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  1. M

    Hacking Is R4 still worth buying?

    There's been quite a few new flash carts released after the R4. Since my old supercard SD broke, i'm wondering if anyone of you would still recommend the R4. Please list any reasons i should and shouldn't buy R4. Also one more thin, how good is the game compatiblity for the R4? Thanks!
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    Hacking EFA-Linker Simple won't charge--HELP!@

    I just got my EFA-Linker for DX today and when i plugged into my computer, the red light that's supposed to turn on when charging is off. When if first plugged it in, the window's driver could not find it. Please help!
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    Hacking Interal Battery Charging for EFA-Linker

    On the website, the developers said that you have to charge its internal button battery about once every month. You also have to charge it for 8 hours when you first get the card. From what i know, most rechargeable batteries like the ones in cell phones and DS systems will shorten it's life...
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    Hardware Anyone here uses the EFA-Linker?

    If you do, then you know that you have to charge its internal button battery about once every month. From what i know, most rechargeable batteries like the ones in cell phones and DS systems will shorten it's life span if you recharge it while it's still half full. Would the internal button...
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    Hardware Internal battery charging of flash carts?

    I was looking at the EFA-Linker gba flash cart review and it this on the CON list: "- You may want to perform an 8 hour internal battery charge ". What does that supposed to mean? How do i perform internal battery charge on the EFA-Linker?
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    Hacking Does the Back Light on the DS become Dimmer over time?

    Does the Back Light on the DS become Dimmer over time of use?
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    Hardware What games are not compatible with the EFA-Linker?

    Anyone with the EFA-Linker have ever experience a non working game? I'm planning to buy one from here:
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    Hardware What is RTC?

    I seen it mentioned some where and i don't know what it stands for. Plz explain.
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    Hacking DealExtreame Shipping Time?

    I live in the USA and i would like to know how long it took for others living in the same country to get their item from DealExtream.
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    Hacking R4 or Acekard 2?

    Which one is better interms of compatibility and support for homebrew? Why is it that i hear the R4 is not that great now?
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    Hardware Experience with the Fire Linker? I saw this cart on the website and it's pretty cheap. If anyone have this card, can you tell me how well it works?
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    ROM Hack Will it be possible to port/convert N64 games to DS?

    Is it possible? Do you know anything like this is being worked on?
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    Hacking Cheapest place to Buy?

    What is the site that sells the chapest Slot-1 flash carts? Don't say DealExtream cause i've read lots of complaints from their customers. Thanks.
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    Hacking Cheapest Place to Buy AckeKard 2??

    what site is the cheapest place other than DealExtream? I'm excluding DX because i heard lots of complaints from their customers on items running out of stock issues.
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    Hacking Micro SD card question

    What does the "class" mean in terms of Micro SD cards? I hear people say class6 or class2 are fast and so on but i don't know what that means. Plz help.
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    Hacking Can Acekard 2 Change Origional DS's brightness level?

    Can Acekard 2 Change Origional DS's brightness level? In the review on this cart, i saw a light bulb icon on the acekard 2 menu screen. Does this light bulb give the origional DS higher levels of brighness when you touch it?
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    Hacking Best brand of Micro SD card for AceKard 2?

    Which do you recommend? I'm looking at one with 2 GB of space. THanks
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    Hacking What Problems have you Experienced with the Edge Card?

    What Problems have you Experienced with the Edge Card? Also, have there been any problem with certain games? If so, please list them. I'm deciding on which flash cart to buy so i hope you guys will help me out by answering my questions. Thank You
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    Hacking What Problems have you Experienced with DSTT?

    What Problems have you Experienced with DSTT? Also, have there been any problem with certain games? If so, please list them. I'm deciding on which flash cart to buy so i hope you guys will help me out by answering my questions. Thank You
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    Hacking What Problems have you Experienced with AceKard 2?

    What Problems have you Experienced with AceKard 2? Also, have there been any problem with certain games? If so, please list them. I'm deciding on which flash cart to buy so i hope you guys will help me out by answering my questions. Thank You
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