NOTE: Just noticed that there's a utilities section, I'm going to assume this should be there and not here.
I thought that I'd start out on this forum nice and smooth by releasing something to help the community.
I wrote a cute little utility for checking the sizes and hashes of the NAND dumps here, virus scan here, and source here.
I thought that I'd start out on this forum nice and smooth by releasing something to help the community.
I wrote a cute little utility for checking the sizes and hashes of the NAND dumps here, virus scan here, and source here.
Basically this application makes a folder called "imgs" when you first run it, put all your nand images in there and it will check their sizes and hashes and print out the result to the console and a log file (stored in the "logs" directory)
- bug fixes
- added an icon for aesthetics-sake.
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