Convert the libretro-database cheats to ezflash!


New Member
Mar 31, 2024
United States
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. The only reason im even writing this is because I have found a working method to convert the cheats in the libretro database to those in the ezflash cheats folder. All credit for this goes to jer-irl on GitHub who I have been messaging for the past couple days figuring this out. so lets begin!

first you will need 3 files:
1. EZ-Flash Omega cheat library
2. libretro-database master branch download link
3. DAT file download page

you will have to have all of these files unzipped. next you will have to change some typos in the libretro database so you dont get any errors. navigate to the cht folder, and then Nintendo - Game Boy Advance. typo one is in Pokemon - Feuerrote Edition (G). Open the file in notepad and right below the cheat4 section and above cheat5, delete "c". save the file. next go back out to the game boy advance folder and find Summon Night - Swordcraft Story (USA) (Code Breaker). at the top of this file it will say the amount of cheats is 174, change it to 175 and save.

now, for the final steps you will need python installed along with an executor, i recommend visual studio code.
open update_ezflash_cheats-main folder in your executor and click on update_ezflash_cheats. run the code (nothing is supposed to happen yet dont worry). then type this command line:
py patch -c [omegacheatlibrary CHEAT folder path] -d [dat file path] -l [libretro database master file path]
if done correctly, you should get the message: Patches applied
if you guys have any issues please let me know and I'll try to help out as best as I can!

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