Homebrew Is there going to be something homebrew related to get free online ?


Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
I'm saying the same thing about you. If you're going to tell me I'm wrong about the possibility of third party online services, then the burden of evidence is on you. If you can't explain directly why it isn't possible without argueing several other tangents, then your input means nothing. I've seen it done on systems a gen prior to the switch. The only problem I see is security, which is only an issue of time. So instead of telling what a misinformed fool I am, share that authority of expertise and enlighten me. Why isn't it possible?
I never said it was impossible. Go back and read my posts, never said impossible. I did say you can't base what will happen on one consoles by what happens on other consoles. Which was the point we were originally arguing seemshow you already forgot. Yes other consoles got it, but all of them were done in completely different ways using different vulnerabilities in the way the system's online functionality was implemented. Could it happen? Sure. Do I think it's likely to happen any time in the foreseeable future. No. But I've never said impossible. Like just yesterday the ps3 was thought to be unhackable over 3.55, but now we have software only cfw install on latest firmware. Nothing is ever impossible. They can be unlikely, but not impossible.


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
I never said it was impossible. Go back and read my posts, never said impossible. I did say you can't base what will happen on one consoles by what happens on other consoles. Which was the point we were originally arguing seemshow you already forgot. Yes other consoles got it, but all of them were done in completely different ways using different vulnerabilities in the way the system's online functionality was implemented. Could it happen? Sure. Do I think it's likely to happen any time in the foreseeable future. No. But I've never said impossible. Like just yesterday the ps3 was thought to be unhackable over 3.55, but now we have software only cfw install on latest firmware. Nothing is ever impossible. They can be unlikely, but not impossible.
Are you fucking kidding me?! You got me fired up, insulted me, and argued bullshit and you're on the same side of the arguement I am. Get the fuck out of here. This goddamn community.. I wasnt argueing likelyhood either, I was argueing possibility. Done with the 3ds/switch scene retards.


Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
I've said it a million times, but you can't base anything off of other consoles. ESPECIALLY much older consoles that had much worse security.
Are you fucking kidding me?! You got me fired up, insulted me, and argued bullshit and you're on the same side of the arguement I am. Get the fuck out of here. This goddamn community.. I wasnt argueing likelyhood either, I was argueing possibility. Done with the 3ds/switch scene retards.
Maybe if you actually read my first post. Or any of my posts. What part of it was arguing possibility. The first thing I said to start the debate was that you can't compare consoles to each other. Never once mentioned possibility. How am I the one at fault here for your misunderstanding?

Also how was me showing you were factually incorrect with actual facts "bullshit"?
Last edited by TheCyberQuake,


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
Maybe if you actually read my first post. Or any of my posts. What part of it was arguing possibility. The first thing I said to start the debate was that your can't compare consoles to each other. Never once mentioned possibility. How am I the one at fault here for your misunderstanding?

Also how was me showing you were factually incorrect with actual facts "bullshit"?
I didnt misunderstand anything. Telling me the bases for my opinion isnt evidence is a pretty direct declaration of an argument. Which isn't a big deal until you started insulting me which pissed me off.

And you didn't show me that I was factually incorrect about anything. I said current Gen consoles are based on older architecture, to which you cited the switch's arm processor. When I said the switch is based on the ds family, "well that's not what architecture is". You still haven't touched on what was "factually incorrect" about networking being fundamentally the same, but I don't really care.

I can most certainly compare the experiences of third party networking with older consoles. You know why? Theyre both consoles, they both use networks. The arguement of security is irrelevant because it's understood that security would need to be circumvented. If we're on the same side of the arguement, you only started in on me looking to insult me. Otherwise, what the fuck did you quote me for?


Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
I didnt misunderstand anything. Telling me the bases for my opinion isnt evidence is a pretty direct declaration of an argument. Which isn't a big deal until you started insulting me which pissed me off.

And you didn't show me that I was factually incorrect about anything. I said current Gen consoles are based on older architecture, to which you cited the switch's arm processor. When I said the switch is based on the ds family, "well that's not what architecture is". You still haven't touched on what was "factually incorrect" about networking being fundamentally the same, but I don't really care.

I can most certainly compare the experiences of third party networking with older consoles. You know why? Theyre both consoles, they both use networks. The arguement of security is irrelevant because it's understood that security would need to be circumvented. If we're on the same side of the arguement, you only started in on me looking to insult me. Otherwise, what the fuck did you quote me for?
You stated all three consoles had the same architecture as last gen. I proved the playstation and Xbox part of that wrong, and the switch in Nintendo's eyes is the new home console. So in those terms it is different than wii u. But if your want to count it as a portable then fine. That still means you are at minimum partially incorrect.
You then stated as proof that the consoles have same architecture as last gen that the consoles had non-emulated backwards compatibility. Which is just flat out wrong. Both use software-based backwards compatibility. A simple Google search and you found have found that.
I didn't touch on the networking aspect because frankly it's impossible to explain in a decent way to people with no understanding of how networks work. But in extremely simple terms the data that comes out of the system can be formulated and packaged differently. Along with that there are differences in the way the servers authenticate users to allow online play. A vulnerability in one system's networking usually doesn't transfer over to another system, at least not for consoles.
And finally the only "insult" I made was saying you were making yourself look like a fool saying factually incorrect things (which you were wrong about architecture on two consoles and backwards compatibility) which I apologize for. But no other insults were made


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
You stated all three consoles had the same architecture as last gen. I proved the playstation and Xbox part of that wrong, and the switch in Nintendo's eyes is the new home console. So in those terms it is different than wii u. But if your want to count it as a portable then fine. That still means you are at minimum partially incorrect.
You then stated as proof that the consoles have same architecture as last gen that the consoles had non-emulated backwards compatibility. Which is just flat out wrong. Both use software-based backwards compatibility. A simple Google search and you found have found that.
I didn't touch on the networking aspect because frankly it's impossible to explain in a decent way to people with no understanding of how networks work. But in extremely simple terms the data that comes out of the system can be formulated and packaged differently. Along with that there are differences in the way the servers authenticate users to allow online play. A vulnerability in one system's networking usually doesn't transfer over to another system, at least not for consoles.
And finally the only "insult" I made was saying you were making yourself look like a fool saying factually incorrect things (which you were wrong about architecture on two consoles and backwards compatibility) which I apologize for. But no other insults were made
I'm not saying youre wrong, I'm saying you're an asshole. It's your condescending tone that is insulting, even in this post I just quoted. If you accept that I'm partially right, then that means "we" were partially right. As far as the comparison of older consoles, if you weren't a condescending prick, you would have accepted that comparison was valid because other people aren't automatically too fucking stupid to understand that security would have to be dealt with. Then these arguements you keep referencing wouldnt even have come up. we're arguing the same thing, you should have had my back. So you baited me into your arguement and proved me wrong. Showed me what a fool I am. Congrats, go fuck yourself.
Last edited by WeedZ,


Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
I'm not saying youre wrong, I'm saying you're an asshole. It's your condescending tone that is insulting, even in this post I just quoted. If you accept that I'm partially right, then that means "we" were partially right. As far as the comparison of older consoles, if you weren't a condescending prick, you would have accepted that comparison was valid because other people aren't automatically too fucking stupid to understand that security would have to be dealt with. Then these arguements you keep referencing wouldnt even have come up. we're arguing the same thing, you should have had my back. So you baited me into your arguement and proved me wrong. Showed me what a fool I am. Congrats, go fuck yourself.
I wasnt baiting you into anything. I wasnt even planning on debating. All I said was you can't back expectations of one console off of what happened on another console. Then any point you made about why they were similar I tried to counter-argue. For me and Nintendo the switch is the wii u replacement not the 3ds replacement. Hence why I listed that as the difference.
I'm sorry if you take it as condescending, but I'm not going to let you make arguments against my point when they are factually not correct (or mostly not correct). And I didn't explain networking in simple terms because I thought you were stupid, I did it because theres a lot going on at multiple hardware and software levels with technical jargon you wouldn't understand. As someone getting a degree in networking I understand more how networks operate.

Deleted User

No you can't remove tendys paywall.Enjoy Mario kart with stupid npc's,don't forget to thank Microsoft for pay to play.
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Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
I wasnt baiting you into anything. I wasnt even planning on debating. All I said was you can't back expectations of one console off of what happened on another console. Then any point you made about why they were similar I tried to counter-argue. For me and Nintendo the switch is the wii u replacement not the 3ds replacement. Hence why I listed that as the difference.
I'm sorry if you take it as condescending, but I'm not going to let you make arguments against my point when they are factually not correct (or mostly not correct). And I didn't explain networking in simple terms because I thought you were stupid, I did it because theres a lot going on at multiple hardware and software levels with technical jargon you wouldn't understand. As someone getting a degree in networking I understand more how networks operate.

As I understand it the switch is a device with a kernel, seemingly one which abstracts networking away from the end user and follows the OSI model your beloved CCNA will likely have drilled into you.

My favourite 1999 article still applies to network game design, mainly as physics still applies.

Many game servers will do remote storage for obvious reasons (though looking at the PS3 post c3 presentation, and seemingly some aspects of PS4 they have not quite learned that lesson, and Nintendo is even worse than that -- see all the various failings of 3ds pokemon for their general level of incompetence*) but with enough observation it is not so hard.

*my favourite being pokemon battles wherein they sent a plaintext version of the opposing team's selection to the opponent prior to them confirming theirs. See also pokemon battle analyser. Does any of their present network setup inspire confidence in their competence?

Most modern game servers then are glorified multicast systems, and their main flirtation with statefulness is scoreboards, stats and score profiles (and from a functionality perspective you can probably get away with a replay). Even for something which kind of has to be stateful like a MMO can often be figured out with analysis (it is still a multicast server but the interactions remain over longer periods than a session). Given running a server with storage and computation is quite expensive most games will avoid such requirements.

If there is local LAN play on a system then assuming it uses normal network protocols (as far as we can tell it is fairly off the shelf this time which tends to make more interesting lower level stuff, like the DS nifi headerless wifi stuff, harder to do than when you might have had your own silicon) then if you can pipe that over a VPN you have free internet play after a fashion. In the past we have seen deliberately ping limited protocols (later bypassed at the kernel level, and only needed in the hosts) which might trouble that but it is still worth investigating, and even then assuming they have any kind of tolerance for dropped packets you can probably play with your schoolfriends that are likely on the same internet exchange as you. Likewise I have seen dongle/black box/oracle type setups used but did not see much of an option here for anything beyond the handshake -- they are not going to pump a full network pipe through trustzone.

I would agree if we were discussing failures and bypass methods of individual security -- the 360 uses an encrypted memory model, and even checks its security. Fantastic if we are talking about the 360, probably useless here other than to say it has existed in the wild before now. I also agree many of the methods are useless -- there is a reason we saw new models developed to bypass on Windows at least DEP, ASLR (the JIT spray), UAC... right up to why we have return oriented and the earlier stages of counters for that today. I am certainly not going to suggest would be switch hackers invest in some JTAG debugging gear as there does not appear to be any evidence such a thing would be useful.
This however is not that and as mentioned the unstated assumption is we will have kernel and custom game level access, something which does not seem the furthest off at this point, rather than sky3ds or 360 DVD hacks style game replication which early work says likely not. At which point you are down to redirecting traffic if such things are annoyingly hardcoded (back to the 3ds pokemon thing it was hilarious watching ARP poisoning play out on the forums so those suffering modern windows and might just allow you to change SSID home routers could sniff some packets; raw sockets went away I think with windows XP SP2), faking a few scoreboard/handshake protocols (which if you have kernel and thus any cert access you can watch in plaintext a whole bunch of times) and then either dead reckoning the responses or going a bit more in depth if it is more than multicast. A lobby system might be nice but you can abstract that away to a PC or phone or something which is running your custom DNS/redirect (all those LAN play things did this just fine). If they mine the kernel and the game with some obfuscated checks then that sucks but if you have kernel and game level access that is just time, and as they still have to maintain a workable system there is a limit on the amount which can be done. Maybe rare and actually quite bad Japanese mahjong title does not get the treatment but your mario karts, splatoons, monster hunters and the popular stuff will, at which point you have won in the eyes of the flash cart/emulator/custom firmware community.

A question of will emulation reach that point before the switch is done, will we see modified games on official servers and will we see modified consoles on official servers is up for debate. The mere question of the feasibility of some kind of alt path online play* not so much, and actually justifiable to ask about if you are more the guide following type than either the hacking or network deploying/coding type.

*what most mean when they say free online, what with hacking into account management for a service being beyond the pale for any console hacking site I have ever seen -- there may be differences on piracy, overt piracy, scene names, being online on modified devices, being online on modified devices which allow for a measure of cheating and actively making cheats for said same, what is probably going to be some flavour of fraud, theft of services or serious computer hacking charges anywhere in the world is going to be pretty unanimously blocked.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
I'm just curious if there is anyone who is or is going to work on something that's going to get free online for games ?

(For example I pirated rocket league with the ability to connect to official online servers some time ago)

You want piracy ? PERFECT

You want free online ? FAIL

Get Nintendo Switch for online only.. NO PIRATE for you. Your choice. :)

I want piracy. PERFECT!

I dont want online at all. Not my things. PERFECT! :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2009
United States
@WeedZ , plz show me proof of what paid online service was used for free. Third party servers don't count. I.e. Kai link etc. Show me psn+ , xbl gold being used free with hacking. I'll wait for your answer. That would be like running no steam games on steam official servers. Nigh on impossible.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
@WeedZ , plz show me proof of what paid online service was used for free. Third party servers don't count. I.e. Kai link etc. Show me psn+ , xbl gold being used free with hacking. I'll wait for your answer. That would be like running no steam games on steam official servers. Nigh on impossible.
I assume cloned/shared and stolen accounts don't fly here. Depending upon your chosen model (for instance wanting to share one account between several devices) the former is an option for some.

Assuming WeedZ did not claim such a thing (and I don't think I missed that) your example is wandering into either strawman or absurd territory. Everybody that looks into this sort of thing assumes, or should assume*, it is going to be a replication of server functionality or twisting of local/LAN to go over online, or maybe a remote viewing and input option for those things with splitscreen type options (or from a technical perspective those doing serial link cable play that is dropped packet/latency sensitive, like link cables for the handhelds).
If the goal is to play with people other than AI or those within shouting distance and these sorts of techniques manage that it matters little that official servers are not involved.

*the closest to an edge case is stuff like

and maybe those cases where free trials are given out you can chain back to back by whatever means.


GbaTemp is my Drug
Jun 3, 2013
Doomed Island
United States
You want piracy ? PERFECT

You want free online ? FAIL...
If the free online would be separated it doesn't matter since they won't cheat against who bought the game.
@WeedZ , plz show me proof of what paid online service was used for free. Third party servers don't count. I.e. Kai link etc. Show me psn+ , xbl gold being used free with hacking. I'll wait for your answer. That would be like running no steam games on steam official servers. Nigh on impossible.
For 360 there was some crazy stuff, though I don't know anything about free XbLive gold, but I think I have seen somewhere ppl exploiting and getting gold on their account.

There was also a XbLive emulator for RGH\Jtag 360 to be able to go online and even gets unbanned because they had a lot of fresh unbanned keys, but that was a paid service and I have no clue but I think you still had to have gold on your account, I don't really remember if it also gave gold on our account.

And about steam games, well for years and many years I have played several patched games that actually connected with official steam servers and we are able to play with who bought the game...

There's still a few patched by Voksi that work on official servers, but they usually get fixed by the game devs like rocket league...
Last edited by guily6669,


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
United States
I assume cloned/shared and stolen accounts don't fly here. Depending upon your chosen model (for instance wanting to share one account between several devices) the former is an option for some.

Assuming WeedZ did not claim such a thing (and I don't think I missed that) your example is wandering into either strawman or absurd territory. Everybody that looks into this sort of thing assumes, or should assume*, it is going to be a replication of server functionality or twisting of local/LAN to go over online, or maybe a remote viewing and input option for those things with splitscreen type options (or from a technical perspective those doing serial link cable play that is dropped packet/latency sensitive, like link cables for the handhelds).
If the goal is to play with people other than AI or those within shouting distance and these sorts of techniques manage that it matters little that official servers are not involved.

*the closest to an edge case is stuff like

and maybe those cases where free trials are given out you can chain back to back by whatever means.

NGL that's pretty neat.


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
@WeedZ , plz show me proof of what paid online service was used for free. Third party servers don't count. I.e. Kai link etc. Show me psn+ , xbl gold being used free with hacking. I'll wait for your answer. That would be like running no steam games on steam official servers. Nigh on impossible.
Why would I do that? I never made that claim. I specifically said there was third party networks. If you want xbl/ps+ free there is such a thing as credit card fraud.


Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
Why would I do that? I never made that claim. I specifically said there was third party networks. If you want xbl/ps+ free there is such a thing as credit card fraud.
Because the discussion in this thread and from OP was about bypassing Nintendo's online payment while still playing online on their servers. Almost any system can easily be set to tunnel to each other to pretend to be local play. That's not actually bypassing online payment and isn't using the online system of the console, its using to local lan mode of the console. They aren't the same thing, even if in the end you are playing with others online.
Last edited by TheCyberQuake,


Possibly an Enlightened Being
Global Moderator
Jan 13, 2015
The State of Denial
United States
Because the discussion in this thread and from OP was about bypassing Nintendo's online payment while still playing online on their servers. Almost any system can easily be set to tunnel to each other to pretend to be local play. That's not actually bypassing online payment and isn't using the online system of the console, its using to local lan mode of the console. They aren't the same thing, even if in the end you are playing with others online.
Oh fuck, here we go. No, if you read the op he asks if there is anything homebrew related to play games online for free. He didn't ask for bypassing payment to use nintendo servers specifically. My examples fit that criteria.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I'm just curious if there is anyone who is or is going to work on something that's going to get free online for games ?

(For example I pirated rocket league with the ability to connect to official online servers some time ago)
Here, even quoted for you


Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
Oh fuck, here we go. No, if you read the op he asks if there is anything homebrew related to play games online for free. He didn't ask for bypassing payment to use nintendo servers specifically. My examples fit that criteria.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Here, even quoted for you
You missed that second part referencing official servers for rocket league, which made me think "official servers". But re-reading the first section I can see what you mean. My mistake.
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Certified Geek
Dec 2, 2014
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
In my experience of using tunnels for playing consoles online I would rather just pay for online. They are usually held back by the person with the worst lag and usually have very few users to actually play with. But that's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2018
Is there a good tutorial on how to patch DS roms for Wiimfi?

PS: Sorry, thought I'm in the DS section. Ignore the post.
Last edited by gemliu,

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