GABO1423 Jun 11, 2021 Seeing the Wii Shop Channel today is depressing to say the least:!AhFCVH4YEJBswxSJvT1F6OjZSxPw
Seeing the Wii Shop Channel today is depressing to say the least:!AhFCVH4YEJBswxSJvT1F6OjZSxPw
GABO1423 Jun 9, 2021 "All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?"
"All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?"
GABO1423 May 22, 2021 "Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine..." Reactions: Stealphie, rvtr and VinsCool
GABO1423 May 15, 2021 "But still they lead me back, to the long and winding road..." Reactions: TomRiddle and VinsCool
GABO1423 May 12, 2021 "Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to..." Reactions: TomRiddle and VinsCool
AmandaRose May 7, 2021 Reactions: x65943, VinsCool and GABO1423
GABO1423 May 6, 2021 "Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better." Reactions: x65943, VinsCool and AmandaRose
GABO1423 Jan 30, 2021 "I'm picking up Good Vibrations, she's giving me excitations..." Reactions: Deleted User, Julie_Pilgrim, Mama Looigi and 3 others
VinsCool Jan 29, 2021 I already told you over discord but happy birthday my friend~ Reactions: Mama Looigi, Alexander1970, GABO1423 and 1 other person
Alexander1970 Jan 29, 2021 Happy Birthday,my Friend.❤❤ I wish you all the Best and Health.Have a very,very,very nice Day and enjoy it.^_~ Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim and GABO1423
Happy Birthday,my Friend.❤❤ I wish you all the Best and Health.Have a very,very,very nice Day and enjoy it.^_~
GABO1423 Jan 14, 2021 Don't you just love when your SD card gets corrupted out of nowhere? Reactions: Stealphie, Deleted User, Mama Looigi and 5 others
GABO1423 Jan 3, 2021 It's been a while, but here's a new review: Reactions: Deleted User, Julie_Pilgrim, Mama Looigi and 3 others