Hardware Burn your Super Smash Bros. Brawl DVD9 Backup in Mac OS X


New Member
Oct 14, 2008
Burn your Super Smash Bros. Brawl DVD9 Backup in Mac OS X

For those wondering about how to burn your Super Smash Bros. Brawl backup to a DVD+R DL in Mac OS X this info is for you. This is the same method used to burn your Xbox 360 DVD+R DL backups in OS X so if you've been wondering about that here's your answer too. Start burning those DVD9 's! There's two apps worth mentioning available from what I've discovered today.

QUOTE said:
I am using 3.2u System Menu, Twilight Hacked Wii and WiiGator's Backup Launcher 0.3 Gamma 002Fix, my SSBB backup is running great!
Now I do understand from reading around that lots of people have had success with "Disk Utility" for burning their DVD9 backups so if you haven't run into problems then you can happily ignore this post. I know some people have tweaked their lasers, tried different DVD+R DL media, and done a number of things to get it to work. This is for those who haven't had success with those utilities or methods and need to try something else. Personally I made a few coasters until I found OSx360 so this will be my continued method of choice. My preferred media is Verbatim DVD+R DL burned at 2.4x .

Overview: If you've been forced to use m$ winblows to burn your backups using ImgBurn you know about layer breaks. From what I've gathered the "Apple Disc.Recording Framework" doesn't support manual layer breaks (don't quote me). So the standard "Disk Utility" app that you'd usually burn your Wii backups with will not always work, and the popular "Toast Titanium" will not work either. However there's an open source program for burning DVD's in Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and Mac OS X called growisofs. The authors of the following programs incorporate growisofs in their software.

QUOTEThe SSBB Layer Break is: 2084960
OSx360 on MacUpdate (Authors homepage is dead)
Download OSx360 v1.0b4 Mirror Mirror2

These are my settings. All I did was uncheck all the verification and stealth checks for ISO and enter the manual layer break address of 2084960.
In the Burn window you can chose from growisofs or Apple Disc.Recording Framework. Be sure to pick growisofs.

iBurn360 Homepage

Download iBurn360 0.19 Mirror Mirror2

This program is very simple and is a one window one click application. It is simply a GUI frontend for the growisofs software package. Enter manual layer break 2084960 and burn.


Hope everything works out for you all and good luck! Thanks to the authors of growisofs, osx360 and iBurn360.


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