Hacking CyanogenPSP - An Alternative Custom GUI for the PSP


Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States

This software is to be used a GUI replacement for the PSP's XMB. However it's still in the works, and not stable enough for daily use. It is inspired by Android's famous custom rom, CyanogenMod. Take note, this does NOT allow you to run any android software on a PSP and it never will. The psp doesn't have the hardware capabilities to do that. The purpose of this software is to allow you to do the anything a PSP can do, with a different UI and additional features like a built in file manager and text viewer and such. The progress of what's working, and what isn't can be checked here: Joel16's Projects by joel16

Final Version: v6.1
Current Stage: Stable


You'll find all the videos about my project in my YouTube channel:

Changelog: CyanogenPSP v6.1

New Features:

- Allow brightness control asset to be themed as well
- Implemented font colors. No longer need choosing a specific color scheme for the themes to enhance font visibility.
- Battery status, digital time and clock widget/date on lockscreen can have their font colors altered.
- Added experimental ID3 JPG/JPEG tags. (Turn on experimental features to acces this)
- New CyanogenPSP banner by preetisketch.
- Revamped music player to mimic CyanogenMod's recent changes.
- Revamped file manager to mimic CyanogenMod's recent changes.
- Slightly revamped gallery to mimic CyanogenMod's recent changes.
- Display USB debugging icon only if the USB cable is connected.
- New USB debugging icon.
- Minor changes to ME Mp3player
- New music player settings lets you toggle lockscreen background on/off. (Press Start to access)
- Lockscreen now has a little music playing widget similar to android. Let's you pause/play music while in lockscreen, without having to go back to the music player.
- Revamped Settings->Performance->Memory.
- Revamped Settings->Performance->Storage Mangement. Both of these are now very similar to android, in terms of looks and the way the information is displayed.
- Updated app icons.
- Transitioning color backgrounds depending on music genre.
- Flashable zips through recovery! (The zip file should consist of a folder called CyanogenPSP, which will be used to overwrite each path).
- Now uses nougat styled quick settings (just the design).
- Added a small check for PPSSPP and Adrenaline
- Allow wav, bgm, mod and at3 files to be played using music player.
- Music player now displays now playing status when opening the music settings.


- Many major clean ups and code refactoring. Minimized the use of many redundant function calls by unifying functions, and greatly optimized for enhanced stability.
- Fixed font color issue with time and battery status.
- Font colors are now properly reloaded each time you change a theme.
- Fixed lock screen not being set on startup due to some major code refactoring.
- Fixed font color issue with digital time.
- Fixed slight delays caused by using standard IO functions rather than SCE wrappers. This improved the speeds after opening/closing apps. No longer feels sluggish.
- Improved directory checks. Shouldn't be any more crashes due to missing directories. Also improved the file checking code overall.
- Improved performance. Used up an extra MB of ram for pre-loaded images. One MB isn't gonna hurt :p
- Load a few more resources on start up. (Slower boot - better performance)
- Music player only displays now playing info, if song is being played.
- Reorganize file manager assets to suit updated icons properly.
- Fixed ID3 genre list.
- Improved file checks for animations and other assets.
- Fixed music player misorganization with other sound files (example wav, MOD, etc)
- Fixed mp3 time string.
- Minor adjustments to how minutes are displayed for mp3 time string.
- Removed pgezip, and switched to unzip.
- Improved music player cover art loading.
- Fixed settings/performance/storage - bar info showing incorrect statistics.
- Fixed a minor issue with the clock icon causing crashes when changing icon packs.
- Network code has been fixed.
- Removed a bunch of code inconsistency and redundancy. (still not complete, but I can only keep improving.)
- Use more SCE IO wrappers to slighlty speed up certain processor.
- More appropriate function names.
- Fix RAM menu displaying incorrect values.
- Unified certain functions.
- Minor adjustments to updater. (It's still broken, but I won't be updating it anymore since this will be the final release.)
- Fixed language selection's controls displaying incorrect language selection.
- Fixed getModel causing slight lagg when being hovered.
- Fixed directory checks for PPSSPP and PS Vita.

CyanogenPSP v6.0


- Updated recovery design and tweaked some recovery menu settings.
- New icon pack customization. (Settings->Display->Themes->Icon Packs)
- App drawer icons can now be modified with icon packs.
- Fully customizable themes. (Settings->Display->Themes->Styles)
- Now uses the proper Android cursor icon.
- Minor RAM menu improvements
    + Renamed "Ram Management" to "Memory", under Settings->Performance.
    + Includes a progress bar that shows how much RAM is available from the total.
    + Displays percentage of RAM used.
    + Displays percentage of RAM available.
- Added control.prx (kernel module). Allows you to access vol+, vol- and note buttons.
- Added impose.prx (kernel module). Allows you to access sceImpose functions.
- Added volume control. Can be accessed by pressing vol - or vol +.
- Updated display.prx - Moved impose functions to impose module.
- Added power management settings. (Settings->Performance->Battery Management)
    + Includes powersave, balanced and performance as its choices.
- Volume controls can now be accessed everywhere in the GUI except the recovery menu.
- CPU states are restored after MP3  playing.
- CPU states are now displayed correctly in Settings->Performance->Processor.
- Settings menu - no longer allows you to overclock/underclock your CPU when power save mode is on.
- Added Polish translation - Thank you pawelosro!
- Added German translation - Thank you Dimistoteles!
- Updated French translation - Thanks Mahmoudos!
- Added Dutch translation - Thank you Arikuzo!
- Updated German translation - Thank you Ciapa!
- Added Spanish translation - Thank you Randomdude0!
- Added Portuguese translation - Thank you Gustavo Fraga Pacheco!
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation - Thank you Hargrun!
- Added language selection option under settings->display.
- Added Norwegian translation - Thank you Ridge!
- App Drawer: Now uses 6 columns instead of 7. This gets rid of a lot of overlapping issues.
- Added a new language selection screen during first boot.
- Cleaned up and revamped power menu.
- Uses bin files for file handling.
- Added Romanian translation - Thank you imhotep4!
- Added Italian translation - Thank you nerdvana89!
- Added progressive animation to volume and brightness slider.
- Added Russian and Ukrainian translation - Thank you Vasniktel and Raithwall!
- Now uses PSP_CTRL_NOTE (Note button) to take screenshots instead of R + Triangle.
- Recovery Menu now has a reboot to XMB option.
- Allow only images to be opened when changing wallpapers. This fixes issues when trying to load other files in the wallpaper section.
- App Drawer backdrop image can now be themed.
- Many of the highlighting assets in the settings menu can now be themed.
- Revamped font menu.
- Font sizes are now available. (Settings->Display->Themes->Fonts->Font Size)
- Color values used in animations and progress bars can now be themed.
- With the new theme manager function, many more assets can be themed.
- Revamped and realigned the battery charging status icon.
- Reorganized the whole navigation bar function. It now uses less resources and is also more theme friendly.
- Updated preincluded wallpapers to the most recent ones provided by CyanogenMod.
- Replaced USB debugging option (PSPLink) with an experimental features toggle. Allows you to access W.I.P apps such as calculator and messages.
- Repositioned toggles to make it more efficent for certain languages.
- CPU states cannot be changed while music is playing in the background.
- Added a dark skin toggle under developer options. (Similar to Android Marshmallow's feature)
- Uses PSP's native media engine rather than libmad:
    + This loads mp3's faster and sounds better. There is also little to no laggs when music is playing in the background.
    + Memory management is better.
    + The play/pause button is now indicated properly.
    + Time elapsed now shows on the bottom right corner just above the play/pause button.
- Play/Pause button is now indicated properly when playing BGM, WAV, AT3 and MOD files.


- Updated language string lengths.
- Fixed critical return button issue when trying to return to a previous menu.
- Messenger is inaccessible due to incompletion.
- Fixed minor font color issues.
- Calculator is inaccessible due to incompletion.
- Fixed up online updates. However this will no longer be updated.
- Fixed UMD loading.
- Cleaned up default configs.
- Fixed up power management settings issues.
- Fixed a strange crash after exiting file manager.
- Fixed up homebrew, POPS and ISO loading issues due to major changes in code.
- Fixed gallery return issue, after vewing an image.
- Fixed return screen glitch, in Music, Gallery and Game app.
- Fixed minor memeory leak in gallery app and settings.
- Fixed another minor memory leak in settings menu.
- Fixed theme, fonts, icon packs and language selection bug when user tries to return to previous menu by using '..'
- Fixed CPU state values when overclocking/underlocking.
- Cleaned up quick settings and volume bar layout.
- Fixed a critical issue with loading wallpapers, themes and icon packs.
- Fixed showImage(); return misplacement.
- Fixed return issues after exiting image preview.
- Fixed a minor issue with the 'security' button overlapping incorrectly.
- Fixed misalignment when battery status reaches 100%.
- Reorganized how the theme manager works - It is now somewhat faster.
- Fixed battery status alignment under quick settings.
- Disallow cursor movement while the cross button is held - This fixes the issue with the quick settings up showing up every time
you pull the analog stick down while the cross button is held.
- Fixed power save crash. It now draws the image rather than loading one when using power save.
- Got rid of a bunch of unnecessary assets.
- Fixed crashes when trying to open other files apart from pictures in the gallery app.
- Fixed file manager's options menu having an unreadable font issue.
- Fixed the "update.zip has been found" issue even when there isn't any.
- Fixed incorrect battery and CPU states during startup.
- Fixed a minor issue with Polish translation on welcome screen.
- Fixed credits menu returning to settings instead of the about screen when circle is pressed.
- Fixed battery status not being hidden when using expanded desktop.
- Fixed crash in lockscreen after enabling swipe to unlock feature.
- Fixed month of the year overlapping the day of the week when quick settings is used.
- Fixed time not being displayed when using the power menu while having power save enabled.
- Fixed font sizes showing the wrong size selected after selection.
- Fixed zip file extraction. Simply press the cross button while the .zip file is highlited and it will extract.
- Fixed crash after exiting text view.
- Fixed clock app showing the wrong time periods. (AM/PM)
- Fixed misalignment with the time when 24 hour mode is enabled.
- Fixed ID3 not parsing the Genre text correctly.
- Fixed font sizes altering the brightness values.
- Fixed incorrect CPU states during startup when using battery management settings.
- Improved overall application stability and performance.
- Massive code clean up and reorganization.
- Reorganized many functions and statements.
- Got rid of many unnecessary coding.
- Removed many un-translated strings.
- Deleted many unused files.
- Fixed quick settings tiles not working.
- Fixed brightness slider only allowing to be altered when the cursor is at the very top.
- Fixed crash when entering WiFi menu.
- Fixed time misalignment under quick settings.

CyanogenPSP 5.2

- Added android lollipop key tones:
   + Lock and unlock screen tones
   + Screen-shot captured tone
   + Lollipop's key-press tones - It is now only activated when something can be triggered/opened.
- Implemented Theme system:
   + Allows you to change fonts (real time) - uses PGF fonts only for now. Use ttf2pgf to convert ttf or oft fonts to PGF
   + Allows you to change into one of CyanogenPSP's provided wallpapers.
   + Restarting is no longer required for changing wallpapers.
- Re-organized time and battery display.
- Re-organized digital time system.
- Limit string length in certain areas - Allows for a more cleaner and user friendly look.
- Uses normalized audio files for tones.
- Added security settings:
   + Added password lock option. (20 character password, that can be written in any language)
   + Added 4 digit pin lock option.
- OSK uses your default language on your PSP.
- Added option to view bin files in file manager.
- Added option to create folders in file manager. (Press the R button while in the file manager)
- Revamped Game menu
   + Includes new game boot animation.
- CPU states are now saved. They no longer reset after exiting.
- App drawer/Home icons can now be highlighted when using the cursor.
- Improved remote-joy lite integration.
- MP3 Player now displays the following:
   + Song title (rather than the audio file's title)
   + Artist
   + Album
   + Year
   + Genre
- Integrated Stop watch under clock app.
- 24 Hour time toggle has been added under Settings>Display>Time.
- Quick settings now displays "Power-save" if the CPU <= 133 MHz, "Balanced" if CPU >133 MHz but <300 MHz and "Performance" if CPU >= 300.
- Added storage statistics under system/storage.
   + Displays Total Storage in MB
   + Displays Available storage in MB
- Displays PSP's nickname on the top right corner in quick settings.
- New status bar icons
   + Now displays USB debugging icon when USB is activated from settings/performance/storage.
   + Now displays music icon, when listening to music or whilst a song is being played in the background.
- Revamped welcome screen.
- Overall Performance and Stability is improved.

- Added ISO directory check to prevent crash.
- Fixed browser crash caused by the boot animation system.
- Fixed glitch-y keyboard
- Fixed buggy CPU states readings.
- Massive clean up!11!! - Check my git. - (Eliminated all warnings my compiler threw at me)
- Use bin files for storing passwords. (cause they're cooler :P)
- Fixed key tone playing twice on one press.
- Fixed OSK no longer being able to be accessed once data entry has been cancelled.
- Fixed toggles being displayed even when quick settings is pulled down in the miscellaneous tab.
- Fixed incorrect font colour when dumping UMD Boot.bin and memory.
- Fixed music crash after selecting another song whilst a song is playing in the background.
- Fixed name and password not being displayed in recovery menu in PSP system information tab.

CyanogenPSP 5.1

- Unify font loading to increase performance
- Load more resources before start up. This leads to slower boot, but better performance.
- 'Materialize' file manager icon (lol) and reorganized resources
- Reorganized app drawer in alphabetical order
- Filemanager: update deletion dialogue
- Allow quick settings to be accessed in lockscreen
- Enabled lockscreen during start up
- Added Game and Boot animation
- Added boot animation toggle (Settings>display)
- Added game boot toggle (Settings>display)


- More cleaning up for better optimization
- Fixed cursor overlay in display section
- Fix up many possible memory leaks
- Fix power menu crash due to the recent reorganization of resources
- Fix up time.day alignment in quick settings
- Removed app icons that I no longer plan to support. These include Gmail/Email - you can simply use the browser. People and Calendar was also removed.

CyanogenPSP 5.0

- Fully implement ISO/CSO loading through game launcher
- Fully implement POPS loading game launcher
- Added expanded desktop feature : can be toggled on/off in settings/display
- Added day/night cycle widget. : can be toggled on/off in settings/display
- Add 5x scrolling for gallery (use left/right buttons to move 5x faster than up/down)
- Update default wallpaper to CM12's new default wallpaper
- Added time and date in lockscreen
- Use right/left to change brightness in quicksettings instead of up/down.
- Added USB toggle under settings>performance>storage management.


- Fixed battery percent and time not being shown when viewing a text file
- Fix up processor menu
   : Display correct CPU/BUS frequency
   : Fix Overclocking and Underclocking
   : Prevent skipping frequencies
- Fix up display in the WIFI menu
- Minor changes and fixes
- Fixed time not being updated in the clock app until its reopened

CyanogenPSP 4.0

- Revamped MP3 Player
- Revamped Gallery App
- Revamped file manager
- Revamped App drawer
- Revamped Lockscreen Press and hold X in the middle range of the screen, and move the analog upwards
- Revamped Quick settings
- BGM, WAV, AT3, MOD files can be opened via the file manager now.
- Major code optimizations and cleanup.
- Revamped debug message
- Merged all changes from 3.0 - Includes the option to change wallpaper and run homebrews.
- Pressing circle after quick settings is activated, deactivates it immediately.
- Re-organized font usage. Now doesn't blend in with the background, or makes it hard to read.
- Implement lollipop sorta clock app (Changes color during certain times of the day, just like native android's)
- Display MAC address, kernel version and OSLib version in about screen.


- Fixed brightness slider. It works once you've pulled down the quick settings to a certain extent.
- Fixed up/down button altering brightness even while the quick settings aren't activated.
- Fixed recents menu crashing, when trying to exit.
- Fixed kernel version information in recovery menu.
- Fixed changing font color to white color in file manager after playing music. Made it impossible to read the file name.
- Fixed apollo and gallery forced exit.
- Fixed minor memory leak in settings->developer options->dumping tools.

























Download v6.1

Download icon packs

Download ttf2pgf converter (simply move the ttf font in the same folder as the makefonts.bat file is, and click on makefonts)

Download Autostart PRX v5.6 preconfigured by kozarovv

Source Code
Last edited by Joel16,


Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
Well, it does look a lot cleaner than iR Shell, I'll definitely give you that.
Why thank you. Ir Shell does offer a lot more features though IIRC. The thing is writing features isn't necessarily hard, the hard part comes when you have to design it, to make it look, and somewhat work like an Android device. I always try to retain that sort of quality and behavior so it takes up quite some time. The older versions however used to look like absolute shit lol.
Last edited by Joel16,


Apr 13, 2014
United States
Why thank you. Ir Shell does offer a lot more features though IIRC. The thing is writing features isn't necessarily hard, the hard part comes when you have to design it, to make it look, and somewhat work like an Android device. I always try to retain that sort of quality and behavior so it takes up quite some time. The older versions however used to look like absolute shit lol.
Yeah, CyanogenPSP looks great for what you were going for. I kind of like the rough look of iR Shell, though. I'm the kind of guy that likes cables and crap all over the place. My taste in aesthetics tends to be a bit odd. I even have Mint setup on my desktop to look like Windows 2K more than anything. :grog:
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Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
Yeah, CyanogenPSP looks great for what you were going for. I kind of like the rough look of iR Shell, though. I'm the kind of guy that likes cables and crap all over the place. My taste in aesthetics tends to be a bit odd. I even have Mint setup on my desktop to look like Windows 2K more than anything. :grog:

Ah, the retro kind of guy huh? ;)
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Apr 13, 2014
United States
Ah, the retro kind of guy huh? ;)
Yeah, I guess that's a good term for it. I never really thought of it as that, but it makes sense. Oh well, I'm sure other people will enjoy this shell quite a bit more. There haven't been many good shells for the PSP, especially when it came to visual variety.
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Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
Yeah, I guess that's a good term for it. I never really thought of it as that, but it makes sense. Oh well, I'm sure other people will enjoy this shell quite a bit more. There haven't been many good shells for the PSP, especially when it came to visual variety.

Haha don't think there's any other way to say it. And yeah I agree, most of the PSP's shells are half-assed incomplete lua shells that basically have the interpreter doing most of the work for you. That's why I took the challenge on writing it in C instead, and also I don't refer to it as a shell just in case someone thinks its some crappy lua thing lol. If I did consider writing in lua, I'm pretty sure it would compress my code to half or even 3/4 of what it has at the moment.
Last edited by Joel16,
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Reactions: Hargrun and TecXero


New Member
Oct 14, 2015
Here is my translation to Polish:
{"Witamy", "Użyj analoga by poruszać kursorem", "i przyciśnij X by otworzyć aplikację.", "Zrozumiałem"}

{"Przeglądarka", "Kalkulator", "Zegar", "Manager", "Galeria", "Gry", "Wiadomości", "Muzyka", "Ustawienia", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Zabezpieczenia", "Wyświetlacz", "Wydajność", "Opcje developerskie", "O programie"}

{"Motywy", "Czas", "Różne"}

{"Wygląd", "Tapeta", "Czcionki", "Paczki ikon"}

{"Użyj czasu 24-godzinnego"}

{"Użyj widgetu day/night", "Użyj pulpitu rozszerzonego", "Użyj animacji bootowania", "Animacja przy uruchamianiu gry"}

{"Procesor", "Pamięć", "Zarządzanie pamięcią", "Zarządzanie baterią"}

{"Częstotliwość CPU", "Podkręcanie CPU", "Naduś R by zwiększyć, a L by zmniejszyć częstotliwość", "Częstotliwość magistarli"}

{"Dotępny RAM:", "wolne", "RAM-u użyte"}

{"Naciśnij Select by podłączyć pamięć USB", "Całkowita ilość pamięci", "Wolna pamieć"}

{"Oszczędzanie baterii", "Zbalansowane", "Wydajność"}

{"Aktualizacje CyanogenPSP", "Naciśnij aby sprawdzić/zainstalować aktualizacje", "Wersja CyanogenPSP:", "UNOFFICIAL", "Adres Mac:", "Wersja jądra:", "Wersja OSLib:"}

{"Sprawdź aktualizacje"}

{"Zabezpieczenie hasłem", "Zabezpieczenie PIN"}

{"Nie znaleziono konfig. Wi-Fi", "Przełącz włącznik WLAN", "Naciśnij w góre/w dół aby wybrać konfigurację"}

{"Włącz RemoteJoy Lite", "Wyświetla obraz z PSP na komputerze po USB", "Naciśnij trójkąt by wyłączyć, może powodować crashe", "Włącz debugowanie USB", "Narzędzia do zgrywania"}

{"Zgraj Flash 0", "Zgraj Flash 1", "Więcej", "Zgraj UMD boot.bin", "Zgraj Memory", "Włóż UMD", "Włożony dysk", "Znaleziono game", "Zgrywanie 28Mega z"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Oszczędzanie energii", "Zbalansowane", "Wydajność", "Ekran blokady"}
I didn't know if some of the words were too long so i used some abbreviations.
Looking forward for release. Keep up the good work!

Edit reason: correct some typos
Last edited by pawelosro,
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Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
Here is my translation to Polish:
{"Witamy", "Użyj analoga by poruszać kursorem", "i przyciśnij X by oyworzyć aplikację.", "Zrozumiałem"}

{"Przeglądarka", "Kalkulator", "Zegar", "Manager", "Galeria", "Gry", "Wiadomości", "Muzyka", "Ustawienia", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Zabezpieczenia", "Wyświetlacz", "Wydajność", "Opcje developerskie", "O programie"}

{"Motywy", "Czas", "Różne"}

{"Wygląd", "Tapeta", "Czcionki", "Paczki ikon"}

{"Użyj czasu 24-godzinnego"}

{"Użyj widgetu day/night", "Użyj pulpitu roższerzonego", "Użyj animacji bootowania", "Użyj animacji uruchamiania gry"}

{"Procesor", "Pamięć", "Zarządzanie pamięcią", "Zarządzanie baterią"}

{"Częstotliwość CPU", "Podkręcanie CPU", "Naduś R by zwiększyć, a L by zmiejszcyć częstotliwość", "Częstotliwośc magistarli"}

{"Dotępny RAM:", "wolne", "RAM-u użyte"}

{"Naciśnij Select by podłączyć pamięc USB", "Całkowita ilość pamięci", "Wolna pamieć"}

{"Oszcz. baterii", "Zbalansowane", "Wydajność"}

{"Aktualizacje CyanogenPSP", "Naciśnijaby sprawdzić/zainstalować aktualizacje", "Wersja CyanogenPSP:", "UNOFFICIAL", "Adres Mac:", "Wersja jądra:", "Wersja OSLib:"}

{"Sprawdź aktualizacje"}

{"Zabezp. hasłem", "Zabezpieczenie PIN"}

{"Nie znaleziono konfig. Wi-Fi", "Pzrełącz włącznik WLAN", "Naciśnij w góre/w dół aby wybrać konfigurację"}

{"Włącz RemoteJoy Lite", "Wyświetla obraz z PSP na komuterze po USB", "Naciśnij trójkąt by wyłączyć, może powodować crashe", "Włącz debugowanie USB", "Narzędzia do zgrywania"}

{"Zgraj Flash 0", "Zgraj Flash 1", "Więcej", "Zgraj UMD boot.bin", "Zgraj Memory", "Włóż UMD", "Włożony dysk", "Znaleziono game", "Zgrywanie 28Mega z"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Oszcz. energii", "Zbalansowane", "Wydajność", "Ekran blokady"}
I didn't know if some of the words were too long so i used some abbreviations.
Looking forward for release. Keep up the good work!
Thank you!


New Member
Oct 14, 2015
This is dutch, I hope I didn't use too long words so nothing will overlap, I did the best I could.

In what context is 'GOT IT', like I've got it or more like you've got it?

{"Welkom", "Gebruik de joystick om de aanwijzer te bewegen en", "druk X (kruisje) om de aplicatie te openen.", "OK"}

{"Browser", "Rekenmachine", "Klok", " Bestanden", "Gallerij", "Spel", "Berichten", "Muziek", "Instellingen", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Beveiliging", "Scherm", "Prestaties", "Opties voor ontwikkelaars", "Over"}

{"Thema's", "Tijd", "Diversen"}

{"Stijl", "Achtergrond", "Lettertypes", "Pictogrammen"}

{"24-uurs klok gebruiken "}

{"Wissel tussen dag/nacht widget", "Uitgebreide desktop", "Opstart animatie", "Game boot"}

{"Processor", "Geheugen", "Opslag Beheer", "Accu Beheer"}

{"Huidige CPU kloksnelheid", "CPU overclock", "Druk R om de kloksnelheid te verhogen en L om het te verlagen.", "Huidige BUS snelheid"}

{"RAM vrij:", "beschikbaar", "RAM in gebruik"}

{"Druk select om van massaopslag te wisselen", "Totale opslagruimte:", "Beschikbaare opslagruimte:"}

{"Accubesparing", "Gebalanceerd", "Prestatie"}

{"CyanogenPSP updates", "Klik om updates weer te geven/installeren", "CyanogenPSP versie:", "NIET OFFICIEEL", "Mac Adres:", "Kernel versie:", "OSLib versie:"}

{"Updates zoeken"}

{"Wachtwoord vergrendeling", "PIN vergrendeling"}

{"Geen WiFi configuratie gevonden", "Schakel Wlan knop in alsjeblieft", "Druk omhoog of omlaag om een Wifi-instelling te selecteren"}

{"Remote Joy Lite aan/uit", "Geeft je PSP scherm weer op je computer via USB", "Druk driehoek om dit uit te schalelen anders kan dit programma crashen", "USB debugging aan/uit", "Dumping tools"}

{"Dump Flash 0", "Dump Flash 1", "Meer", "Dump UMD boot.bin", "Dump Geheugen", "Plaats UMD", "Geplaatste schijf", "Spel gevonden", "Dumping 28Megs van"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Accubesparing", "Gebalanceerd", "Prestatie", "Vergrendelscherm"}
"Opstart animatie", "Game boot"}

{"Processor", "Geheugen", "Opslag Beheer", "Accu Beheer"}

{"Huidige CPU kloksnelheid", "CPU overclock", "Druk R om de kloksnelheid te verhogen en L om het te verlagen.", "Huidige BUS snelheid"}

{"RAM vrij:", "beschikbaar", "RAM in gebruik"}

{"Druk select om van massaopslag te wisselen", "Totale opslagruimte:", "Beschikbaare opslagruimte:"}

{"Accubesparing", "Gebalanceerd", "Prestatie"}

{"CyanogenPSP updates", "Klik om updates weer te geven/installeren", "CyanogenPSP versie:", "NIET OFFICIEEL", "Mac Adres:", "Kernel versie:", "OSLib versie:"}

{"Updates zoeken"}

{"Wachtwoord vergrendeling", "PIN vergrendeling"}

{"Geen WiFi configuratie gevonden", "Schakel Wlan knop in alsjeblieft", "Druk omhoog of omlaag om een Wifi-instelling te selecteren"}

{"Remote Joy Lite aan/uit", "Geeft je PSP scherm weer op je computer via USB", "Druk driehoek om dit uit te schalelen anders kan dit programma crashen", "USB debugging aan/uit", "Dumping tools"}

{"Dump Flash 0", "Dump Flash 1", "Meer", "Dump UMD boot.bin", "Dump Geheugen", "Plaats UMD", "Geplaatste schijf", "Spel gevonden", "Dumping 28Megs van"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Accubesparing", "Gebalanceerd", "Prestatie", "Vergrendelscherm"}
Last edited by Arikuzo,
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Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
This is dutch, I hope I didn't use too long words so nothing will overlap, I did the best I could.

In what context is 'GOT IT', like I've got it or more like you've got it?

{"Welkom", "Gebruik de joystick om de aanwijzer te bewegen en", "druk X (kruisje) om de toepassing te openen.", "GOT IT"}

{"Browser", "Rekenmachine", "Klok", " Beheerder", "Gallerij", "Spel", "Berichten", "Muziek", "Instellingen", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Beveiliging", "Scherm", "Prestaties", "Opties voor ontwikkelaars", "Over"}

{"Thema's", "Tijd", "Diversen"}

{"Stijl", "Achtergrond", "Lettertypes", "Pictogrammen"}

{"24-uurs klok gebruiken "}

{"Schakel tussen dag/nacht widget", "Uitgebreide desktop aan/uit", "Opstart animatie aan/uit", "Game boot aan/uit"}

{"Processor", "Geheugen", "Opslag Beheer", "Accu Beheer"}

{"Huidige CPU kloksnelheid", "CPU overclock", "Druk R om de kloksnelheid te verhogen en L om het te verlagen.", "Huidige BUS snelheid"}

{"RAM vrij:", "beschikbaar", "RAM in gebruik"}

{"Druk select om van massaopslag te wisselen", "Totale opslagruimte:", "Beschikbaare opslagruimte:"}

{"Accubesparing", "Gebalanceerd", "Prestatie"}

{"CyanogenPSP updates", "Klik om updates weer te geven/installeren", "CyanogenPSP versie:", "NIET OFFICIEEL", "Mac Adres:", "Kernel versie:", "OSLib versie:"}

{"Updates zoeken"}

{"Wachtwoord vergrendeling", "PIN vergrendeling"}

{"Geen WiFi configuratie gevonden", "Schakel Wlan knop in alsjeblieft", "Druk omhoog of omlaag om een Wifi-instelling te selecteren"}

{"Remote Joy Lite aan/uit", "Geeft je PSP scherm weer op je computer via USB", "Druk driehoek om dit uit te schalelen anders kan dit programma crashen", "USB debugging aan/uit", "Dumping tools"}

{"Dump Flash 0", "Dump Flash 1", "Meer", "Dump UMD boot.bin", "Dump Geheugen", "Plaats UMD", "Geplaatste schijf", "Spel gevonden", "Dumping 28Megs van"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Accubesparing", "Gebalanceerd", "Prestatie", "Vergrendelscherm"}

Thank you, and that's how the 'GOT IT' bit is displayed on the Android lollipop welcome screen haha.

Also thank you all so much for the translations! We have 4 translations done in less than 4 hours haha. Two from here, and another two from reddit.

The completed translations are shown in the spoiler below (German still needs a few strings translated, have a look at the main post):





New Member
Oct 14, 2015
There is a problem with Polish version some characters are missing for example on screen it says "Wydajno" instead of "Wydajność". So ść and propably rest of the Polish specific characters are missing. Maybe they are not present in font or the problem lies in encoding, hope it is easily fixable. Also i made some changes to translation and edited my previous post.
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Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
There is a problem with Polish version some characters are missing for example on screen it says "Wydajno" instead of "Wydajność". So ść and propably rest of the Polish specific characters are missing. Maybe they are not present in font or the problem lies in encoding, hope it is easily fixable. Also i made some changes to translation and edited my previous post.
Thanks for the heads up, there must have been a problem with encoding. I'll try to get it fixed.

Deleted User

@Joel16 A friend who'd like to be credited as 'Ciapa' finished the German strings:

{"Designs", "Hintergründe", "Schriftarten", "Symbole"}
{"Tag/Nacht-Widget ein-/ausschalten", "Erweiterten Desktop ein-/ausschalten", "Startanimation ein-/ausschalten", "Spielstart ein-/ausschalten"}
{"RAM verfügbar:", "verfügbar", "des RAMs genutzt"}
{"Drücke Select, um den USB-Speicher ein-/auszuschalten", "Gesamptspeicher kapazität:", "Verfügbar:"}
{"Keine WLAN-Einstellungen gefunden", "Bitte schalte den WLAN-Schalter ein", "Drücke Hoch oder Runter, um durch deine WLAN-Einstellungen zu navigieren"}
{"Remote Joy Lite ein-/ausschalten", "Zeigt den Bildschirm deiner PSP via USB auf deinem Computer an", "Drücke Dreieck zum deaktivieren, sonst könnte das Programm abstürzen", "USB-Debugging ein-/ausschalten", "Sicherungstools"}
{"Flash 0 sichern", "Flash 1 sichern", "Mehr", "UMD boot.bin sichern", "Speicher sichern", "UMD einlegen", "Eingehängte Disc", "Spiel gefunden", "Sichere 28MB von"}
{"WLAN", "Energiesparmodus", "Ausgeglichen", "Leistung", "Bildschirmsperre"}
  • Like
Reactions: Joel16


Support the arts! (The games, silly.)
May 22, 2014
Rio de Janeiro
Brazilian Portuguese
{"Bem-vindo(a)", "Use a manete analógica para mover o cursor e", "aperte X para abrir a aplicação.", "ENTENDIDO"}

{"Navegador", "Calculadora", "Relógio", "Gerenciador", "Galeria", "Jogo", "Mensagens", "Música", "Definições", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Segurança", "Exibição", "Desempenho", "Opções de Desenvolvedor", "Sobre"}

{"Temas", "Horário", "Miscelâneas"}

{"Estilo", "Papel de Parede", "Fontes", "Pacotes de Ícones"}

{"Usar formato 24 horas"}

{"Alternar widget de dia/noite", "Alternar área de trabalho expandida", "Alternar animação de boot", "Alternar boot de jogo"}

{"Processador", "Memória", "Gestão de Armazenamento", "Gestão de Bateria"}

{"Atual frequência da CPU", "Overclock da CPU", "Aperte R para aumentar a frequência e L para diminuí-la.", "Atual frequência do BUS"}

{"RAM disponível:", "disponíveis", "de RAM usada"}

{"Aperte select para alternar o dispositivo de armazenmanento USB", "Capacidade total de armazenamento:", "Capacidade de armazenamento disponível:"}

{"Econômico", "Equilibrado", "Desempenhado"}

{"Atualizações do CyanogenPSP", "Clique para, ver ou instalar atualizações disponíveis", "Versão do CyanogenPSP:", "NÃO-OFICIAL", "Endereço Mac:", "Versão do Kernel:", "Versão do OSLib:"}

{"Checar por atualizações"}

{"Trava de senha", "Trava de pino"}

{"Nenhuma configuração de WiFi encontrada", "Por favor, ative o Wlan", "Use os botões direcionais (cima/baixo) para navegar através de suas configurações de Wifi"}

{"Alternar Remote Joy Lite", "Exibir a tela de seu PSP em seu computador via USB", "Aperte triângulo para desabilitar ou isto pode causar o encerramento súbito do aplicativo", "Alternar depuração de USB", "Ferramentas de Dumping"}

{"Despejar Flash 0", "Despejar Flash 1", "Mais", "Despejar boot.bin do UMD", "Despejar Memória", "Insira o UMD", "Disco montado", "Jogo encontrado", "Despejando 28Megs de"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Modo econômico", "Equilibrado", "Desempenhado", "Bloqueio de tela"}

I used the app while translating to try to be precise about the context.

Please, let me know if it's too wordy.
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Controversial opinions guy.
Jan 31, 2015
República Juliana
Oh, cool! I'll translate it to portuguese :D

{"Bem vindo", "Use o analogico para navegar o cursor e", "pressione X para abrir a aplicação", "ENTENDIDO"}

{"Navegador", "Calculadora", "Relógio", "Gerenciador", "Galeria", "Jogo", "Mensagens", "Música", "Opções", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Segurança", "Tela", "Desempenho", "Opções de desenvolvedor", "Sobre"}

{"Temas", "Tempo", "Variados"}

{"Estilo", "Papel de parede", "Fontes", "Pacotes de ícones"}

{"Usar formato de 24 horas"}

{"Alternar widget dia/noite", "Alternar area de trabalho expandida", "Alternar animação de boot", "Alternar animação de boot de jogo"}

{"Processador", "Memoria", "Armazenamento", "Bateria"}

{"Frenquencia atual da CPU", "Overclock da CPU", "Pressione R para aumentar a frequencia e L para diminui-la.", "Frequencia atual de BUS"}

{"RAM disponível:", "disponível", "de RAM usada"}

{"Pressione Select para alternar o armazenamento em massa USB", "Capacidade de armazenamento total:", "Capacidade de armazenamento disponível:"}

{"Powersave", "Balanciado", "Desempenho"}

{"Atualizações CyanogenPSP", "Clique para, ver ou instalar atualizações disponiveis", "versão CyanogenPSP:", "NÃO-OFICIAL", "Endereço MAC:", "Versão do kernel:", "Versão OSLIB:"}

{"Procurar por atualizações"}

{"Trava por senha", "Trava por PIN"}

{"Nenhuma configuração de WiFi encontrada", "Favor ligar o Wlan", "Pressione cima ou baixo para navegar suas configurações de WiFi"}

{"Alternar Remote Joy Lite", "Exibe a tela do seu PSP no seu PC por um cabo USB", "Pressione triangulo para desabilitar ou pode causar um crash", "Alternar depuração USB", "Ferramentas de dumping"}

{"Dump Flash 0", "Dump Flash 1", "Mais", "Dump UMD boot.bin", "Memoria Dump", "Insira um UMD", "Disco montado", "Jogo encontrado", "Dumping 28Megs de"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Power save", "Balanceado", "Desempenho", "Tela de lock"}

If you use this, please credit me as Gustavo Fraga Pacheco (Pacheko17) ^^

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Brazilian Portuguese
{"Bem-vindo(a)", "Use a manete analógica para mover o cursor e", "aperte X para abrir a aplicação.", "ENTENDIDO"}

{"Navegador", "Calculadora", "Relógio", "Gerenciador", "Galeria", "Jogo", "Mensagens", "Música", "Definições", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Segurança", "Exibição", "Desempenho", "Opções de Desenvolvedor", "Sobre"}

{"Temas", "Horário", "Miscelâneas"}

{"Estilo", "Papel de Parede", "Fontes", "Pacotes de Ícones"}

{"Usar formato 24 horas"}

{"Alternar widget de dia/noite", "Alternar área de trabalho expandida", "Alternar animação de boot", "Alternar boot de jogo"}

{"Processador", "Memória", "Gestão de Armazenamento", "Gestão de Bateria"}

{"Atual frequência da CPU", "Overclock da CPU", "Aperte R para aumentar a frequência e L para diminuí-la.", "Atual frequência do BUS"}

{"RAM disponível:", "disponíveis", "de RAM usada"}

{"Aperte select para alternar o dispositivo de armazenmanento USB", "Capacidade total de armazenamento:", "Capacidade de armazenamento disponível:"}

{"Econômico", "Equilibrado", "Desempenhado"}

{"Atualizações do CyanogenPSP", "Clique para, ver ou instalar atualizações disponíveis", "Versão do CyanogenPSP:", "NÃO-OFICIAL", "Endereço Mac:", "Versão do Kernel:", "Versão do OSLib:"}

{"Checar por atualizações"}

{"Trava de senha", "Trava de pino"}

{"Nenhuma configuração de WiFi encontrada", "Por favor, ative o Wlan", "Use os botões direcionais (cima/baixo) para navegar através de suas configurações de Wifi"}

{"Alternar Remote Joy Lite", "Exibir a tela de seu PSP em seu computador via USB", "Aperte triângulo para desabilitar ou isto pode causar o encerramento súbito do aplicativo", "Alternar depuração de USB", "Ferramentas de Dumping"}

{"Despejar Flash 0", "Despejar Flash 1", "Mais", "Despejar boot.bin do UMD", "Despejar Memória", "Insira o UMD", "Disco montado", "Jogo encontrado", "Despejando 28Megs de"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Modo econômico", "Equilibrado", "Desempenhado", "Bloqueio de tela"}

I used the app while translating to try to be precise about the context.

Please, let me know if it's too wordy.

Wow, we did at almost the same time... Now it's up for him to decide :v
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Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
@Joel16 A friend who'd like to be credited as 'Ciapa' finished the German strings
Thanks a bunch! I'll mention his name as he wishes.

Brazilian Portuguese
{"Bem-vindo(a)", "Use a manete analógica para mover o cursor e", "aperte X para abrir a aplicação.", "ENTENDIDO"}

{"Navegador", "Calculadora", "Relógio", "Gerenciador", "Galeria", "Jogo", "Mensagens", "Música", "Definições", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Segurança", "Exibição", "Desempenho", "Opções de Desenvolvedor", "Sobre"}

{"Temas", "Horário", "Miscelâneas"}

{"Estilo", "Papel de Parede", "Fontes", "Pacotes de Ícones"}

{"Usar formato 24 horas"}

{"Alternar widget de dia/noite", "Alternar área de trabalho expandida", "Alternar animação de boot", "Alternar boot de jogo"}

{"Processador", "Memória", "Gestão de Armazenamento", "Gestão de Bateria"}

{"Atual frequência da CPU", "Overclock da CPU", "Aperte R para aumentar a frequência e L para diminuí-la.", "Atual frequência do BUS"}

{"RAM disponível:", "disponíveis", "de RAM usada"}

{"Aperte select para alternar o dispositivo de armazenmanento USB", "Capacidade total de armazenamento:", "Capacidade de armazenamento disponível:"}

{"Econômico", "Equilibrado", "Desempenhado"}

{"Atualizações do CyanogenPSP", "Clique para, ver ou instalar atualizações disponíveis", "Versão do CyanogenPSP:", "NÃO-OFICIAL", "Endereço Mac:", "Versão do Kernel:", "Versão do OSLib:"}

{"Checar por atualizações"}

{"Trava de senha", "Trava de pino"}

{"Nenhuma configuração de WiFi encontrada", "Por favor, ative o Wlan", "Use os botões direcionais (cima/baixo) para navegar através de suas configurações de Wifi"}

{"Alternar Remote Joy Lite", "Exibir a tela de seu PSP em seu computador via USB", "Aperte triângulo para desabilitar ou isto pode causar o encerramento súbito do aplicativo", "Alternar depuração de USB", "Ferramentas de Dumping"}

{"Despejar Flash 0", "Despejar Flash 1", "Mais", "Despejar boot.bin do UMD", "Despejar Memória", "Insira o UMD", "Disco montado", "Jogo encontrado", "Despejando 28Megs de"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Modo econômico", "Equilibrado", "Desempenhado", "Bloqueio de tela"}

I used the app while translating to try to be precise about the context.

Please, let me know if it's too wordy.

Oh, cool! I'll translate it to portuguese :D
If you use this, please credit me as Gustavo Fraga Pacheco (Pacheko17) ^^

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Wow, we did at almost the same time... Now it's up for him to decide :v

Haha thanks guys! I'll look to see if it's too wordy later on. By the way is there any differences between Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese? If that's the case I can include both.
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Support the arts! (The games, silly.)
May 22, 2014
Rio de Janeiro
Haha thanks guys! I'll look to see if it's too wordy later on. By the way is there any differences between Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese? If that's the case I can include both.
Well. I have some friends in Portugal, and sometimes they use words/expressions that we Brazilians don't, and vice versa...

In the end it's more a cultural matter, I think. (Although the Pacheko17 translation sounds like Brazilian Portuguese to me.)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2015
Here, had some free time and did the spanish translations.

{"Bienvenido", "Use el stick análogo para navegar con el cursor y", "presione X para abrir la aplicación", "ENTENDIDO"}

{"Navegador", "Calculadora", "Reloj", "Gestión", "Galería", "Juegos", "Mensajes", "Música", "Ajustes", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Seguridad", "Pantalla", "Rendimiento", "Opciones de Desarrollador", "Acerca de"}

{"Temas", "Tiempo", "Miscelaneo"}

{"Estilo", "Fondo de Pantalla", "Fuentes", "Paquete de Iconos"}

{"Usar formato de 24 horas"}

{"Usar widget de día/noche", "Usar escritorio expandido","Activar animación de inicio", "Activar inicio del juego"}

{"Procesador", "Memoria", "Gestión de Almacenamiento", "Gestión de la Batería"}

{"Frecuencia actual de la CPU", "Over-clock de CPU", "Presione R para aumentar la frecuencia y L para disminuir la frecuencia", "Frecuencia actual de BUS"}

{"Memoria RAM disponible:", "disponible", "de la memoria RAM utilizada"}

{"Presione Select para activar el Almacenamiento Masivo USB", "Capacidad de almacenamiento total:", "Capacidad de almacenamiento disponible:"}

{"Ahorro de Energía", "Balanceado", "Alto Rendimiento"}

{"Actualizaciones de CyanogenPSP", "Haga click para ver o instalar actualizaciones", "Versión de CyanogenPSP:", "NO OFICIAL", "Dirección MAC:", "Versión del Kernel:", "Versión del OSLib:"}

{"Buscar actualizaciones"}

{"Bloqueo con contraseña", "Bloqueo con PIN"}

{"No se encontró una configuración de Wi-Fi", "Por favor activa el interruptor del Wi-Fi", "Presiona arriba o abajo para navegar por tus configuraciones de Wi-Fi"}

{"Usar Remote Joy Lite", "Muestra la imagen de la pantalla de tu PSP en tu PC vía USB", "Presiona Triangulo para desactivarlo o podria causar que la aplicación se detenga", "Activar depuración de USB", "Opciones de volcado/extracción"}

{"Extraer Flash 0", "Extraer Flash 1", "Más", "Extraer boot.bin del UMD", "Volcar Memoria", "Insertar UMD", "Disco Leído", "Se ha encontrado un juego", "Extrayendo 28Megas de"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Ahorro de Energía", "Balanceado", "Alto Rendimiento", "Pantalla de Bloqueo"}
  • Like
Reactions: Joel16


Ils ne passeront pas
May 8, 2011
Doesn't concern you.
United States
Well. I have some friends in Portugal, and sometimes they use words/expressions that we Brazilians don't, and vice versa...

In the end it's more a cultural matter, I think. (Although the Pacheko17 translation sounds like Brazilian Portuguese to me.)

Ah, okay. I think I'll use both then. Even if it doesn't have too many differences, it won't really be affecting anything.

Here, had some free time and did the spanish translations.

{"Bienvenido", "Use el stick análogo para navegar con el cursor y", "presione X para abrir la aplicación", "ENTENDIDO"}

{"Navegador", "Calculadora", "Reloj", "Gestión", "Galería", "Juegos", "Mensajes", "Música", "Ajustes", "UMD"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Seguridad", "Pantalla", "Rendimiento", "Opciones de Desarrollador", "Acerca de"}

{"Temas", "Tiempo", "Miscelaneo"}

{"Estilo", "Fondo de Pantalla", "Fuentes", "Paquete de Iconos"}

{"Usar formato de 24 horas"}

{"Usar widget de día/noche", "Usar escritorio expandido","Activar animación de inicio", "Activar inicio del juego"}

{"Procesador", "Memoria", "Gestión de Almacenamiento", "Gestión de la Batería"}

{"Frecuencia actual de la CPU", "Over-clock de CPU", "Presione R para aumentar la frecuencia y L para disminuir la frecuencia", "Frecuencia actual de BUS"}

{"Memoria RAM disponible:", "disponible", "de la memoria RAM utilizada"}

{"Presione Select para activar el Almacenamiento Masivo USB", "Capacidad de almacenamiento total:", "Capacidad de almacenamiento disponible:"}

{"Ahorro de Energía", "Balanceado", "Alto Rendimiento"}

{"Actualizaciones de CyanogenPSP", "Haga click para ver o instalar actualizaciones", "Versión de CyanogenPSP:", "NO OFICIAL", "Dirección MAC:", "Versión del Kernel:", "Versión del OSLib:"}

{"Buscar actualizaciones"}

{"Bloqueo con contraseña", "Bloqueo con PIN"}

{"No se encontró una configuración de Wi-Fi", "Por favor activa el interruptor del Wi-Fi", "Presiona arriba o abajo para navegar por tus configuraciones de Wi-Fi"}

{"Usar Remote Joy Lite", "Muestra la imagen de la pantalla de tu PSP en tu PC vía USB", "Presiona Triangulo para desactivarlo o podria causar que la aplicación se detenga", "Activar depuración de USB", "Opciones de volcado/extracción"}

{"Extraer Flash 0", "Extraer Flash 1", "Más", "Extraer boot.bin del UMD", "Volcar Memoria", "Insertar UMD", "Disco Leído", "Se ha encontrado un juego", "Extrayendo 28Megas de"}

{"Wi-Fi", "Ahorro de Energía", "Balanceado", "Alto Rendimiento", "Pantalla de Bloqueo"}

Thanks!, I'm actually surprised I've already got so many languages in less than 24 hours haha.
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