing is way off and they're playing at say 15-20fps?

I've searched high and low and found similar issues, but nothing has resolved my woes with docked. So my main SD card is brand new, and benchmarks fine - Averages around 100mbps - Fat32

So I'll try and answer questions before they're asked below.

Games from cart - Still the same
SD Card change - Tried a different card with the same build / fresh build
The SD Card is partitioned for emunand
Atmosphere / Hekate - multiple rebuilds, and clean installs - No change
Overclocking dock mode via Sys-clk to max avail - No change
Tried 4x docks and 3x chargers - No change
Multiple HDMI cables - All HDMI 2.1 cables - No change.
TV - It's not game mode related, but it's on game mode on an LG C1 - Also tried with another - Same.
There's no thermal throttling from the switch - The system is re-pasted with Arctic silver 5
erpt_reports - Cleared - No difference.
Aeroplane mode - On/Off - Makes no difference (Yep all nin services are blocked)
Tried in sys / emu and stock and it's still poor performance docked
Different pads / joycons - No Change

I've included a few screens, only thing i noticed when docked is higher usage on core #3

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! The switch is unplayable docked, but amazing un-docked -

Thank you. :)


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New Member
Jul 29, 2024
United Kingdom
Not sure if the dock update has anything to do with the lag?

Maybe the partition as stated in link?

EDIT : link

Hey thanks for the reply! The docks are all just original docks - Sure they can't be updated via firmware? Just the Oled models it appears?

My issue is very similar to the linked issue - However my games do work, but the pacing is way off feels like 15-20 fps and takes looooong to load, but not as bad as the guys DBZ fighters video. For example Docked a game say takes 10 secs to load - Docked it'll take 1-2 mins

The partition - I've tried multiple SD cards with different / fresh partitions - All fat 32

It just doesn't make sense. :(

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